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首先,让我们来看一下“monster”的基本含义。除了指代恐怖或异常的生物外,“monster”还可以表示一个非常大、强壮或危险的人或物体。例如,“He is a monster of a man!”(他是一个巨人般强壮的人!)“The storm was a monster that destroyed everything in its path.”(暴风雨就像一个毁灭一切的怪兽。)
4. 同义词及例句
- The ancient legend tells of a terrifying beast that lived in the dark forest.
- The creature from the horror movie still haunts my nightmares.
- The fiendish monster attacked the innocent villagers without mercy.
- He was a giant of a man, standing over 7 feet tall.
- The colossus of a building loomed over the city skyline.
- The behemoth truck could carry tons of cargo at once.
1. "monster"的意思是什么?
首先,让我们来看一下它的字面意思。根据字典的解释,"monster"指的是“怪物”、“妖怪”或者“巨兽”。但是在现实生活中,我们通常用它来形容某种非常恐怖、强大或者令人不快的东西。比如,“That roller coaster was a real monster!”(那个过山车真是太可怕了!)
2. 如何正确地发音?
3. "monster"的同义词有哪些?
4. 例句
- The monster under my bed turned out to be just a pile of clothes.(我床下的怪物原来只是一堆衣服。)
- Don't let your fear turn into a monster that controls you.(不要让你的恐惧变成控制你的怪物。)
- The dragon in the movie was the scariest monster I've ever seen.(电影里的那条龙是我见过最可怕的怪物。)
1. Definition of "monster"
According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, "monster" can be defined as a strange or frightening imaginary creature, a person who is extremely cruel or violent, or something that is unusually large or powerful.
2. Pronunciation of "monster"
"Monster" is pronounced as /ˈmɒnstər/ in British English and /ˈmɑːnstər/ in American English.
3. Synonyms for "monster"
- Beast: a cruel or frightening animal
- Fiend: an evil spirit or demon
- Abomination: something that causes disgust or hatred
- Monstrosity: an extremely ugly creature
4. Examples of usage:
- The children were scared by the monster under their bed.
- The serial killer was described as a cold-blooded monster.
- The hurricane was a monstrous force that destroyed everything in its path.
5. Idiomatic expressions with "monster":
- Monster of a headache: an extremely severe headache
- Monster truck: a large truck with oversized wheels used for off-road racing
- Monster hit: a song, movie, or book that becomes extremely popular and successful
6. Related words:
- Monstrous (adjective): having the qualities of a monster; very large or powerful
- Monstrosity (noun): something that is monstrous; an ugly or deformed creature
7. Cultural references:
In literature and media, monsters are often used to represent evil forces and challenge the hero's journey. Some famous examples include Frankenstein's monster from Mary Shelley's novel "Frankenstein", Godzilla from the Japanese film series, and Sully from the Pixar movie "Monsters Inc."
In conclusion, "monster" can refer to various things such as imaginary creatures, cruel individuals, or powerful forces. Its usage can also be found in idiomatic expressions and popular culture
1. Meaning of "monster": 解释"monster"的意思
- A large, ugly, and frightening imaginary creature: 一个巨大、丑陋且可怕的虚构生物
- A person or thing that is extremely or unusually large: 一个极大或异常大的人或物
- A person or thing that is very different from others in a way that is shocking, frightening, or unpleasant: 一个在某种令人震惊、恐惧或不愉快的方面与其他人或物极为不同的人或物
2. How to pronounce "monster": 怎么读"monster"
- /ˈmɒnstər/ (British English): 英式发音
- /ˈmɑːnstər/ (American English): 美式发音
3. Synonyms for "monster": "monster"的同义词
- Beast: 野兽、凶残的人
- Creature: 生物、动物
- Demon: 恶魔、鬼怪
- Monstrosity: 可怕的东西、畸形的东西
4. Example sentences using "monster": 使用"monster"的例句
- The movie was full of monsters and scary creatures.
- That building is a real monster, it's almost as tall as the skyscraper next to it.
- He's a monster on the basketball court, no one can stop him.
1. What does "monster" mean?
- "Monster" refers to a large, frightening and imaginary creature that is often depicted as having supernatural powers.
- It can also be used to describe a person or thing that is extremely cruel, evil or unpleasant.
2. How do you pronounce "monster"?
- The word "monster" is pronounced as /ˈmɒnstər/ (MON-stər) in British English and /ˈmɑːnstər/ (MAHN-stər) in American English.
3. Synonyms for "monster"
- Beast: This word is often used to refer to any large, frightening or dangerous animal.
Example: The villagers were terrified of the beast that roamed the forest at night.
- Fiend: This term is usually used to describe a person who is extremely wicked or cruel.
Example: The serial killer was described as a fiend by the media.
- Demon: A demon is an evil spirit or supernatural being that is believed to possess people and cause harm.
Example: The haunted house was said to be inhabited by demons.
- Ogre: An ogre is a large, ugly and frightening creature from fairy tales and folklore.
Example: The children were scared of the ogre that lived under their bed.
- Monstrosity: This word refers to something that is extremely large, ugly or unpleasant in appearance.
Example: The abandoned mansion was a monstrosity with its broken windows and overgrown garden.
4. Examples of using "monster" in sentences
- That movie was so scary! I couldn't sleep for days after watching it. It had monsters lurking around every corner!
- Don't be such a monster! You can't treat your employees like that!
- The storm last night was monstrous. It destroyed everything in its path.
- She's like a demon when she's angry. I wouldn't want to be on her bad side.
- My little brother believes there's an ogre living in his closet. He refuses to sleep in his room alone.
- The new skyscraper in the city is a monstrosity. It blocks out the sun and ruins the skyline