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1. 拼音:mó tiōng

2. "motion"一词来自拉丁语"motio",意为运动、动作。在英语中,它可以用作名词、动词或形容词,表示不同的含义和用法。

3. 在汉语拼音中,"motion"的拼音为mó tiōng。其中,mó的声调为第二声,tiōng的声调为第一声。

4. "motion"作为名词时,可以指运动、动作、提案、议案等。例如:"The motion of the waves was mesmerizing."(波浪的运动令人着迷。) "The motion to approve the budget was passed unanimously."(通过预算的提案获得全票通过。)

5. "motion"作为动词时,可以指移动、提出议案或建议等。例如:"She motioned for me to come closer."(她示意我靠近一些。) "The senator motioned for a vote on the new bill."(参议员提出对新法案进行投票。)

6. "motion"也可以用作形容词,在这种情况下,它的意思是活跃的、有活力的。例如:"He has a very motion personality."(他个性非常活跃。)

7. 在翻译解释行业中,“motion”通常指运动图像或视频素材,在此领域中常用术语有“运动图像”、“运动视频”等。例如:"The presentation needs more motion to make it visually appealing."(这个演示文稿需要更多的运动图像来增加视觉吸引力。)

8. 总的来说,"motion"的拼音为mó tiōng,它可以代表不同的含义和用法,具体取决于上下文。在翻译解释行业中,它常指运动图像或视频素材,在此领域中有着重要的作用


1. motion的发音为/moʊʃən/,其中元音o读作短音,后面的sh读作清辅音。

2. motion是一个英语单词,意为“运动”、“动作”,也可以用作动词,表示“移动”、“运行”等。

3. 在美式英语中,motion还可以用作名词,指“议案”、“提案”,在法律领域中常见。

4. 除了以上字面意思外,motion还有一些常见的搭配用法:

- in motion:表示“运动中”,例如:The train is already in motion.

- slow motion:表示“慢动作”,例如:The movie has a lot of slow motion scenes.

- cease motion:表示“停止运动”,例如:The wind ceased its motion.

- put something into motion:表示“使某物开始运动/实施”,例如:We need to put our plan into motion.

5. 在科学领域中,motion也有特定的含义,在物理学中指物体的运动状态,在心理学中指情绪或想法的变化过程。

6. 除了上述常见用法外,motion还有一些常见的短语搭配:

- go through the motions:表示“敷衍了事/做表面功夫”,例如:She just goes through the motions at work, she doesn't really care about her job.

- set something in motion:表示“启动某事物”,例如:The new CEO set some major changes in motion.

- in slow motion:表示“慢动作地”,例如:He watched the accident happen in slow motion.

7. 在英式英语中,motion还有一个常见的用法,指“提出议案/动议”,例如:The motion to adjourn the meeting was passed unanimously.

8. 在口语中,motion也可以用作动词,表示“示意”、“打手势”,例如:She motioned for me to come closer.

9. 总的来说,motion是一个多义词,在不同语境下有不同的含义和用法。要准确地读音和使用它,需要根据具体情况进行理解和学习


1. motion的用法


2. motion的双语例句

1) He made a motion to leave the room. 他提议离开房间。

2) The car was in constant motion on the highway. 汽车在高速公路上不断行驶。

3) She has a smooth and graceful motion when she dances. 她跳舞时有着流畅优雅的动作。

4) The motion of the waves can be mesmerizing to watch. 浪花的起伏运动令人神往。

5) The board members voted against the motion to increase salaries. 董事会成员投票反对提高薪水的提议。

b. 作为动词时,motion可以指移动、运动或使发生。

c. 在双语例句中,motion常用来描述人体、车辆、自然现象等具有运动性质的事物。

4. 双语例句拓展

1) The dancers moved in perfect unison, their motions synchronized to the music.


2) The ocean is always in motion, never staying still for too long.


3) The motion of the train lulled me to sleep.


4) She made a sweeping motion with her hand, indicating for us to follow her.


5) The court denied the motion to dismiss the case.




1. In motion - 在运动中

例如:The dancers were in motion, gracefully moving across the stage.(舞者们在运动中,优雅地在舞台上移动。)

2. Slow motion - 慢动作

例如:The video was played in slow motion to capture every detail of the car crash.(为了捕捉每一个细节,视频以慢动作播放了车祸的画面。)

3. Forward motion - 前进

例如:We need to keep moving forward and not let anything hold us back.(我们需要不断前进,不让任何事情阻挠我们。)

4. Motion sickness - 晕动病

例如:I always get motion sickness when I ride on a boat or a plane.(每次坐船或坐飞机,我都会晕动病。)

5. Emotion in motion - 情感流淌

例如:Her dance was full of emotion in motion, expressing her innermost feelings through movement.(她的舞蹈充满了情感流淌,通过舞蹈表达内心最深处的感受。)

6. Cease motion - 停止运动

例如:The machine will automatically cease motion if there is any malfunction detected.(如果检测到故障,机器会自动停止运转。)

7. Motion picture - 电影

例如:The film won several awards at the international motion picture festival.(这部电影在国际电影节上获得了几项大奖。)

8. Motion sensor - 运动传感器

例如:The lights in the hallway are activated by motion sensors, saving energy and costs.(走廊的灯是由运动传感器控制的,节省了能源和成本。)

9. Pass a motion - 通过决议

例如:The committee voted to pass a motion to increase the budget for education.(委员会投票通过一项决议,增加教育预算。)

10. Keep in motion - 保持运动

例如:It's important to keep in motion and stay active for a healthy lifestyle.(保持运动和积极生活对健康至关重要。)


1. Movement

- Definition: the act or process of moving, especially in a particular direction.

- Example: The motion of the waves was mesmerizing.

2. Action

- Definition: something done or performed; an act.

- Example: The dancers' fluid motions captivated the audience.

3. Activity

- Definition: the state or quality of being active; energetic action or movement.

- Example: The children were full of motion as they played in the park.

4. Progress

- Definition: forward or onward movement towards a destination or goal.

- Example: The car's motion was steady as it drove towards the finish line.

5. Flow

- Definition: the smooth and continuous movement of something in a particular direction.

- Example: The river's motion was swift and powerful after the heavy rainstorm.

6. Mobility

- Definition: the ability to move freely and easily.

- Example: The athlete's agility allowed for quick, fluid motions on the field.

7. Travel

- Definition: to go from one place to another, typically over a distance.

- Example: The train's motion was smooth and comfortable as it traveled through the countryside.

8. Shift

- Definition: a slight change in position, direction, or tendency.

- Example: The dancer's graceful motions shifted seamlessly from one move to another.

9. Progression

- Definition: a series of actions or events that lead to a particular result or outcome.

- Example: The project's success was due to careful planning and deliberate motions towards completion.

10. Stirring

- Definition: causing strong feelings; moving emotionally; exciting action or activity.

- Example: The speaker's powerful words stirred up emotions and motivated action among the audience
