1. mistletoe的含义
Mistletoe是一种常见的植物,属于桑科植物,学名为Viscum album。它通常生长在其他树木上,具有浓密的绿叶和白色的浆果,是圣诞节和新年节日中常见的装饰品。
2. mistletoe的起源
3. mistletoe的读音
mistletoe的正确读音是[mis-uh l-toh]。其中,“mis”发音为[mi-s],“tle”发音为[tuh-l],“toe”发音为[toh]。
4. mistletoe同义词
5. mistletoe例句
- The children were excited to hang the mistletoe above the doorway for Christmas.
- According to tradition, if two people stand under the mistletoe, they have to kiss.
- The ancient druids believed that mistletoe had magical powers.
1. mistletoe的意思
2. mistletoe的发音及读法
3. mistletoe的同义词
除了mistletoe这个名称之外,还有其他一些同义词可以用来指代这种植物。比如,“holly”、“evergreen”、“parasitic plant”等等。不过,在圣诞节期间,我相信大家都会选择用mistletoe来称呼它。
4. mistletoe的例句
- I hung a sprig of mistletoe above the doorway.
- He kissed her under the mistletoe, hoping for a Christmas miracle.
- The mistletoe is a symbol of love and friendship during the holiday season.
1. mistletoe的意思
2. mistletoe的发音
3. mistletoe的同义词
除了mistletoe之外,还有一些其他名称可以指代这种植物。比如:holy bough、birdlime、devil's fuge、golden bough等等。
4. mistletoe的例句
- The tradition of kissing under the mistletoe dates back to ancient times.
- Mistletoe is often used as a Christmas decoration.
- The Druids considered mistletoe to be a sacred plant.
- We hung the mistletoe above the doorway for good luck.
- The berries of mistletoe are poisonous if ingested.
5. mistletoe的用法
6. mistletoe的文化意义
1. Holly: mistletoe和holly都是圣诞节常见的植物,但holly比mistletoe更常用于装饰圣诞节。例如,你可以听到这样的歌词:“Deck the halls with boughs of holly, Fa la la la la, la la la la.”
2. Christmas bough: 这个词指的是装饰圣诞树或房间的绿色植物,其中也包括了mistletoe。例如,你可以说:“I hung up the Christmas bough in the living room, and I made sure to include some mistletoe for good luck.”
3. Parasitic plant: mistletoe是一种寄生植物,所以你也可以用这个词来形容它。例如,你可以说:“Mistletoe is a parasitic plant that grows on trees and takes nutrients from them.”
4. Kissing ball: 在一些地方,人们会将mistletoe和其他植物绑在一起制作成一个球形装饰品,称为kissing ball。当然,在这个装饰品上也会放上一些mistletoe来给人们一个亲吻的借口。例如,你可以说:“I made a kissing ball for my holiday party and hung it in the doorway, hoping to catch some unsuspecting guests under the mistletoe.”
1. mistletoe的意思:mistletoe是一种常见的植物,也被称为“槲寄生”,它通常生长在树枝上,并具有浓密的绿叶和白色小花。在西方文化中,mistletoe被视为圣诞节期间的传统装饰物,人们相信在其下面接吻会带来好运。
2. mistletoe的读音:mistletoe的发音为/mɪsəltəʊ/,重音在第二个音节上。
3. mistletoe的同义词:holly (圣诞树上常用的绿色植物)、parasitic plant (寄生植物)、Christmas greenery (圣诞节装饰用绿色植物)。
4. mistletoe的例句:
- The children hung mistletoe above the doorway to catch their parents for a kiss.
- According to tradition, if two people meet under the mistletoe, they must kiss.
5. mistletoe与圣诞节相关的词组和搭配用法:
- hang up the mistletoe (挂上槲寄生)
- kiss under the mistletoe (在槲寄生下接吻)
- mistletoe wreath (槲寄生花环)
- mistletoe tradition (槲寄生传统)
- mistletoe decoration (槲寄生装饰)
- mistletoe berries (槲寄生浆果)
6. mistletoe与其他节日相关的词组和搭配用法:
- Valentine's Day: a kiss under the mistletoe (情人节:在槲寄生下接吻)
- New Year's Eve: hang up the mistletoe for good luck (除夕夜:挂上槲寄生带来好运)
- Wedding: include a sprig of mistletoe in the bouquet (婚礼:在花束中加入一小枝槲寄生)
7. 关于mistletoe的传说和神话:
8. mistletoe在现代的用途: