1. The artist created a series of morphous sculptures that seemed to change shape depending on the viewer's perspective.
2. The company prides itself on its ability to adapt to changing market trends, proving that it is truly morphous in nature.
3. His ideas were amorphous and lacked structure, making it difficult for others to understand his vision.
1. 概念解释
2. 发音指南
- The word “morphous” is pronounced as /mɔːfəs/.
- Can you hear the difference between “morphous” and “formless”?
3. 同义词及例句
- Amorphous:与morphous相同,都来自于希腊语中的“morphe”,意为“无定形的、无结构的”。例如:
- The amorphous blob on the floor turned out to be a melted ice cream.
- The company's organizational structure is quite amorphous, making it difficult to define job responsibilities.
- Shapeless:与amorphous含义相近,也指无固定形状或结构。例如:
- The shapeless mass of clay was molded into a beautiful vase.
- Her thoughts were shapeless and scattered, making it hard for her to focus.
- Fluid:也有可塑性、变化的含义,但更强调流动性。例如:
- The concept of gender is becoming more fluid in modern society.
- The artist's style is very fluid, constantly evolving and changing.
- Mutable:指易变的、多变的特征。例如:
- The mutable weather made it hard to plan outdoor activities.
- His opinions are quite mutable, often changing depending on the situation
1. Definition of morphous
Morphous is an adjective that describes something as being without a definite or distinct form. It is derived from the Greek word "morphos" which means form or shape. In simpler terms, it refers to something that is shapeless, unformed or lacking a defined structure.
2. Pronunciation of morphous
The correct pronunciation of morphous is MOR-fuhs, with the emphasis on the first syllable. The "ph" in the word is pronounced as an "f", similar to words like philosophy and photograph.
3. Synonyms of morphous
- Amorphous: having no definite shape or form
- Shapeless: lacking a defined shape or structure
- Formless: without a clear or defined form
- Unformed: not yet given a definite shape or structure
4. Examples of usage
a) "The artist's latest sculpture was an interesting exploration of morphous shapes and forms."
b) "The liquid was poured into a mold and left to cool, resulting in an amorphous blob."
c) "The clouds in the sky formed into various morphous shapes, creating a beautiful sight."
d) "The company's new product has an amorphous design that allows for customization by the user."
e) "The child's drawing was full of unformed lines and shapes, but it showed great potential for creativity."
f) "The scientist discovered a new type of bacteria with an unusual and morphous structure."
g) "Her thoughts were all over the place, taking on a morphous form that was difficult to pin down."
h) "The artist used different materials such as clay and wire to create an amorphous sculpture that challenged traditional ideas of art."
5. Conclusion
In conclusion, morphous refers to something that lacks a defined form or structure. It can be used in various contexts such as art, science, and even in describing thoughts and ideas. Its synonyms include amorphous, shapeless, formless, and unformed. Knowing the correct meaning and usage of morphous can help expand one's vocabulary and improve their understanding of the English language
1. What does "morphous" mean?
- "Morphous" means having no definite shape or form.
- "Morphous"的意思是没有明确的形状或形式。
2. How do you pronounce "morphous"?
- "Morphous" is pronounced as /ˈmɔːrfəs/.
- "Morphous"的发音为/ˈmɔːrfəs/。
3. Other words for "morphous"
- Synonyms for "morphous" include shapeless, formless, and amorphous.
- 词语“morphous”的同义词包括无形的、无定形的和无定型的。
4. Examples of phrases with "morphous"
- A shapeless blob of clay.
- The amorphous clouds in the sky.
- The formless mass of emotions inside her.
1. Amorphous
- Meaning: without a clearly defined shape or form; unorganized
- Pronunciation: uh-mawr-fuh s
- Synonyms: shapeless, formless, structureless, unstructured
- Example sentence: The amorphous blob of clay could be molded into any shape the artist desired.
2. Shapeless
- Meaning: lacking a definite or regular shape; formless
- Pronunciation: sheyp-lis
- Synonyms: amorphous, unshapely, unformed, undefined
- Example sentence: The shapeless mass of clothes on the floor made it difficult to find her missing sock.
3. Unstructured
- Meaning: not arranged according to a plan or system; disorganized
- Pronunciation: uhn-struhk-cherd
- Synonyms: chaotic, unordered, unsystematic, disorganized
- Example sentence: The unstructured approach to teaching allowed students to explore their own interests and learn at their own pace.
4. Unformed
- Meaning: not yet developed or fully grown; immature
- Pronunciation: uhn-fawrmd
- Synonyms: undeveloped, embryonic, nascent, incipient
- Example sentence: Her ideas were still unformed and needed more research before presenting them to the team.
5. Formless
- Meaning: lacking a definite or recognizable shape; indistinct
- Pronunciation: fawrm-lis
- Synonyms: amorphous, shapeless, structureless, vague
- Example sentence: The formless clouds in the sky made it difficult to predict the weather for the day.
6. Structureless
- Meaning: lacking a clear organization or structure
-Synonyms :amorphous ,unstructured ,formless ,shapeless
- Example sentence: The structureless company lacked clear roles and responsibilities, leading to confusion and inefficiency.
7. Unshapely
- Meaning: having an unattractive or unappealing shape
- Pronunciation: uhn-shey-plee
- Synonyms: misshapen, unsightly, deformed, grotesque
- Example sentence: The unshapely vase looked like it had been made by a child in art class.
8. Indistinct
- Meaning: not clear or sharply defined; vague
- Pronunciation: in-di-stingkt
- Synonyms: unclear, hazy, blurred, obscure
- Example sentence: The indistinct outline of the figure in the fog made it difficult to identify who it was.
9. Vague
- Meaning: not clearly expressed or defined; uncertain
-Synonyms :ambiguous ,indefinite ,obscure ,imprecise
- Example sentence: The vague instructions on the package left her confused about how to assemble the furniture.
10. Chaotic
-Meaning :in a state of complete confusion and disorder
-Synonyms :disorganized ,disordered ,messy ,jumbled
-Example sentence :The chaotic scene at the concert made it difficult for security to control the crowd
In summary, morphous refers to something that lacks a definite shape or form. Its pronunciation is "mor-fuh s" and it can be used in various contexts, such as science, literature, and everyday language. Some common phrases with morphous include "amorphous solid" and "metamorphosis." Synonyms for morphous include shapeless, formless, and unstructured.