你知道吗?monsoon的拼音是“mán sōng”,这个词来自于荷兰语“monssoen”,意为“季风”
1. 谁说只有英语才能读懂monsoon?
2. monsoon的正确读音是什么,你知道吗?
3. 原来monsoon不仅仅是一个单词,它还有更多含义!
4. monsoon到底指的是什么?让我们一起来探究一下。
5. 别再猜了,monsoon的发音其实很简单!
6. 从雨季到气候现象,monsoon有着丰富的内涵。
7. 你以为只有英文中才会出现monsoon?错了!它还出现在其他语言中。
8. 想要了解monsoon,就先要知道它的正确读音。
9. monsoon是如何影响人们生活的?让我们一起来探究吧。
10. 不管你在哪里,都可以轻松地读懂monsoon
1. monsoon的含义
2. monsoon的用法
a. 形容词:用于形容某地区或某季节特有的气候现象。例如:“我们所处的城市正处于雨季,每天都会有强烈的monsoon影响。”
b. 动词:表示受到或受制于monsoon影响。例如:“这个地区经常被monsoon所困扰,导致农作物收成不佳。”
3. 双语例句
a. The monsoon season in India is characterized by heavy rainfall and strong winds.
b. The farmers are eagerly waiting for the monsoons to arrive, as it will bring much-needed water for their crops.
c. The monsoons have caused severe flooding in this region, displacing thousands of people from their homes.
d. The monsoon rains bring relief from the scorching summer heat in India.
1. "Monsoon season": 指的是季风季节,通常是指南亚和东南亚地区的雨季。
2. "Monsoon winds": 指的是季风风,这些风通常会带来大量降水,影响着当地的气候和农业。
3. "Monsoon climate": 指的是受到季风影响的气候,通常表现为干旱和潮湿交替出现。
4. "Monsoon rains": 指的是季风雨,这些雨水对于维持当地农业和生活至关重要。
5. "Monsoon seasonality": 指的是季风性变化,即干湿季节交替出现的周期性变化。
6. "Monsoon floods": 指的是由于大量降水引起的洪水灾害,这在一些地区经常发生。
7. "Monsoon crops": 指的是适应季风气候条件下种植的作物,如稻米、茶叶等。
8. "Monsoon retreat": 指的是季风退却,标志着雨季结束、天气转凉、秋天来临
1. Rainy season: monsoon is often referred to as the rainy season, as it brings heavy rainfall to certain regions.
2. Wet season: this term is used to describe the period of time when monsoon rains occur.
3. Downpour: monsoon can also be described as a downpour, as the rain often falls heavily and suddenly during this time.
4. Deluge: another word for a heavy or continuous downpour of rain, which is often associated with monsoon season.
5. Torrential rain: this term refers to heavy, fast-falling rain, which is common during monsoons.
6. Soaking rain: during monsoon season, the rain can be so heavy that it thoroughly soaks everything in its path.
7. Cloudburst: a sudden and intense rainfall, which can occur during monsoons due to the buildup of clouds.
8. Stormy weather: monsoons are often accompanied by strong winds and thunderstorms, making the weather quite stormy.
9. Drenching rain: similar to soaking rain, drenching rain refers to heavy and continuous rainfall that can last for hours or even days during monsoon season.
10. Wet spell: this term is used to describe a period of time when there is constant rainfall, which is common during monsoons