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Misunderstood: Meaning, Synonyms, Usage and Idiom Chain




1. Misunderstood的含义


Misunderstood: Meaning, Synonyms, Usage and Idiom Chain

2. Misunderstood的同义词


3. Misunderstood的使用

Misunderstood通常用作形容词,在句子中作定语或表语。例如:“She is often misunderstood by her colleagues.”(她经常被同事们误解);“The meaning of his words was misunderstood.”(他话中的意思被误解了)。此外,Misunderstood也可以作为过去分词出现在句子中,表示动作已经发生完毕。例如:“I have always felt misunderstood in this company.”(我一直觉得自己在这家公司里被误解)。

4. Misunderstood的习语链


- be misunderstood:被误解

- often misunderstood:经常被误解

- misunderstood genius:被误解的天才

- misunderstood artist:被误解的艺术家



1. “Misunderstood”是一个由“mis”和“understood”两个词组成的复合词,读作[mis-uhn-der-stood],重音在第二个音节上。其中,“mis”表示错误、不正确,而“understood”表示理解、明白。因此,“Misunderstood”的意思可以理解为“被误解的、被误会的”。

2. 在英语中,这个单词通常用作形容词,用来形容人或事物被别人误解或误会的状态。例如:“I feel so misunderstood by my friends.”(我感觉我的朋友们都对我有误解。)

3. “Misunderstood”的同义词包括:misinterpreted, misconstrued, misjudged, misrepresented等。它们都有着类似的意思,即被别人理解错误。

4. 这个词也可以用作动词,表示“误解、误会”。例如:“I'm afraid you have misunderstood my intentions.”(恐怕你误解了我的意图。)

5. 在日常生活中,我们经常会遇到被别人误解或误会的情况。因此,“Misunderstood”也经常出现在各种口语表达中。比如,“You totally misunderstood what I said.”(你完全把我说的话理解错了。)

6. 此外,“Misunderstood”还可以构成一些习语表达,如:“a misunderstood genius”(被误解的天才)、“a misunderstood artist”(被误会的艺术家)等。这些短语通常用来形容那些被大众所不理解、不认同的人才。

7. “Misunderstood”也可以用来指代一种文化现象,即“误解文化”。在跨文化交流中,由于不同国家、地区的文化差异,可能会产生误解和误会。因此,“Misunderstood culture”也常被用来描述这种情况。

8. 总而言之,“Misunderstood”是一个常用的形容词,可以用来指代被别人误解或误会的状态,也可以用作动词表示“误解、误会”。它还有一些相关的同义词和习语表达,可根据具体语境灵活运用


1. What does "Misunderstood" mean?

- "Misunderstood" refers to a situation where someone is not understood correctly or is not given the proper understanding or attention.

- “Misunderstood”指的是某人被错误理解或没有得到正确的理解或关注的情况。

2. Synonyms for "Misunderstood"

- Misinterpreted

- Misconstrued

- Misjudged

- Misread

- Misperceived

- Mistaken

- Incomprehensible

3. How to use "Misunderstood" in a sentence?

- She often feels misunderstood by her family.


- His intentions were misunderstood by his colleagues.


- The artist's work was often misunderstood by critics.


4. Idiom chain with "Misunderstood"

"Misunderstood" can be used in various idiomatic expressions, such as:

- Get the wrong end of the stick: to misunderstand something completely.


Example: I think you got the wrong end of the stick, I didn't mean it that way. (我觉得你完全误会了,我不是那个意思。)

- Lost in translation: when something is not accurately translated and loses its original meaning.


Example: The message was lost in translation and caused a lot of confusion. (这条信息翻译有问题,导致很多混乱。)

- Cross wires: to misunderstand each other.


Example: We were talking about different things, we must have crossed wires. (我们在谈论不同的事情,一定是彼此之间有误解。)

5. 双语例句

- He is often misunderstood by his colleagues because of his quiet nature.


- The concept of love can be easily misunderstood by different people.


- The politician's speech was misinterpreted by the media, causing a lot of controversy.



1. Misinterpreted

Misunderstood and misinterpreted are often used interchangeably, but they have slightly different meanings. While misunderstood refers to a lack of understanding or incorrect understanding, misinterpreted specifically refers to a wrong interpretation or understanding of something. For example, "Her actions were often misinterpreted by her colleagues, leading to conflicts in the workplace."

