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Definition and meaning of "mistress"

1. Introduction

"Mistress" is a word that has been used for centuries, but its meaning and usage have evolved over time. In this section, we will explore the definition and meaning of "mistress" in modern English.

2. Definition of "mistress"

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, "mistress" can be defined as a woman who has power, authority, or ownership over something or someone. It can also refer to a woman who is in a romantic or sexual relationship with a man who is married to someone else.

3. Origin of the word "mistress"

The word "mistress" comes from the Old French word "maistresse," which means female teacher or governess. In medieval times, it was used to refer to a woman who was in charge of educating children in a household.

4. Usage of "mistress"

In modern English, the term "mistress" is most commonly used to refer to a woman who is having an affair with a married man. However, it can also be used in other contexts such as referring to a female owner of an animal or property.

5. Negative connotations

Due to its association with extramarital affairs, the word "mistress" often carries negative connotations and is seen as derogatory towards women. It implies that the woman is inferior and subservient to the man she is involved with.

6. Alternative terms

To avoid using the term "mistress," some people prefer alternative terms such as "lover," "partner," or "companion." These terms are seen as more gender-neutral and do not carry the same negative connotations.

7. Pronunciation

The pronunciation of "mistress" is \ˈmis-trəs\ with stress on the first syllable and pronounced like 'miss' followed by 'truss.'

8. Examples in sentences

- She was his mistress for over a decade before he finally divorced his wife and married her.

- The horse's mistress was a kind and gentle woman who took great care of him.

- The mistress of the house was known for her impeccable taste and exquisite sense of style.

9. Conclusion

In conclusion, the word "mistress" has a complex history and can have different meanings depending on the context. While it is commonly associated with extramarital affairs, it can also refer to a woman in a position of power or ownership. It is important to be aware of its negative connotations and use alternative terms when appropriate

How to pronounce "mistress"


1. mistress的意思是什么?


- 女主人:指女性家庭主人或女性雇主。

- 情妇:指男性有妇之夫外遇的女性。

- 女教师:尤其是私塾或小学中的女老师。

- 女管家:负责管理家庭事务的女性。

2. mistress怎么读?

现在让我们来看看如何正确发音mistress这个单词。根据英语国际音标,mistress应该被读作/ˈmɪstrəs/,其中重点在于第二个音节"trəs"的发音。注意,在英式英语中,有时也会将第一个音节读作/ˈmɪstər/, 但在美式英语中则通常不会有这种变化。

3. 如何记住这个发音?


Usage and examples of "mistress"

1. "Mistress"的意思是什么?


2. 如何正确读音“mistress”?


3. "Mistress"的用法和例子

- 作为名词使用:

a. She is his mistress. (她是他的情妇。)

b. The king's mistress was very powerful in the palace. (国王的情妇在宫中非常有权势。)

c. She is a mistress of the house, managing everything with ease. (她是这个家庭的女主人,轻松管理着一切。)

- 作为动词使用:

a. He likes to be in control and mistress over others. (他喜欢掌控和支配别人。)

b. The dictator mistresses his people with fear and violence. (独裁者用恐惧和暴力统治着他的人民。)

4. "Mistress"在文学作品中的用法


5. "Mistress"和"master"之间的区别


Common phrases with "mistress"

1. Mistress: a woman in a position of authority or control over someone or something, often used in a negative connotation.

2. Mistress of the house: the female head of a household, responsible for managing and running the household.

3. Mistress of ceremonies: a woman who is responsible for organizing and conducting formal events or ceremonies.

4. Mistress of disguise: a woman who is skilled at changing her appearance to deceive others.

5. Mistress of the situation: a woman who is in control and able to handle any situation that arises.

6. Mistress of the art: a woman who is highly skilled and knowledgeable in a particular art form.

7. Mistress of seduction: a woman who is skilled at enticing and attracting others, often with ulterior motives.

8. Master and mistress: used to refer to both the male and female heads of a household or organization.

9. Lady's maid/mistress's maid: a female servant who assists and attends to the needs of her employer, specifically female employers.

10. Lover/mistress: used to refer to someone's romantic partner, particularly if they are not married or in an official relationship.

