Are you curious about the meaning of "monkeys"? Do you struggle with pronouncing this word? Are you looking for synonyms and examples of how to use it? Look no further, because in this article, we will explain everything you need to know about "monkeys".
1. What does "monkeys" mean?
"Monkeys" refers to a group of primates that have tails and are typically smaller than apes. They are known for their intelligence and agility, and are often found in tropical regions. In slang terms, "monkeys" can also refer to mischievous or playful people.
2. How do you pronounce "monkeys"?
The word "monkeys" is pronounced as /ˈmʌŋkiz/ (mung-kiz), with the stress on the first syllable.
3. Synonyms for "monkeys"
- Primates: This is a more general term that includes monkeys, apes, and humans.
- Simians: This refers to all primates except humans.
- Chimps: Short for chimpanzees, which are a type of ape.
- Baboons: A type of monkey with long snouts and sharp teeth.
- Macaques: A type of monkey with short tails and cheek pouches.
4. Examples of using "monkeys"
- I love going to the zoo and seeing all the different types of monkeys.
- Don't trust him, he's always acting like a bunch of monkeys!
- The scientist conducted an experiment on monkeys to study their behavior.
- She was so excited when she saw monkeys swinging from tree to tree in the jungle.
In conclusion, now you know the meaning of "monkeys", how to pronounce it correctly, some synonyms for it, and examples of how it can be used in sentences. So go ahead and impress your friends with your knowledge about these playful creatures!
1. What does monkeys mean?
2. How to pronounce monkeys?
3. Synonyms for monkeys
4. Example sentences
- The monkeys in the zoo are always a popular attraction for children.
- My little brother loves to imitate the monkeys at the park.
- Monkeys are known for their intelligence and agility.
1. Definition of monkeys
Monkeys are a group of primates that belong to the suborder Haplorhini, which also includes apes and humans. They are characterized by their long tails, flexible hands and feet, and their ability to climb trees. Monkeys are found in various parts of the world, including Africa, Asia, and Central and South America.
2. Pronunciation of monkeys
The word "monkeys" is pronounced as /ˈmʌŋkiz/, with the emphasis on the first syllable. The plural form of monkey is pronounced the same way.
3. Synonyms for monkeys
- Primates: This is a broader term that includes all members of the primate family, including monkeys, apes, and humans.
- Simians: This term refers to any primate with a long tail.
- Apes: These are primates without tails, such as gorillas, chimpanzees, and orangutans.
- Baboons: These are a type of Old World monkey with distinctive dog-like snouts.
- Chimps: This is a shortened form for chimpanzees, which are one of the closest relatives to humans.
4. Usage examples
- "Monkeys can often be seen swinging from tree to tree in the jungle."
- "Primates such as monkeys have been studied extensively for their similarities to humans."
- "The zoo has a new exhibit featuring different species of apes and monkeys."
- "Baboons are known for their aggressive behavior towards other animals."
- "Jane Goodall's research on chimps has shed light on their complex social behaviors."
5. Conclusion
In conclusion, monkeys are fascinating creatures that have captured our attention for centuries. They have a wide range of synonyms that can be used in different contexts depending on their specific characteristics or behaviors. By understanding these synonyms, we can better appreciate these intelligent and playful animals
1. "Monkey around" - to play or fool around in a silly or mischievous manner.
例句:He's always monkeying around instead of studying for his exams.
2. "Monkey business" - dishonest or secret activities.
例句:I suspect there's some monkey business going on behind the scenes.
3. "Make a monkey out of someone" - to make someone look foolish or ridiculous.
例句:Don't let him make a monkey out of you with his teasing.
4. "Like a barrel of monkeys" - extremely fun and enjoyable.
例句:The party was like a barrel of monkeys, everyone was laughing and having a great time.
5. "Monkey see, monkey do" - to imitate others without thinking about the consequences.
例句:Children often learn bad habits from their friends because they follow the monkey see, monkey do mentality.
6. "Throwing monkeys off one's back" - getting rid of burdens or worries.
例句:I feel much better after throwing those monkeys off my back by talking to my therapist.
7. "A cheeky monkey" - someone who is impudent or behaves in an insolent manner.
例句:She's always causing trouble and being such a cheeky monkey.
8. "A barrel of laughs/monkeys" - something or someone that is very funny and entertaining.
例句:My friend is always a barrel of laughs, she can make me laugh even on my worst days.
9. "To go ape/monkey over something/someone" - to become very excited or enthusiastic about something/someone.
例句:The fans went ape over the new album release, it was all they could talk about for weeks.
10. "A wild goose chase/monkey chase" - an impossible or pointless pursuit.
例句:Trying to find the perfect gift for her is like going on a wild monkey chase, she's so picky
1. Primates: This term refers to a group of mammals that includes monkeys, apes, and humans. It is often used in scientific contexts to describe monkeys.
Example sentence: The zoo has a diverse collection of primates, including monkeys from different regions of the world.
2. Simians: This word is derived from the Latin word "simia," meaning ape or monkey. It is used to describe all members of the primate group, including monkeys.
Example sentence: The researchers studied the behavior of simians in their natural habitat to better understand their social structures.
3. Primate: This term is used to describe any member of the primate group, including monkeys. It comes from the Latin word "primas," meaning first or chief.
Example sentence: Monkeys are considered primates due to their advanced cognitive abilities and complex social structures.
4. Apes: While apes are technically a separate group from monkeys, they are often used interchangeably in casual conversation. Apes are generally larger and have no tails, while most monkeys have tails.
Example sentence: The chimpanzees at the sanctuary were once used for entertainment purposes, but now they live peacefully with other apes and monkeys.
5. Baboons: These large primates are often found in Africa and are known for their distinctive snouts and colorful bottoms. They are closely related to both mandrills and drills.
Example sentence: Baboons live in large groups called troops and can be quite aggressive when defending their territory against other animals.
6. Tamarins: These small New World monkeys are known for their long tails and colorful fur. They are native to Central and South America.
Example sentence: Tamarins communicate through a variety of vocalizations, including high-pitched calls that can be heard throughout the rainforest.
7. Capuchins: These medium-sized New World monkeys have distinctive facial markings that resemble a monk's hood. They are known for their intelligence and tool-making abilities.
Example sentence: The capuchin monkeys at the research center were able to solve complex puzzles and use tools to obtain food rewards.
8. Marmosets: These small New World monkeys have a unique claw-like nail on their big toe, which they use for grooming. They are often kept as pets due to their small size and cute appearance.
Example sentence: The marmosets in the exhibit were busy grooming each other, using their specialized nails to remove insects from each other's fur.
9. Lemurs: These primates are found only on the island of Madagascar and are known for their distinctive ringed tails. They are considered the most endangered group of mammals in the world.
Example sentence: The lemur exhibit at the zoo showcases several different species, including the ring-tailed lemur and the black-and-white ruffed lemur.
10. Macaques: These medium-sized Old World monkeys are found throughout Asia and have a diverse diet that includes fruits, insects, and small animals.
Example sentence: The macaques at the temple in Bali are considered sacred by locals and are often fed by visitors who believe it will bring them good luck
In conclusion, we hope that this article has helped you understand the meaning of monkeys and how to correctly pronounce it. We have also provided some useful synonyms and examples for your reference. Monkeys are fascinating creatures and learning more about them can be both interesting and educational.
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