关于“mooncake”的一切,你想知道的都在这里! 随着中秋节的临近,人们开始购买月饼来表达对亲朋好友的祝福。但是,你是否曾想过,“mooncake”到底是什么意思?它又该如何正确发音?除了中文名“月饼”,还有哪些词可以用来指代它?今天,让我们一起来揭开这个美味食品的神秘面纱吧!下面将为您介绍“mooncake”的发音、用法以及相关词组和同义词示例。快来跟随小编一起探索吧!
1. mooncake的含义
2. mooncake怎么读
3. mooncake的同义词
除了mooncake,还有哪些词可以用来指代这种传统食品呢?在英语中,还有一些其他的词可以表达类似的意思,比如moon pie、moon pastry等。但是,它们并不像mooncake那样具有特定的文化内涵和传统意义。
4. mooncake的例句
- During the Mid-Autumn Festival, people gather with their families to enjoy delicious mooncakes.
- Mooncakes are usually filled with lotus seed paste, red bean paste, or other sweet fillings.
- In ancient China, mooncakes were used as a secret way to pass messages between rebels during a rebellion.
1. 发音指南
“mooncake”一词的发音为 [muːnkeɪk],其中“moon”读作 [muːn],强调长音“oo”的发音;“cake”读作 [keɪk],强调长音“ay”的发音。
2. 同义词
在英语中,“mooncake”一词并没有明确的同义词。但是,在中国传统文化中,“月饼”也可以用英语表示为“moon cake”。
3. 例句
- Have you tried the traditional Chinese mooncakes? (你尝过传统的中国月饼吗?)
- Mooncakes are a must-have during the Mid-Autumn Festival. (在中秋节期间,月饼是必不可少的。)
- The bakery sells a variety of mooncakes, including both sweet and savory flavors. (这家面包店出售各种口味的月饼,包括甜味和咸味。)
4. 关于“mooncake”的意思
5. 关于“mooncake”的读音
6. 用法提示
- Mooncakes are a traditional Chinese delicacy. (月饼是中国的传统美食。)
- I bought some mooncakes for my family to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival. (我给我的家人买了些月饼来庆祝中秋节。)
- The mooncake festival is a time for family reunions. (中秋节是家庭团聚的时刻。)
1. 什么是mooncake?
2. mooncake的发音及读音
3. mooncake的同义词
除了mooncake这个词,还有一些其他词可以用来指代这种传统糕点,如moon pie、Chinese mooncake等。
4. mooncake的双语例句
- I love eating mooncakes during the Mid-Autumn Festival.
- Mooncakes are usually given as gifts to friends and family during the Mid-Autumn Festival.
- This year, I tried a new flavor of mooncake and it was delicious.
- The traditional filling for mooncakes is lotus seed paste.
- My grandma makes the best mooncakes, they are always so soft and fragrant.
1. 月饼的起源:mooncake's origin
2. 传统月饼:traditional mooncakes
3. 莲蓉月饼:lotus seed paste mooncakes
4. 五仁月饼:five kernel mooncakes
5. 蛋黄月饼:egg yolk mooncakes
6. 冰皮月饼:snow skin mooncakes
7. 传统节日食品:traditional festival food
8. 中秋节必备食品:must-have food for Mid-Autumn Festival
9. 中式糕点:Chinese pastries
10. 满月形状的糕点:pastries in the shape of a full moon
11. 香甜的味道:sweet and fragrant taste
12. 美味的佳肴:delicious delicacy
13. 家庭团聚的象征:symbol of family reunion
14. 慢慢消失的传统文化:fading traditional culture
15. 送礼佳品:perfect gift for special occasions
16. 丰富多样的口味:various flavors
17. 创意新颖的包装设计:creative and innovative packaging design
18. 节日气氛浓厚的礼品选择:festive gift option with strong holiday atmosphere
19. 口感细腻,回味无穷: delicate texture and lingering aftertaste
20. 源自中国,享誉全球: originated from China, renowned worldwide
1. 月饼 (yuè bǐng)
例句:Mooncake is a traditional Chinese pastry often eaten during the Mid-Autumn Festival.
2. 月亮饼 (yuè liàng bǐng)
例句:The round shape of mooncakes symbolizes the full moon and family reunion.
3. 中秋饼 (zhōng qiū bǐng)
例句:Mooncakes are an essential part of celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival in China.
4. 团圆饼 (tuán yuán bǐng)
例句:Eating mooncakes together with family symbolizes reunion and harmony.
5. 月宫酒 (yuè gōng jiǔ)
例句:In Chinese mythology, it is believed that mooncakes were used as an offering to the Moon Goddess during the Mid-Autumn Festival.
6. 午后甜点 (wǔ hòu tián diǎn)
例句:Mooncakes are often enjoyed as a sweet treat after lunch or dinner.
7. 月饼糕点 (yuè bǐng gāo diǎn)
例句:Mooncakes are a type of Chinese pastry, usually filled with sweet fillings such as lotus seed paste or red bean paste.
8. 中秋佳肴 (zhōng qiū jiā yáo)
例句:Mooncakes are considered one of the traditional delicacies for the Mid-Autumn Festival.
9. 月夜美食 (yuè yè měi shí)
例句:On a moonlit night, enjoying mooncakes is a special treat for many people.
10. 长寿饼 (cháng shòu bǐng)
例句:Some mooncakes are made with ingredients believed to have health benefits, and are often given as gifts to wish for longevity.