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The meaning of monarch

1. Monarch的含义



2. Monarch的发音


3. Monarch的同义词


- Sovereign:意为“至高无上的统治者”,强调君主权力的绝对性;

- Ruler:意为“统治者”,强调统治者对被统治者的控制;

- King/Queen:分别指国王和女王,是monarch最常见和直接的同义词。

4. Monarch在句子中的用法


- The monarch of this country has been in power for over 50 years.


- The monarch is the head of state, but the government is run by elected officials.


- The pope is the spiritual monarch of the Catholic Church.


How to pronounce monarch


1. 含义


2. 发音方式


3. 同义词


4. 例句

Usage and examples of monarch

1. Monarch的意思是什么?


2. Monarch怎么读?


3. Monarch的同义词有哪些?


4. Monarch的例句有哪些?

- Queen Elizabeth II is the current monarch of the United Kingdom.


- The monarch's power was limited by the constitution.


- The country was ruled by a monarch for centuries.


- The monarch's palace is open to public for tours.


Phrases with monarch

1. Definition of monarch

- Meaning: A monarch is a king or queen who rules a kingdom or empire.

- Example sentence: The monarch of England is Queen Elizabeth II.

2. Monarch butterfly

- Meaning: A type of butterfly with orange and black wings that migrates long distances.

- Example sentence: Every fall, thousands of monarch butterflies travel from Canada to Mexico.

3. Absolute monarch

- Meaning: A ruler who has complete and unlimited power over their kingdom.

- Example sentence: King Louis XIV was an absolute monarch who ruled France for 72 years.

4. Constitutional monarch

- Meaning: A king or queen who is the head of state but has limited powers as set by the country's constitution.

- Example sentence: Queen Margrethe II is the constitutional monarch of Denmark.

5. Monarchy

- Meaning: A form of government in which a single ruler, usually a king or queen, holds all political power.

- Example sentence: The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy.

6. The British monarchy

- Meaning: The royal family of the United Kingdom, headed by the reigning monarch.

- Example sentence: The British monarchy has a long history dating back to the 10th century.

7. Monarchist

- Meaning: Someone who supports or advocates for a monarchy.

- Example sentence: Many people in the UK are staunch monarchists and support the royal family.

8. Monarchical system

- Meaning: A political system in which a single ruler holds all power and authority.

- Example sentence: North Korea operates under a monarchical system with Kim Jong-un as its supreme leader.

9. Monarchy vs democracy

- Meaning: A comparison between two forms of government - one ruled by a single individual (monarchy) and one ruled by the people (democracy).

Example sentence:

Many countries have transitioned from an absolute monarchy to a democratic government in recent years.

10. Monarchial succession

- Meaning: The process of passing the throne from one monarch to their successor.

- Example sentence: Prince Charles is next in line for monarchial succession after Queen Elizabeth II.

11. Monarchy in crisis

- Meaning: A situation where a monarchy is facing challenges or difficulties, often related to political or social issues.

- Example sentence: The French Revolution was a period of monarchy in crisis, leading to the overthrow of the royal family.

12. Monarchal rule

- Meaning: The act of governing as a monarch.

- Example sentence: King Henry VIII is known for his controversial monarchal rule and many marriages.

13. Monarchial power

- Meaning: The authority and influence held by a monarch.

- Example sentence: In some countries, the monarchial power is limited by a constitution or parliament.

14. Monarchic traditions

- Meaning: Customs and practices associated with a monarchy that have been passed down through generations.

- Example sentence: The coronation ceremony is one of the oldest and most important monarchic traditions in England.

15. Monarchical government

- Meaning: A system of government where ultimate power rests with a single ruler.

- Example sentence: Saudi Arabia has a monarchical government with King Salman as its ruler

Synonyms for monarch with examples

1. Sovereign - The word "sovereign" is often used as a synonym for "monarch". For example, in the United Kingdom, Queen Elizabeth II is referred to as the sovereign.

2. Ruler - Another word that can be used to describe a monarch is "ruler". For instance, King Henry VIII was a powerful ruler during the Tudor dynasty.

3. Emperor/Empress - In some cases, monarchs may also be referred to as an emperor or empress. For example, Emperor Akihito of Japan and Empress Maria Theresa of Austria were both monarchs of their respective countries.

4. King/Queen - These are the most common titles for male and female monarchs respectively. For instance, King George VI was the last emperor of India before it gained independence.

5. Monarchist - This term refers to someone who supports or advocates for a monarchy system of government.

6. Autocrat - An autocrat is someone who holds absolute power and authority over a country or empire. Monarchs can also be considered autocrats in some cases.

7. Despot - Similar to an autocrat, a despot is someone who exercises tyrannical control over their subjects.

8. Tyrant - This term has negative connotations and describes a cruel and oppressive ruler.

9. Potentate - A potentate is someone who holds great power and authority over others, similar to a monarch.

10. Leader - While not specifically referring to a monarch, this term can be used to describe someone who holds a position of authority in a country or society.


1. The sovereign of England has been Queen Elizabeth II since 1952.

2. As ruler of Russia, Peter the Great modernized the country and expanded its territory.

3. Empress Wu Zetian was the only female emperor in Chinese history.

4. The king's coronation ceremony was a grand event attended by many nobles.

5. The monarchist party believes in maintaining a monarchy system of government.

6. King Louis XIV of France was known as the "Sun King" due to his absolute rule over the country.

7. The despot's reign was marked by violence and suppression of dissent.

8. The tyrant's cruel treatment of his people led to a revolution and his eventual downfall.

9. Queen Elizabeth I was one of the most powerful potentates of her time.

10. As leader of the nation, the monarch had to make difficult decisions for the good of the people

