1. 什么是monetary
2. monetary的含义
3. monetary与money的区别
4. monetary在商业领域中的应用
在商业领域中,monetary通常被用来描述与金融相关的事物。例如,在国际贸易中,我们可能会听到“monetary policy”(货币政策)这样的术语。这指国家或地区通过调整利率、汇率等手段来影响经济发展和通胀水平的政策。
5. monetary在投资领域中的应用
1. “monetary”是一个英语单词,读音为[mɒnɪtəri]。
2. 它的词性为形容词,意为“货币的,金融的”。
3. 在汉语中,我们也可以将其翻译为“货币的”、“金融的”等含义。
4. 该单词源于拉丁文“moneta”,意为“货币”,后来演变为现在的“monetary”。
5. 在日常生活中,我们经常会听到关于“monetary”的使用,比如:“monetary policy”(货币政策)、“monetary unit”(货币单位)等。
6. 在经济学领域,该词也被广泛使用,在这里它通常指与货币相关的事物,如“monetary system”(货币体系)、“monetary value”(货币价值)等。
7. 除了上述含义外,“monetary”还可以用来形容与金钱有关的事物,如“monetary reward”(金钱奖励)、“monetary gain”(金钱收益)等。
8. 需要注意的是,“monetary”的同义词包括financial、economic等,在不同语境下可以互换使用。
9. 在英式英语中,“monetary”的发音可能会稍有不同,读作[mɒnɪtri]。
10. 总结一下,“monetary”是一个常用的英语单词,意为“货币的,金融的”,读音为[mɒnɪtəri],在经济学和日常生活中都有广泛的应用
1. monetary的用法
monetary一词源自拉丁语“moneta”,意为“货币”。作为形容词,它通常用来描述与货币相关的事物,如monetary policy(货币政策)、monetary unit(货币单位)等。在经济学领域,monetary也可以指代与货币供应和流通相关的因素,如monetary system(货币体系)、monetary theory(货币理论)等。
2. monetary的双语例句
1) The central bank is responsible for formulating and implementing monetary policy.
2) The country's monetary unit is the euro.
3) The government's monetary measures have successfully stabilized the economy.
4) Inflation is a result of excessive monetary growth.
5) The central bank has kept interest rates low in order to stimulate economic growth.
6) A strong monetary policy can help to control inflation and promote economic stability.
7) The country's monetary system needs to be reformed in order to attract foreign investment.
8) The monetary theory of supply and demand states that prices are determined by the availability of money in the economy.
9) The government's monetary policy has led to an increase in consumer spending.
10) A stable monetary system is crucial for a healthy economy.
1. Monetary policy: 货币政策,指由中央银行制定和执行的影响货币供应量和利率水平的政策。
2. Monetary unit: 货币单位,指一个国家或地区所使用的货币的基本单位。
3. Monetary system: 货币体系,指一个国家或地区所采用的货币制度和相关的金融机构。
4. Monetary value: 货币价值,指货币在交易中所具有的购买力和价值。
5. Monetary union: 货币联盟,指多个国家或地区采用同一种货币并共同管理其货币政策的组织。
6. Monetary exchange: 货币兑换,指不同种类货币之间进行兑换交易的行为。
7. Non-monetary assets: 非货币性资产,指除了现金以外的其他资产,如股票、债券、房产等。
8. Monetary crisis: 货币危机,指由于经济、政治等原因导致某一国家或地区货币价值急剧下降而引发的危机情况。
9. Monetary expansion: 货币扩张,指中央银行通过增加流通中的货币数量来刺激经济增长和降低利率的行为。
10. Monetary authority: 货币当局,指负责制定和执行货币政策的机构,通常为中央银行
1. Financial
- Example: The government has implemented new financial policies to stabilize the economy.
2. Fiscal
- Example: The fiscal year for this company ends in December.
3. Economic
- Example: The economic impact of the pandemic has been devastating.
4. Monetary value
- Example: The monetary value of the company's assets has increased significantly.
5. Currency-related
- Example: We need to consider the currency-related risks before investing in foreign markets.
6. Pecuniary
- Example: He was charged with pecuniary fraud for embezzling company funds.
7. Cash-related
- Example: The company is facing cash-related issues due to a decrease in sales.
8. Financially-based
- Example: The decision was financially-based, taking into account the potential profits and losses.
9. Coinage
- Example: The coinage system in this country dates back to ancient times.
10. Monetary unit
- Example: The euro is the official monetary unit of several European countries.
11. Capitalistic
- Example: The country's monetary system is heavily influenced by its capitalistic economy.
12. Exchangeable
- Example: Gold is a highly exchangeable commodity in the global monetary market.
13. Remunerative
- Example: This job offers a remunerative salary package with bonuses and benefits.
14. Wealth-based
- Example: Their investments are wealth-based, with a focus on long-term financial growth.
15. Bankable
- Example: This project has been deemed bankable by investors due to its potential for high returns.
16. Monetized
- Example: The government has monetized its debt by issuing bonds to raise funds.
17. Financially rewarding
- Example: A career in finance can be financially rewarding for those with strong analytical skills.
18. Specie
-Example: In ancient times, gold and silver were used as specie for trade and commerce.
19. Monetary system
- Example: The country's monetary system is based on a floating exchange rate.
20. Coin of the realm
- Example: The US dollar is the coin of the realm in many international transactions
monetary一词是指与货币相关的,它可以用来形容与金钱有关的事物。在日常生活中,我们经常会用到这个词,比如说“monetary policy(货币政策)”、“monetary unit(货币单位)”等等。通过学习monetary的含义和用法,我们可以更加准确地使用这个词,丰富自己的词汇量。如果您对本文有任何疑问或建议,请随时联系我,我是网站编辑,喜欢就关注我吧!祝愿大家在学习英语的道路上取得更大的进步!