1. monorail的拼音是mɑːnə'reɪl。
2. 在英语中,monorail是一个由两个单词mono和rail组合而成的复合词,意为“单轨铁路”。
3. mono来自希腊语单词monos,意为“单一的、唯一的”,rail则是“铁轨”的意思,因此monorail可以理解为只有一条轨道的铁路系统。
4. monorail通常指的是一种运输工具,其特点是在地面或高架上只有一条轨道,列车通过电力驱动沿着轨道行驶。
5. 它与传统的双轨铁路相比,具有占地面积小、建设成本低、运行速度快等优势。
6. monorail也可以指代一种城市交通系统,如迪士尼乐园中使用的单轨列车系统。这种系统通常被设计用于连接游客区域和主要景点之间。
7. 在日本和德国等国家,单轨铁路已经成为城市公共交通系统中重要的组成部分。
8. 除了作为交通工具外,monorail还可以用于观光旅游。例如日本大阪市就有一条环绕大阪湾海岸线的观光单轨铁路。
9. monorail也被用于科学实验室和工厂等场所,作为一种高效的物流运输工具。
10. 总的来说,monorail是一种独特的交通系统,其拼音mɑːnə'reɪl也反映了其独特的特点。它不仅仅是一种交通工具,更是一种创新的解决方案,为城市发展和旅游业提供了便利
1. 什么是monorail?
2. monorail的发展历史
3. 单轨铁路和传统铁路有什么区别?
4. 如何读音monorail?
5. monorail在不同语言中的译名
6. 单轨铁路的优点
- 节省空间:由于只需要一条轨道,所以占用空间较小。
- 灵活性:单轨铁路可以沿着弯曲的轨道运行,适合安装在城市繁忙的街道上。
- 造价低廉:相比传统铁路,建造和维护单轨铁路的成本更低。
- 安全性高:列车悬挂在高架结构上,减少了与地面交通和行人的接触。
7. 单轨铁路在中国
1. monorail的定义
2. monorail的用途
3. monorail与传统铁路系统的区别
4. monorail的优势
(1) 占用空间小:由于只有一条轨道,monorail在城市中占用空间更小,可以在狭窄的街道或建筑物之间运行。
(2) 速度快:monorail通常采用电力驱动,速度较快,可以缩短出行时间。
(3) 环境友好:monorail使用电力驱动,不会产生污染物,对环境更加友好。
(4) 安全性高:monorail采用悬挂式结构运行,不会受到地面交通事故的影响,安全性更高。
5. monorail的发展历史
6. monorail在中国
1. "Monorail" is a term used to describe a type of railway system that uses a single rail track.
例句:The city's new transportation system will include a monorail to connect different areas.
2. Monorails are often seen in theme parks, providing visitors with a unique and fun way to get around.
例句:We took the monorail to get from one end of the park to the other.
3. The monorail in Japan is famous for its speed and efficiency, making it a popular choice for commuters.
例句:I love taking the monorail to work, it's so much faster than driving through traffic.
4. Monorails are also used in airports, allowing passengers to quickly and easily move between terminals.
例句:The airport's monorail system makes it easy for travelers to catch their connecting flights.
5. Some cities have implemented monorails as part of their public transportation system, providing an eco-friendly option for commuters.
例句:I try to take the monorail whenever I can, it's better for the environment and saves me money on gas.
6. The word "monorail" comes from the Latin words "mono," meaning one, and "rail," referring to the single track used by this type of railway system.
例句:Do you know why it's called a monorail? It's because it only has one rail instead of two like traditional trains.
7. Monorails have been around since the 19th century, but they have gained popularity in recent years due to their futuristic design and efficiency.
例句:I've always been fascinated by monorails since I was a kid, they look like something out of a science fiction movie.
8. In some countries, such as China and Germany, there are plans to expand monorail systems in order to improve transportation and reduce traffic congestion.
例句:I hope they build a monorail in my city, it would make getting around so much easier and faster.
9. Monorails are often used for sightseeing tours, providing tourists with a unique perspective of the city.
例句:We took the monorail tour and got to see all the famous landmarks from above, it was amazing!
