1. 词性:名词
2. 词源:来自拉丁语的“monere”,意为“提醒,警告”,后来演变为“监视,监控”的意思。
3. 同义词:supervise, oversee, watch, observe
4. 例句:
- The teacher used a monitor to keep an eye on the students during the test.
- The security guard monitors the premises through surveillance cameras.
1. 监控:monitor的中文翻译最常见的意思就是监控,指对某个对象或情况进行持续观察和检测。
例句:The security guard is responsible for monitoring the surveillance cameras in the building.(保安负责监控建筑物内的监控摄像头。)
2. 控制器:除了作为动词使用外,monitor也可以作为名词,表示控制器或显示屏。
例句:The computer monitor displays all the information and controls for the system.(电脑显示屏展示系统的所有信息和控制选项。)
3. 导师:在学术领域,monitor也可以指导师或导师。
例句:My monitor at university has been a great mentor to me during my studies.(我在大学的导师在我学习期间一直是我的良师益友。)
4. 老师助理:在一些教育机构,monitor也可以指老师助理,负责辅助老师管理班级秩序和学生表现。
例句:The teacher's monitor helps keep the classroom organized and assists with grading assignments.(老师助理有助于保持课堂秩序,并协助批改作业。)
5. 同义词包括observe、watch、supervise等
1. monitor的发音:[ˈmɒnɪtə(r)],读作“MON-i-tər”。
2. monitor的读法:monitor是一个动词,意为“监控;监测”,可用于句子中的主语或宾语位置。例如:“The teacher monitors the students' progress.”(老师监督学生的进步。)monitor也可以作为名词,意为“监视器;显示器”,常用于描述电脑或其他设备的屏幕。例如:“I need a new monitor for my computer.”(我需要一台新的电脑显示器。)
3. monitor同义词:watch, oversee, observe, supervise等。
4. monitor例句:
- The security guard monitors the surveillance cameras all night.
- The doctor will closely monitor your heart rate during the surgery.
- My mom always monitors my internet usage to make sure I'm not spending too much time online.
1. monitor的意思
2. monitor的发音
3. monitor的同义词
- Observe:观察,强调对事物细节和变化的关注。
例句:The scientists are observing the behavior of the animals in their natural habitat.
- Supervise:监督,强调对某人或某事负责并确保其按照规定进行。
例句:The teacher supervises the students during the exam to prevent cheating.
- Control:控制,强调对某种情况或行为进行管理和指导。
例句:The company uses a system to control the temperature in its factories.
4. monitor的用法
- 监视、观察:
We need to monitor the situation closely to prevent any potential risks.
- 监控、追踪:
The police are monitoring the suspect's movements.
- 监督、管理:
It is important for parents to monitor their children's use of technology.
- 检测、测量:
The doctor will monitor your blood pressure during the treatment.
5. monitor的例句
- The teacher used a special software to monitor students' progress in class.
- The government has set up a system to monitor air pollution levels in the city.
- The security guard monitors the cameras to ensure the safety of the building.
- The company hired an expert to monitor the market trends and make investment decisions accordingly.
