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Introduction to the word "mole"

1. What is "mole"?

"Mole" is a word that has multiple meanings and can be used in different contexts. In general, it can refer to a small, dark spot or blemish on the skin, an animal that lives underground, or a unit of measurement in chemistry.


2. How to pronounce "mole"?

The word "mole" is pronounced as [moʊl] in American English and [məʊl] in British English. The "o" sound is similar to the one in the word "goal".

3. Synonyms for "mole"

Some synonyms for the word "mole" include:

- Spot: This refers to a small mark or blemish on the skin.

- Burrower: This is another name for an animal that lives underground.

- Mol: This is another unit of measurement used in chemistry, also known as Avogadro's number.

4. Examples of usage

Here are some examples of how the word "mole" can be used in different contexts:

- Skin mole: She went to the dermatologist to have her mole checked.

- Animal mole: The farmer's crops were destroyed by moles living under his fields.

- Chemistry mole: The experiment required 2 moles of sulfuric acid.

In conclusion, the word "mole" has various meanings and can be pronounced differently depending on the region. It is important to understand its context in order to use it correctly in speech or writing

How to pronounce "mole"


1. 发音


2. 同义词


- Burrow: 指动物挖掘或建造的洞穴或隧道。

例句:The mole created a complex burrow system underground.

- Tunnel: 指人工挖掘或建造的通道。

例句:The workers dug a tunnel through the mountain.

- Hole: 指任何大小、形状或深度的空洞。

例句:There's a hole in my sock.

- Den: 指某些动物居住或藏身的地方。

例句:The bear made its den in a cave.

3. 用法示例


- Mole也可以指一种皮肤病,通常表现为黑褐色的斑点。

例句:She has a mole on her face.

- Mole还可以指一种墨西哥菜肴,由辣椒、香料和巧克力制成。

例句:I love to eat mole with chicken.

- Mole还有一个专业术语含义,指化学反应中参与反应但本身并未发生变化的物质。

例句:The catalyst acts as a mole in the reaction.


Usage and examples of "mole"

1. Meaning of "mole"

"Mole" is a noun that has multiple meanings, depending on the context in which it is used. It can refer to a small, dark-colored mammal with velvety fur and very small eyes, or it can also refer to a unit of measurement in chemistry for the amount of substance. However, in this article, we will focus on the meaning of "mole" as a skin lesion.

2. How to pronounce "mole"

The word "mole" is pronounced as [moʊl] in American English and [məʊl] in British English.

3. Synonyms for "mole"

Some synonyms for "mole" include: nevus, birthmark, beauty mark, spot, blemish.

4. Examples of usage

- A mole on her cheek added to her charm.

- The doctor examined the patient's moles for any signs of skin cancer.

- She had a large mole on her arm that she was self-conscious about.

- He had several moles on his back that he wanted to get checked by a dermatologist.

5. Different types of moles

There are different types of moles that can appear on the skin. These include:

- Congenital nevi: moles present at birth.

- Acquired moles: moles that develop later in life.

- Junctional nevi: flat and brown moles that are usually found on the face or trunk.

- Compound nevi: slightly raised and light brown moles that can appear anywhere on the body.

- Dermal nevi: dark and raised moles that can be hairy and are often found on the face or scalp.

6. When should you be concerned about a mole?

Most moles are harmless and do not require any treatment. However, it is important to keep an eye on your moles and consult a doctor if you notice any changes in size, shape, or color. These changes can be a sign of skin cancer, and early detection is crucial for successful treatment.

7. Preventing moles

While some moles are present at birth and cannot be prevented, there are steps you can take to reduce your risk of developing new moles. These include:

- Limiting sun exposure: Overexposure to UV rays from the sun can increase your chances of developing new moles.

- Wearing sunscreen: Apply sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher whenever you go outside.

- Avoiding tanning beds: Tanning beds emit UV rays that can damage your skin.

- Regular skin checks: Keep an eye on your moles and consult a dermatologist if you notice any changes.

8. In conclusion

In summary, "mole" is a common term used to refer to a skin lesion that can be present at birth or develop later in life. While most moles are harmless, it is important to monitor them for any changes and take preventive measures to reduce the risk of developing new ones. If you have any concerns about your moles, consult a dermatologist for proper evaluation and treatment

Common phrases using "mole"

1. What's the meaning of "mole"?

- "Mole"是什么意思?

2. How do you pronounce "mole"?

- "mole"怎么读?

3. Synonyms for "mole"

- "mole"的同义词

4. Example sentences using "mole"

- 使用"mole"的例句

5. Let's dig into the meaning of "mole"

- 让我们深入探讨一下"mole"的含义

6. Uncovering the true definition of "mole"

- 揭开"mole"的真实定义

7. Exploring the different uses of "mole"

- 探索使用"Mole"的不同方式

8. Decoding the mystery behind "mole"

- 解读"Mole"背后的谜团

9. The many faces of "mole"

- "Mole"的多重含义

10. Breaking down the meaning of "mole"

- 分析"Mole"的含义

Synonyms of "mole" with example sentences

1. What does "mole" mean?

"Mole" is a small, dark spot on the skin that is typically raised and can vary in size and color. It is usually caused by a cluster of pigmented cells called melanocytes.

2. How do you pronounce "mole"?

The word "mole" is pronounced as /moʊl/ with a long "o" sound.

3. Synonyms of "mole"

- Nevus: This is the medical term for a mole.

Example sentence: I have a nevus on my arm that I've had since birth.

- Beauty mark: This term is often used to describe a mole that is considered attractive or adds character to someone's appearance.

Example sentence: Many people consider Marilyn Monroe's beauty mark to be her signature feature.

- Birthmark: A mole can also be referred to as a birthmark if it is present from birth.

Example sentence: My sister has a small birthmark on her cheek that looks like a mole.

- Spot: This word can be used to describe any small, round mark on the skin, including moles.

Example sentence: I noticed a new spot on my leg and I'm not sure if it's a mole or not.

4. Example sentences using "mole"

- She went to the dermatologist to have her moles checked for any signs of skin cancer.

- The little girl had several moles on her face, making her look like she had freckles.

- My grandfather has a large mole on his nose that he always jokes about being his trademark feature
