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1. 时尚发音



2. 音标解析


3. 小技巧


4. 发挥想象力



1. 什么是modish


2. modish的发音和词源


3. modish的近义词和反义词



4. modish在句子中的用法

(1) He always dresses in a modish way, with the latest designer clothes.


(2) The restaurant has a very modish interior design, attracting many young people.


(3) Her hairstyle is very modish, it must have cost a lot at the salon.


5. modish与其他相关词汇

(1) mode [mohd]:模式;方式;风格;流行趋势

(2) modern [mod-ern]:现代的;时髦的;新潮的

(3) stylish [stahy-lish]:时尚的;别致的;漂亮的

6. modish在不同语境下的意思




1. 什么是modish?


2. 如何使用modish?


- She always wears the most modish clothes.(她总是穿最时髦的衣服。)

- The restaurant has a modish interior design.(这家餐厅有着时尚的室内设计。)

3. modish和其他形容词有什么区别?


4. 例句

- Her modish haircut caught everyone's attention.(她时髦的发型吸引了所有人的注意。)

- The fashion show displayed the latest modish designs.(时装秀展示了最新的时尚设计。)

- Is it really necessary to follow every modish trend?(每一种流行趋势都要追随吗?)


1. Stylish - 时尚的

2. Fashionable - 时髦的

3. Trendy - 潮流的

4. Chic - 高雅时尚的

5. Sophisticated - 有品位的

6. Elegant - 优雅的

7. Classy - 高贵典雅的

8. Hip - 活跃时尚的

9. Contemporary - 当代的

10. Swanky - 豪华时尚的

1. Stylish: Modish is often used to describe someone or something that is stylish, fashionable, and up-to-date with the latest trends.

2. Fashionable: This word also refers to something that is currently popular and in style, making it a good synonym for modish.

3. Trendy: Similar to fashionable, this word suggests something that is in vogue or trendy at the moment.

4. Chic: This word carries connotations of sophistication and elegance, making it a perfect synonym for modish.

5. Sophisticated: Modish can also be used to describe someone who has a refined sense of style and taste, making them sophisticated.

6. Elegant: This word describes something that is tasteful and graceful in appearance, making it a fitting synonym for modish.

7. Classy: Like elegant, this word implies a sense of refinement and classiness, which aligns with the meaning of modish.

8. Hip: Modish can also refer to something that is current and cool, making hip a suitable synonym.

9. Contemporary: This word means modern or up-to-date, which makes it an appropriate substitute for modish.

10.Swanky: Often used to describe luxurious and upscale things or people, swanky can also be used as a synonym for modish when referring to something that is fashionable and stylish


1. Outdated - 过时的

Modish的反义词之一是outdated,指的是过时的、不流行的。与modish相比,outdated更强调某种事物已经过时,不再符合当下的潮流和趋势。例如:The fashion industry is always changing, what was modish last year may be outdated this year. (时尚界总是在变化,去年还很流行的东西今年可能已经过时了。)

2. Unfashionable - 不时髦的

Unfashionable也可以用来表示modish的反义词,意为不时髦的、不合潮流的。与modish相比,unfashionable更强调某种事物不符合当下的流行趋势,可能会被认为是老土或者过时的。例如:Her outfit was very unfashionable, she definitely needs to update her wardrobe. (她穿着很不时髦,她需要更新一下衣柜了。)

3. Old-fashioned - 过时的;老式的

Old-fashioned也可以用来表示modish的反义词,主要指某种事物已经过时或者不再符合现代潮流和趋势。与modish相比,old-fashioned更强调某种事物具有传统、古老或者保守的特点。例如:Her taste in fashion is quite old-fashioned, she prefers classic styles over trendy ones. (她对时尚的品味很老式,她更喜欢经典款式而不是时髦的。)

4. Unstylish - 不时尚的

Unstylish也可以用来表示modish的反义词,意为不时尚的、不合潮流的。与modish相比,unstylish更强调某种事物不符合当下的流行趋势,可能会被认为是没有品位或者缺乏时尚感的。例如:Her outfit was very unstylish, she clearly doesn't follow fashion trends. (她穿着很不时尚,显然不追随潮流。)

5. Antiquated - 过时的;陈旧的

Antiquated也可以用来表示modish的反义词,主要指某种事物已经过时或者过于陈旧。与modish相比,antiquated更强调某种事物具有古老、落后或者过时的特点。例如:Her taste in interior design is quite antiquated, she prefers traditional styles over modern ones. (她对室内设计的品味很过时,她更喜欢传统风格而不是现代风格。)

6. Retro - 复古;复古风格

Retro也可以用来表示modish的反义词,意为复古、怀旧或者复古风格。与modish相比,retro更强调某种事物具有复古风格,可能会被认为是过时的但又具有一定的魅力。例如:Her outfit has a retro vibe, she loves to incorporate vintage pieces into her wardrobe. (她的穿着有一种复古气息,她喜欢在衣柜里加入一些复古单品。)

7. Plain - 平淡;普通的

Plain也可以用来表示modish的反义词,意为平淡、普通或者没有特色。与modish相比,plain更强调某种事物缺乏新颖或者独特的设计,可能会被认为是乏味或者无聊的。例如:Her outfit was quite plain, she needs to add some accessories to make it more interesting. (她穿着很平淡,需要加一些配饰让它更有趣。)

8. Traditional - 传统的;保守的

Traditional也可以用来表示modish的反义词,主要指某种事物具有传统、保守或者不合潮流的特点。与modish相比,traditional更强调某种事物追随传统而不是时尚潮流。例如:Her fashion sense is quite traditional, she prefers classic styles over trendy ones. (她对时尚的品味很传统,更喜欢经典款式而不是时髦的。)

9. Uncool - 不酷的;不时髦的

Uncool也可以用来表示modish的反义词,意为不酷的、不时髦的或者不赞同的。与modish相比,uncool更强调某种事物被认为是不酷或者不符合潮流趋势。例如:Her outfit was very uncool, she doesn't know how to dress for the occasion. (她穿着很不酷,她不知道如何根据场合穿衣。)

10. Boring - 无聊的;乏味的

Boring也可以用来表示modish的反义词,意为无聊的、乏味的或者缺乏创意。与modish相比,boring更强调某种事物缺乏新颖或者独特之处,可能会被认为是乏味或者无聊的。例如:Her outfit was quite boring, she needs to add some color or pattern to make it more interesting. (她穿着很无聊,需要加一些色彩或图案让它更有趣。)

modish是一个非常时髦的词汇,它的发音非常简单,只需要记住“moh-dish”就可以了。它的意思是时尚的、流行的,用来形容那些追求潮流、跟上时代潮流的人或事物。我们可以通过以下例句来更加深入地理解modish:She always dresses in a modish way to stand out in the crowd.(她总是穿着时髦的衣服来脱颖而出。)如果你想要表达相同的意思,也可以使用其他同义词,比如trendy、fashionable、stylish等。相反地,如果你想要表达与modish相反的意思,可以使用一些反义词,比如outdated、old-fashioned、unfashionable等。最后,我是网站编辑小明,在这里和大家分享有趣的英语知识和技巧,并希望能够帮助大家提高英语水平。如果你喜欢我的文章,请不要忘记关注我哦!