10. Some people refer to monorails as "trains of the future," as they are constantly evolving with new technology and advancements.
例句:I can't wait to see what new features they add to the monorail in the coming years, it's already so advanced
1. 单轨铁路(monorail)
2. 高架单轨铁路(elevated monorail)
3. 悬挂式单轨铁路(suspended monorail)
4. 轻轨列车(light rail train)
5. 单轨电车(monorail tram)
6. 单轨电气化铁路(monorail electrified railway)
7. 单轨列车系统(monorail system)
8. 单轨交通系统(monorail transportation system)
9. 空中单轨铁路(aerial monorail)
10. 城市单轨交通系统(urban monorail transportation system)
11. 单线铁道(single track railway)
12. 高速单线铁路(high-speed single track railway)
13. 高效单线交通系统(efficient single track transportation system)
14. 高空单线交通工具(high-altitude single track transportation vehicle)
15. 单向行驶的交通工具(unidirectional transportation vehicle)
16. 支撑梁式结构(cantilevered beam structure)
17. 悬臂式支撑结构(cantilever support structure)
18. 支柱式支撑结构 (pillar support structure)
19 . 弹性悬挂系统 (suspension system)
20 . 悬挂索道 (suspended cableway)
21 . 空中索道 (aerial cableway)
22 . 吊桥型索道 (suspension bridge type cableway)
23 . 空中缆车 (aerial ropeway)
24 . 空中缆车系统 (aerial ropeway system)
25 . 悬挂式缆车系统 (suspended cable car system)
26. 轨道(track)
27. 轨道车辆(track vehicle)
28. 轨道交通(track transportation)
29. 轨道线路(track line)
30. 轨道建设(track construction)
31. 悬挂式轨道交通工具(suspended track transportation vehicle)
32. 高空轨道交通工具(high-altitude track transportation vehicle)
33. 空中轨道交通工具(aerial track transportation vehicle)
34. 城市轨道交通系统(urban track transportation system)
35. 高速轨道交通系统(high-speed track transportation system)
36. 单轮驱动系统(single wheel drive system)
37. 单线供电系统(single line power supply system)
38. 自动控制系统(automatic control system)
39. 无人驾驶技术(unmanned driving technology)
40. 安全监控系统(safety monitoring system)
41. 单向行驶模式 (unidirectional driving mode)
42. 双向行驶模式 (bidirectional driving mode)
43. 单线运营模式 (single line operation mode)
44. 多线运营模式 (multi-line operation mode)
45 . 自动售票系统 (automatic ticketing system)
46 . 单轴悬挂器材 (single axle suspension equipment)
47 . 单轴悬挂系统 (single axle suspension system)
48 . 单轴悬挂技术 (single axle suspension technology)
49 . 单轴悬挂装置 (single axle suspension device)
50 . 单轴悬挂机构 (single axle suspension mechanism)
51. 轻量化设计(lightweight design)
52. 环保节能(environmental protection and energy saving)
53. 高效运营(efficient operation)
54. 灵活可变(flexible and variable)
55. 先进技术(advanced technology)
56. 高空风险防范措施(high-altitude risk prevention measures)
57. 安全紧急制动系统(safety emergency braking system)
58. 火灾报警系统(fire alarm system)
59. 紧急疏散通道(emergency evacuation channel)
60. 防爆装置(explosion-proof device)
61. 城市交通拥堵解决方案(urban traffic congestion solution)
62. 减少碳排放量(reducing carbon emissions)
63. 提高公共交通便利性(improving public transportation convenience)
64. 促进城市发展和经济增长(promoting urban development and economic growth)
65. 提升城市形象和品质(enhancing urban image and quality)
monorail是一种现代化的交通工具,它的拼音是“mǒnó réi ěr”,读起来非常简单。它可以用于城市内部的快速运输,也可以用于旅游观光。希望通过本文的介绍,读者能够更加深入地了解monorail,并且在未来的出行中能够选择适合自己的交通工具。如果你喜欢这篇文章,请关注我,我将为大家带来更多有趣、实用的知识和资讯。我是网站编辑,感谢大家阅读!