1. Moods的含义
2. Moods怎么读
3. Moods同义词
4. Moods例句
a. She was in a good mood after receiving the news.
b. His bad mood affected everyone around him.
c. The music put me in a relaxed mood.
d. He has been in a melancholy mood all day.
1. moods的发音
2. moods的读法
- What are your moods today?(你今天心情如何?)
- She has a lot of different moods.(她有很多不同的心情。)
- The weather affects my moods greatly.(天气对我的心情有很大影响。)
3. moods同义词
4. moods例句
- Her mood changes frequently, so it's hard to predict how she will react.
- The music always puts me in a good mood.
- I can't stand being around him when he's in a bad mood.
- The restaurant has a cozy atmosphere that puts you in a relaxed mood.
1. moods的意思
2. moods的发音
3. moods的同义词
- Emotions:情绪,感情
- Feelings:感受,感情
- Temperament:性格,气质
- Spirit:精神,心灵
4. moods的例句
- She was in a good mood today, smiling and laughing all day long.
- The rainy weather always puts me in a melancholy mood.
- His bad mood affected everyone around him and made the atmosphere tense.
- The party had a lively mood, with music and dancing all night long.
5. moods与相关词汇搭配
- Good/bad mood:好/坏心情
- Moody:喜怒无常的
- Mood swings:情绪波动
- Mood disorder:情绪障碍
- In the mood for:有心情做某事
6. moods的用法提示
Moods通常用来描述人的心情或感受,可以用形容词来修饰,如good/bad mood,也可以用介词短语来搭配,如in the mood for。此外,moods也可以指一种氛围或气氛,如party mood(聚会气氛)
1. Emotions
同义词:feelings, sentiments, affections, passions
例句:Her moods were constantly changing, from joy to sadness and back again.
2. Temperament
同义词:disposition, nature, character, personality
例句:His moods often reflect his overall temperament.
3. Attitude
同义词:outlook, mindset, perspective, approach
例句:Her positive attitude helped her get through even the toughest of moods.
4. Humor
同义词:wit, comedy, hilarity, amusement
例句:His sense of humor always lightens the mood in any situation.
5. State of mind
同义词:mental state, frame of mind, mindset, moodiness
例句:Her state of mind greatly affected her moods throughout the day.
6. Spirit
同义词:vitality, energy, liveliness, enthusiasm
例句:The lively music lifted everyone's spirits and improved the mood in the room.
7. Demeanor
同义词:behavior, conduct,mannerism,presence
例句: His calm demeanor helped to calm down the tense mood in the room.
8. Atmosphere
同义词: ambience,environment,surroundings,vibe
例句: The peaceful atmosphere helped to improve everyone's mood at the retreat.
9. Disposition
同义词: inclination,tendency,propensity,inclination
例句: His optimistic disposition always brings a positive mood to those around him.
10. Frame of reference
同义词: point of view,perspective,outlook,standpoint
例句: Our different frames of reference can greatly affect our moods towards a situation
1. Different moods - 不同的心情
例句:She has been experiencing different moods lately, sometimes happy and sometimes sad.
2. Moody teenager - 情绪多变的青少年
例句:As a parent, it can be challenging to deal with a moody teenager.
3. In a good mood - 心情愉快
例句:The sunny weather put me in a good mood for the rest of the day.
4. Bad mood - 坏心情
例句:I could tell from her tone of voice that she was in a bad mood.
5. Moody weather - 变幻莫测的天气
例句:The moody weather made it difficult to plan outdoor activities.
6. Moody music - 富有感情的音乐
例句:I love listening to moody music when I'm feeling reflective.
7. Moody colors - 暗淡的颜色
例句:The artist used moody colors to create a somber atmosphere in his painting.
8. Mood swings - 心情波动
例句:Her mood swings were becoming more frequent and unpredictable.
9. Romantic mood - 浪漫的心情
例句:The candlelit dinner set the perfect romantic mood for their anniversary celebration.
10. Cheerful mood - 开心的心情
例句:His cheerful mood was infectious and everyone around him couldn't help but smile
moods是一个非常常用的词汇,它可以用来形容人的情绪和心情,也可以用来描述事物的气氛和状态。它的发音为/muːdz/,读起来很简单。在日常生活中,我们经常会用到moods这个词,比如说:“She was in a good mood today.”(她今天心情很好。)除了moods本身外,还有一些同义词也可以表达类似的意思,比如feelings、emotions等。最后,在使用moods时,我们也可以结合一些短语来表达更加准确的含义,比如in a bad mood(心情不好)、set the mood(营造气氛)等。作为网站编辑,我希望通过本文能够帮助大家更好地理解和运用moods这个词汇。如果你喜欢我的文章,请关注我获取更多有趣的知识。谢谢阅读!