1. 拼写
2. 发音
3. 意义
4. 相关单词
5. 听力课
1. 含义解释:
2. 例句:
- He is such a miser that he refuses to buy new clothes even when his old ones are falling apart.
- Don't be such a miser, it's okay to treat yourself once in a while.
- She inherited a fortune from her miserly uncle, but she still lives a frugal life.
3. 用法提示:
4. 幽默插图:
1. Miserable - 悲惨的,可怜的,痛苦的
2. Misery - 痛苦,悲惨,不幸
3. Miserliness - 吝啬,小气
4. Miserly - 吝啬的,小气的
5. Misery loves company - 悲伤喜欢同伴(意为:不幸者喜欢和同样不幸的人在一起)
6. Miserable failure - 惨败,彻底失败
7. Misfortune - 不幸,厄运
8. Mismanage - 管理不善,操办不当
9. Misunderstand - 误解,误会
10. Miscalculate - 计算错误,估计失误
11. Misconduct - 不当行为,渎职行为
12. Mislead - 误导,引入歧途
13. Mischievous - 恶作剧的,淘气的
14. Mishap - 不幸事件,意外事故
15. Mismatched - 不匹配的,不相称的
16. Misspell - 拼写错误
17. Mistake - 错误,误解
18. Mistreat- 虐待, 对待不公平
19.Misadventure- 厄运, 不幸事件
20.Misapplication- 用错, 错误应用
21.Misappropriate- 盗用, 私自挪用
22.Misdemeanor- 轻罪, 不良行为
23.Misrepresent- 歪曲, 误传
24.Misconception- 误解, 错误观念
25.Misconduct- 不当行为, 渎职行为
26.Misnomer- 用词不当, 误称
27. Misjudge - 判断错误,评价不当
28. Misplaced - 放错地方的,错位的
29. Misinterpret - 误解,曲解
30. Mismatch - 不匹配,不相称
31. Miscommunication - 沟通不畅,交流失误
32. Misguided - 被误导的,受蒙蔽的
33. Misprint - 印刷错误,印刷失误
34. Mistrust - 不信任,怀疑
35. Mistakenly - 错误地,被误导地
36. Misfortune-teller - 预言家(贬义词)
37. Misty-eyed - 眼眶湿润的,泪眼模糊的
38. Mistaken identity - 身份混淆(指人被认错身份)
39. Misdial - 拨错号码,拨号错误
40. Miserable existence - 悲惨的生活
41. Miscarriage of justice-司法失职
42.Misconstrue- 曲解, 误解
43.Misfire- (枪支等)走火, 失效
44.Misgiving- 疑虑, 不安
45.Misprint- 印刷错误, 打印失误
46.Misquote- 引用错误, 引述失实
47.Mistrial- 审判失败, 无效审判
48.Misapprehension- 误解, 错觉
49.Mischief-maker- 惹是生非者(贬义词)
50.Misinformation- 错误信息,假消息
1. Stingy: This word is often used to describe someone who is very reluctant to spend money or give it away. For example, "He is so miserly that he never buys anything for himself."
2. Frugal: Similar to stingy, this word also describes someone who is very careful with their money and does not like to spend it unnecessarily. For instance, "She has always been known for her frugal ways, even when she was a millionaire."
3. Tightfisted: This word has a negative connotation and is used to describe someone who is unwilling to share or give away their money. For example, "The boss is known for being tightfisted and never gives his employees bonuses."
4. Thrifty: This word can be used as a synonym for frugal, but it also carries a positive connotation of being wise with money and making smart financial decisions. For instance, "She was able to save a lot of money by being thrifty and shopping for bargains."
5. Parsimonious: This formal word means extremely stingy or unwilling to part with money. It often carries a negative tone and is not commonly used in everyday conversation. An example sentence could be, "The millionaire's parsimonious ways were the reason for his immense wealth."
6. Miserable: Although this word does not directly mean stingy or frugal, it can be used in certain contexts to describe someone who is very unhappy because they are constantly worried about money and saving every penny they have.
7. Avaricious: This word means having an extreme desire for wealth and possessions and often goes hand in hand with being miserly. It can also be used in a more general sense of being greedy or selfish with anything valuable.
8. Scrooge-like: Derived from the famous character Ebenezer Scrooge from Charles Dickens' novel A Christmas Carol, this word is used to describe someone who is very stingy and unwilling to spend money, just like the character in the story.
9. Niggardly: This word has a similar meaning to miserly, but it can also be used to describe someone who is unwilling to share or give away anything valuable, not just money. It is not commonly used in everyday conversation and can be considered offensive by some people.
10. Close-fisted: This word means being unwilling to spend money or give it away. It can also be used in a more general sense of being stingy or ungenerous with anything valuable.
In conclusion, the word "miser" has various synonyms that can be used to describe someone who is very careful with their money and does not like to spend it unnecessarily. These words carry different connotations and can be used in different contexts, but they all revolve around the idea of being miserly or stingy with money