2. Misconstrued

Similar to misinterpreted, misconstrued also means to misunderstand or interpret something incorrectly. However, it has a stronger connotation of distorting or twisting the meaning of something. For instance, "The media often misconstrues the statements made by politicians for their own agenda."

3. Misread

To misread something is to fail to understand or interpret it correctly. It can also refer to mistakenly reading something in a different way than intended. For example, "He misread the instructions and ended up assembling the furniture incorrectly."

4. Misapprehended

Misapprehended is another synonym for misunderstood that emphasizes a lack of comprehension or failure to grasp something correctly. It can also imply a misunderstanding due to preconceived notions or biases. For instance, "The complex scientific concepts were often misapprehended by the students."

5. Misperceived

Misperceived means to perceive or understand something incorrectly or inaccurately. It can also refer to having a wrong impression about someone or something due to faulty perception. For example, "His shy demeanor was often misperceived as arrogance by his classmates."

6. Misjudged

To misjudge is to make an incorrect judgment or assessment about someone or something based on incomplete information or biased views. It can also refer to wrongly evaluating a situation or making incorrect predictions about it. For instance, "She was often misjudged by her coworkers because of her reserved nature."


Misconceived means poorly conceived or based on false assumptions and can refer to a misunderstanding or incorrect understanding of something. It can also imply a mistaken belief or idea. For example, "The project was doomed from the start because of its misconceived goals."

8. Misinterpreted

Misunderstood and misinterpreted are often used interchangeably, but they have slightly different meanings. While misunderstood refers to a lack of understanding or incorrect understanding, misinterpreted specifically refers to a wrong interpretation or understanding of something. For example, "Her actions were often misinterpreted by her colleagues, leading to conflicts in the workplace."

9. Mistranslated

To mistranslate is to translate something incorrectly or inaccurately, resulting in a misunderstanding of the original meaning. It can also refer to mistakenly using the wrong words or phrases while translating. For instance, "The mistranslation of the contract caused confusion and disputes between the two parties."

10. Miscomprehended

Miscomprehended means not properly understood or comprehended and can refer to a lack of understanding due to various factors such as language barriers, complexity of the subject matter, etc. For example, "The foreign students often felt miscomprehended in class because they struggled with the language."


1. "Lost in Translation": This phrase is often used to describe a situation where something is misunderstood or mistranslated due to language barriers. It can also be used to describe a feeling of being misunderstood by others.

2. "Barking up the wrong tree": This idiom means to pursue a wrong or mistaken course of action, often resulting in misunderstanding or failure.

3. "Crossed wires": This phrase refers to a situation where communication has been mixed up or misunderstood, causing confusion and misunderstandings.

4. "Playing telephone": This expression comes from the game where a message is passed from person to person, often resulting in the original message being distorted and misunderstood.

5. "Get your wires crossed": Similar to "crossed wires", this phrase means that there has been a miscommunication or misunderstanding between two people.

6. "Lost in the shuffle": This idiom describes a situation where someone or something has been overlooked or forgotten due to confusion or lack of attention, leading to misunderstandings and mistakes.

7. "Mixed signals": This phrase is often used when someone's words or actions do not match their true intentions, resulting in misunderstandings and confusion.

8. "Singing from different hymn sheets": This expression refers to people having different opinions or perspectives on a topic, leading to misunderstandings and disagreements.

9. "Lost in the crowd": Similar to being lost in translation, this phrase describes feeling misunderstood and unnoticed among a group of people.

10. "Talking at cross purposes": When two people are talking about the same topic but have different understandings or goals, it can lead to misunderstandings and miscommunication.

11. "Two ships passing in the night": This idiom describes two people who do not understand each other's intentions or feelings, leading to missed opportunities for connection and understanding.

12. "Lost in the noise": In today's fast-paced world with constant information and distractions, it is easy for important messages to get lost or misunderstood in the noise of everyday life.

13. "Lost in the translation": This phrase is often used to describe a situation where something has been misunderstood or lost in the process of translation from one language to another.

14. "Speaking a different language": This expression can be used to describe a situation where two people have different perspectives or ways of communicating, leading to misunderstandings and misinterpretations.

15. "Lost in the fog": Similar to being lost in the shuffle, this phrase describes feeling confused and disoriented due to a lack of clarity or understanding
