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1. 时段:作为名词,“morning”的基本含义是指早晨这一时段。它通常指日出后到正午之间的时间段,但具体时间因地区和季节而异。


2. 问候:在英语中,“morning”也可以用作问候语,表示“早上好”。通常用于见面或打招呼时,例如:“Good morning!”(早上好!)

3. 同义词:除了“morning”,英语中还有其他几个与早晨相关的词汇。比如,“dawn”(黎明)、“sunrise”(日出)和“daybreak”(破晓)都可以用来指代早晨这个时间段。

4. 例句:以下是几个使用“morning”的例句:

- I love going for a run in the morning.(我喜欢在早晨去跑步。)

- She always wakes up early in the morning.(她总是在早晨起得很早。)

- The morning air is so fresh and invigorating.(早晨的空气是那么清新和令人振奋。)


1. 发音


2. 同义词


3. 例句

1) I like to go for a walk in the morning.


2) She always wakes up early in the morning.


3) The morning sun shone brightly through the window.


4. 发音技巧


- “o”的发音要长而轻松,不要读成短元音[o]或者[ɔ]。

- “ing”的发音要轻快,不要读得太重或者太长。

- 注意“r”的发音,它应该是一个轻微的后颚音,而不是滚动的舌尖音。

- 用正确的重音,把重点放在第一个音节上,“morning”中的重音就落在第一个音节上


1. "morning"的意思


2. "morning"的发音


3. "morning"的同义词

- Dawn:黎明,指太阳升起之前的时刻。

- Sunrise:日出,指太阳从地平线升起。

- Daybreak:破晓,指天亮之前的时刻。

- Sunrise:日出,指太阳从地平线升起。

4. "morning"的例句

- I love to take a walk in the morning and enjoy the fresh air.


- Good morning, everyone! I hope you all have a great day ahead.


- The morning dew on the grass was sparkling in the sunlight.


- She has been feeling nauseous every morning for the past week.


- The meeting is scheduled for tomorrow morning at 9 am.


5. "morning"的常用短语

- Monday morning:星期一早上

- Early morning:清晨

- Good morning:早上好

- Morning routine:早晨的例行公事

- Morning coffee:早晨的咖啡

6. "morning"用于不同场景中的表达方式

- 在正式场合,如商务会议或者学术讨论中,可以用"good morning"或者"good morning, everyone"作为问候语。

- 在日常生活中,可以用"morning"作为简单的问候语,例如和邻居打招呼时。

- 如果想要祝福对方有一个美好的一天,可以说"sweet morning"或者"wonderful morning"。

- 当谈论具体时间时,可以用"in the morning"表示在早上某个时间段发生的事情


1. Dawn

- 意思:黎明,拂晓

- 读音:dɔːn

- 示例:The birds start singing at dawn every morning.

2. Sunrise

- 意思:日出,日出时分

- 读音:ˈsʌnraɪz

- 示例:We woke up early to watch the sunrise over the mountains.

3. Daybreak

- 意思:破晓,黎明时分

- 读音:ˈdeɪbreɪk

- 示例:The fishermen set out for the sea at daybreak.

4. Cockcrow

- 意思:拂晓,鸡鸣时分

- 读音:ˈkɒkkrəʊ

- 示例:We could hear the cockcrow signaling the start of a new day.

5. Sunup

- 意思:日出,早晨的开始

- 读音: ˈsʌnʌp

- 示例: The sunup was particularly beautiful today, with shades of pink and orange painting the sky.

6. A.M.

- 意思: 上午,午前

- 读音: eɪ em

示例: The meeting is scheduled for 10 a.m., please make sure to arrive on time.

7. Forenoon

- 意思: 上午,午前

- 读音: fɔːnuːn

示例: We have a busy schedule this forenoon, so let's get started.

8. Ante meridiem (AM)

- 意思: 上午,午前

- 读音: ˌænti məˈrɪdiəm

示例: The train will depart at 11 ante meridiem, so make sure to be at the station on time.

9. Early hours

- 意思: 凌晨,清晨

- 读音: ˈɜːli aʊəz

示例: The party lasted until the early hours of the morning.

10. First light

- 意思: 破晓,黎明时分

- 读音: fɜːst laɪt

示例: We started our hike at first light, hoping to reach the summit before noon.

11. Daytime

- 意思:白天,日间

- 读音:ˈdeɪtaɪm

- 示例:I prefer to do my work during daytime, as I find it easier to concentrate.

12. Sunlit hours

- 意思:阳光普照的时光

- 读音:sʌn lɪt aʊəz

- 示例:The sunlit hours are my favorite time of day, everything looks so beautiful and vibrant.

13. Matutinal

- 意思:早晨的,清晨的

- 读音:məˈtjuːtɪnl̩

- 示例:My matutinal routine includes a cup of coffee and some light stretching exercises.

14. Aurora

- 意思:极光,黎明的曙光

- 读音:əˈrɔːrə

- 示例:We were lucky enough to witness the aurora during our early morning hike.

15. First blush

- 意思:黎明时分,初露曙光

- 读音:fɜːst blʌʃ

- 示例:The first blush of morning brought a sense of calm and peace to the city