11. Power mistress: a woman who uses her sexuality or charm to gain power over others, often in business or politics.

12. Royal mistress: refers to a woman who has an affair with royalty, usually with political implications.

13. Mistress piece/secret mistress: refers to someone's secret lover or partner outside their main relationship/marriage.

14. Schoolmistress/headmistress/principal/head teacher: all refer to women in charge of running schools or educational institutions.

15. Mistresses' room/women's quarters/women's lounge/ladies' parlor: refers to designated areas for women in public places such as hotels, restaurants, etc., where they can relax and socialize away from men.

16. Mistressful/mistressly: terms that describe a woman who is dominant, controlling, or authoritative in her behavior.

17. Mistress of the universe: a woman who is successful and powerful in various aspects of life, often used sarcastically.

18. Mistress ship: refers to the position or authority of a mistress.

19. Mistress key: refers to a key that opens all doors in a house, given to the mistress for easy access and control.

20. Mistressful/mistresslike: terms used to describe someone who behaves like a mistress, often with negative connotations

Synonyms of "mistress" with examples

1. Lover

- Definition: A person with whom one has a romantic or sexual relationship.

- Example: He left his wife for his mistress.

2. Paramour

- Definition: A lover, especially one in an adulterous relationship.

- Example: The king's paramour was known to all, but she remained his favorite.

3. Courtesan

- Definition: A prostitute, especially one with wealthy or upper-class clients.

- Example: The courtesan entertained the nobleman with her wit and charm.

4. Concubine

- Definition: A woman who lives with a man but is not legally married to him.

- Example: The emperor had many concubines in his palace.

5. Fling

- Definition: A brief or casual sexual relationship.

- Example: She had a fling with her boss while on a business trip.

6. Affair

- Definition: A romantic or sexual relationship, typically secret and illicit.

- Example: The politician's affair scandalized the public and ruined his career.

7. Mistress of the house

- Definition: A woman who is in charge of running a household.

- Example: The mistress of the house oversaw all domestic matters and ensured everything ran smoothly.

8. Inamorata/Inamorato

- Definition: A person's female/male lover or sweetheart.

- Example: She was his inamorata, and he would do anything for her.

9. Significant other (SO)

- Definition: A person with whom someone has an intimate and committed relationship.

- Example: She introduced her significant other to her family at Thanksgiving dinner.

10. Partner

- Definition: Someone who shares an intimate and committed relationship with another person.

Example - They have been partners for 10 years and are still deeply in love.

11. Soulmate

Definition - A person ideally suited to another as a close friend or romantic partner.

Example - She believed he was her soulmate and they were destined to be together.

12. Consort

- Definition: A person who shares the life of someone else, especially a monarch.

- Example: The queen's consort stood by her side through all her royal duties.

13. Companion

- Definition: A person who accompanies or shares activities with another.

- Example: She enjoyed spending time with her companion, exploring new places and trying new things.

14. Amour

- Definition: A secret or illicit love affair.

- Example: The two lovers carried on their amour in secret, knowing it was forbidden.

15. Flame

- Definition: A passionate or intense love affair.

- Example: Her flame for him never died, even after all these years apart.

16. Enchantress

- Definition: A woman who uses magic or charm to attract and fascinate others.

- Example: The enchantress bewitched the prince and made him fall in love with her.

17. Temptress

- Definition: A woman who tempts or lures others, often into sexual relationships.

- Example: She was known as the temptress of the town, always seducing men with her beauty and charm.

18. Coquette

- Definition: A flirtatious woman who leads men on but has no intention of serious commitment.

- Example: The coquette enjoyed playing with men's hearts but never stayed with one for too long.

19. Mistress of ceremonies (MC)

Definition - A person responsible for organizing and conducting formal events or performances.

Example - The mistress of ceremonies kept the guests entertained throughout the evening with her wit and humor.

20. Loverat/Love rat

Definition - A man who is unfaithful to his partner, often having multiple affairs at once.

Example - He was known as a loverat in his circle of friends, always cheating on his girlfriends

In conclusion, "mistress" can refer to a woman in a position of authority or control, or a woman with whom someone is having an affair. It can also be used as a term of endearment or to refer to a female teacher or expert in a certain field. With its various meanings and uses, "mistress" is a versatile and dynamic word in the English language.