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1. mother的意思是“母亲”,是指生育并抚养孩子的女性。


2. mother的读音为[muhth-er],其中th发音为清音,不要读成[z]的浊音哦。

3. mother的同义词包括:mom、mama、mum等,它们都是对母亲的亲昵称呼。

4. 例句:My mother is the most important person in my life.(我的母亲是我生命中最重要的人。)

5. 除了指代生物学上的母亲外,mother也可以用作动词,表示“培养、教育”等含义。例如:She has been mothering her children alone since her husband passed away.(自从丈夫去世后,她一直独自抚养孩子们。)



1. 母亲的发音是什么?


2. 怎么读才正确?


3. 其他同义词及例句


- Mom: Hey mom, can you help me with my homework?

- Mum: My mum makes the best apple pie.

- Mama: I love you, mama!

- Mommy: Mommy, can we go to the park today?

- Ma: Ma always knows what to say when I'm feeling down


1. mother是什么意思?


2. mother怎么读?


3. mother同义词

mother的同义词包括:mom, mum, mama, ma, mommy等。这些单词都可以用来指代“母亲”。

4. mother的用法

(1)指代生物学上的母亲:My mother is a nurse.(我的母亲是一名护士。)

(2)指代非生物学上的事物:Nature is the mother of all things.(自然是万物之母。)

(3)用于比喻:She is the mother of invention.(她是发明之母。)

5. 双语例句

(1) My mother always cooks delicious meals for us.


(2) The cat gave birth to four kittens and became a mother.


(3) She has been like a second mother to me since my own mother passed away.


(4) The mother bird flew back to the nest to feed her babies.


(5) Her mother tongue is Spanish, but she is also fluent in English.




1. Mom - 妈妈,这个词听起来更亲切,更像是孩子们常用的称呼。

例句:Mom, can you help me with my homework?

2. Mama - 妈妈,这个词带有一种温柔的感觉,适合表达对母亲的爱和感激。

例句:I miss my mama's cooking.

3. Mum - 妈咪,这个词在英式英语中更常用,也可以用来表达对母亲的尊重。

例句:My mum always knows what's best for me.

4. Mother - 母亲,这个词比较正式,适合在正式场合使用。

例句:I am grateful for everything my mother has done for me.

5. Ma - 阿妈,在一些地方或者方言中也可以用来称呼母亲。

例句:I always turn to ma when I need advice.

6. Mummy - 妈麻,在英国常用的一种称呼方式,带有一种可爱的感觉。

例句:Mummy, can I have some ice cream?

7. Mommy - 妈咪,在美国常用的一种称呼方式,也带有一种可爱的感觉。

例句:Mommy, can we go to the park today?

8. Mater - 母亲,在文学作品或者电影中经常出现的一种称呼方式。

例句:Harry Potter's mother, Lily, loved him deeply.

9. Mam - 妈咪,这个词在英式英语中也比较常用,带有一种亲昵的感觉。

例句:I always call my mam when I need someone to talk to.

10. Momma - 妈咪,在美国南部或者非洲裔社区中常用的一种称呼方式。

例句:Momma always knows how to make me feel better


1. Mother's love - 母爱

例句:I am grateful for my mother's love and support throughout my life. (我感激母亲一生的爱和支持。)

2. Mother tongue - 母语

例句:English is not my mother tongue, but I have been learning it since childhood. (英语不是我的母语,但我从小就开始学习。)

3. Motherhood - 母性

例句:Motherhood is a challenging but rewarding journey. (母性是一段充满挑战但也有回报的旅程。)

4. Mother figure - 慈母形象

例句:She has always been a mother figure to me, even though we are not related by blood. (尽管我们没有血缘关系,她一直是我心目中的慈母形象。)

5. Like mother, like daughter - 有其母必有其女

例句:She inherited her mother's artistic talent, like mother, like daughter. (她继承了母亲的艺术天赋,有其母必有其女。)

6. Mother hen - 母鸡(形容照顾周到的人)

例句:My friend is a real mother hen, always making sure everyone is taken care of. (我的朋友就像一只真正的母鸡,总是确保每个人都被照顾到。)

7. Mother nature - 大自然之母

例句:We should all do our part in protecting mother nature. (我们都应该尽自己的一份力来保护大自然之母。)

8. Motherland - 祖国

例句:I am proud to call this beautiful country my motherland. (我很自豪能称这个美丽的国家为我的祖国。)

9. Mother's intuition - 母亲的直觉

例句:My mother's intuition has never been wrong, she always knows when something is not right. (我的母亲的直觉从来没有错过,她总能感觉到什么不对劲。)

10. Mother lode - 主要财源(常用于商业术语)

例句:The new product was a mother lode for the company, bringing in huge profits. (这个新产品对公司来说是一笔主要财源,带来了巨额利润。)