1. 监视 (monitoring) - 指观察、监测或监督某种情况或行为,通常是为了保持其正常运行状态或发现异常情况。例句:The doctor will monitor your heart rate during the surgery. (医生将在手术过程中监测你的心率。)
2. 检测 (detection) - 指发现或确认某种事物的存在,通常是通过使用特定的工具或方法来识别。例句:The smoke detector can quickly detect any signs of fire. (烟雾探测器可以快速检测到火灾的迹象。)
3. 跟踪 (tracking) - 指追踪某人或某物的动向、位置或进展情况,通常是为了掌握最新动态。例句:The GPS system can track the location of the delivery truck in real time. (GPS系统可以实时跟踪货车的位置。)
4. 监控 (surveillance) - 指对特定区域、活动或人群进行持续的监视,通常是为了防止违法犯罪等不良行为。例句:The security cameras provide 24/7 surveillance of the building. (安全摄像头对建筑物进行全天候监控。)
5. 调节 (adjustment) - 指根据需要或情况的变化来做出相应的改变,通常是为了保持平衡或适应新的环境。例句:You can adjust the settings on the monitor to improve the image quality. (你可以调节显示器的设置来提高图像质量。)
6. 控制 (control) - 指对某种情况、行为或过程进行管理或指挥,通常是为了达到特定的目标。例句:The remote control allows you to adjust the volume of the TV. (遥控器可以让你调节电视的音量。)
7. 警报 (alarm) - 指发出警示信号来提醒人们注意某种危险或紧急情况,通常是通过声音、光线等方式来传达信息。例句:The smoke alarm went off when there was a fire in the building. (当建筑物发生火灾时,烟雾警报器会响起。)
8. 显示屏 (display screen) - 指用于显示图像、文字等信息的电子设备,通常是指计算机、手机、电视等设备上的屏幕。例句:The display screen on my laptop is cracked and needs to be replaced. (我笔记本电脑上的显示屏裂开了,需要更换。)
9. 警戒 (vigilance) - 指保持警觉和警惕,随时准备应对可能发生的危险或问题。例句:The security guards need to maintain a high level of vigilance while on duty. (保安在值班时需要保持高度警惕。)
10. 仪表盘 (dashboard) - 指汽车、飞机等交通工具上用来显示各种信息的控制面板,也可以指电脑或手机等设备上的类似界面。例句:The dashboard on my car shows the speed, fuel level, and other important information. (我车上的仪表盘显示车速、油量和其他重要信息。)
1. Supervise
- Definition: to watch, observe, or oversee (a process, activity, or situation) in order to ensure its proper or efficient functioning.
- Example sentence: The manager will supervise the employees' work and monitor their progress.
2. Control
- Definition: to have power over; to direct or influence the behavior of (someone or something).
- Example sentence: The teacher will control the students' behavior and monitor their learning.
3. Regulate
- Definition: to control or maintain the rate, speed, or degree of (something) so that it operates properly.
- Example sentence: The thermostat regulates the temperature in the room and monitors any changes.
4. Watch
- Definition: to keep under close observation for a particular purpose.
- Example sentence: The security guard will watch the surveillance cameras and monitor any suspicious activity.
5. Survey
- Definition: to examine and record the features of (an area of land) so as to construct a map, plan, or description.
- Example sentence: The geologist will survey the land and monitor any changes in the landscape.
6. Check
- Definition: to examine something in order to determine its accuracy, quality, or condition.
- Example sentence: The doctor will check the patient's vital signs and monitor their health.
7. Track
- Definition: to follow someone's or something's movement, typically by using electronic equipment.
- Example sentence: The scientist will track the migration patterns of birds and monitor their behaviors.
8. Observe
- Definition: to notice or perceive (something) and register it as being significant.
- Example sentence: The researcher will observe the participants' reactions and monitor their responses.
9. Scan
- Definition: to look at all parts of something carefully in order to detect some feature.
- Example sentence: The technician will scan the computer for viruses and monitor its performance.
10. Watch over
- Definition: to protect and take care of someone or something.
- Example sentence: The lifeguard will watch over the swimmers and monitor the pool for any safety hazards
monitor是一个非常常用的词汇,它可以作为名词和动词使用,具有监视、监控、监督等含义。它的发音和读法也比较简单,读作[mɒnɪtə]。在日常生活中,我们可以经常听到monitor这个词,比如:The teacher is monitoring the students' behavior in the classroom.(老师正在监督学生在教室里的行为。)除了monitor本身外,还有一些相关词汇和短语也值得我们注意,比如monitoring(监视、监控)、monitoring system(监控系统)、monitoring software(监控软件)等。此外,如果你想要表达类似含义的其他单词,可以考虑使用watch、observe、supervise等近义词。最后,我是网站编辑小明,在这里分享有趣的知识和资讯是我的乐趣所在。如果你喜欢我的文章,请关注我哦!