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The pronunciation of "motivate"

1. The meaning of "motivate"

"Motivate" is a verb that means to stimulate or encourage someone to take action towards a goal or desired outcome. It can also refer to the process of providing someone with a reason or incentive to do something.

2. How to pronounce "motivate"

The word "motivate" is pronounced as /ˈmoʊtəveɪt/, with the primary stress on the second syllable. The first syllable is pronounced like the word "mow" and the second syllable is pronounced like the word "tate". The final "e" is silent.

3. Synonyms for "motivate"

Some synonyms for "motivate" include inspire, drive, encourage, spur, and prompt. These words all convey a sense of pushing someone towards action or providing them with a reason to do something.

4. Examples of using "motivate" in a sentence

- The coach's pep talk really motivated the team to win the game.

- She was motivated by her desire to succeed and prove her doubters wrong.

- A good salary can be a strong motivator for employees.

- The teacher used positive reinforcement to motivate her students to study harder.

- He was deeply motivated by his passion for helping others and making a difference in their lives.

5. Other forms of "motivate"

The noun form of "motivate" is motivation, which refers to the state or act of being motivated. Adjective forms include motivated, motivating, and motivational.

6. Tips for using "motivate"

When using this word, it's important to consider your audience and tone. While it can be used in both formal and informal settings, it may be more appropriate in certain contexts than others. Additionally, try not to overuse this word in your writing as it may become repetitive.

In conclusion, "motivate" is a commonly used word that refers to encouraging or stimulating someone towards action. It can be pronounced as /ˈmoʊtəveɪt/ and has synonyms such as inspire, drive, and encourage. Keep these tips in mind when using this word in your writing to ensure clarity and effectiveness

Is "motivate" an idiom?

1. 简介


2. “motivate”的含义

根据牛津英语词典的解释,“motivate”是一个及物动词,意为“激励;促使;激发”。它可以作为及物动词使用,也可以作为不及物动词使用。作为及物动词时,它后面通常会跟上一个目标或者结果。比如,“He is motivated by the desire for success.”(他被对成功的渴望所激励。)作为不及物动词时,它后面通常会跟上一个原因或者动机。比如,“The team was motivated to win the championship.”(团队被获得冠军的动机所激发。)

3. “motivate”的读音


4. “motivate”的同义词


5. “motivate”的例句


1)The coach's inspiring words motivated the team to win the game.


2)She is motivated by her passion for music.


3)The company offers bonuses to motivate its employees to work harder.


6. 结论


Usage and examples of "motivate"

Motivate refers to the act of inspiring or encouraging someone to take action or achieve a goal. It can also mean to provide someone with a reason or incentive to do something. In this section, we will explore the different ways "motivate" can be used and provide some examples to help you better understand its meaning.

1. Synonyms for "motivate"

- Inspire: To fill someone with the urge or ability to do something creative or worthwhile.

Example: The coach's speech inspired the team to work harder and win the game.

- Encourage: To give support, confidence, or hope to someone.

Example: My parents always encouraged me to pursue my dreams.

- Stimulate: To cause someone to become more active or enthusiastic.

Example: The new challenge stimulated my creativity and motivated me to improve my skills.

2. Usage of "motivate"

- Motivate + someone + infinitive verb

Example: The teacher's words motivated her students to study harder for their exams.

- Motivate + someone + with + noun/gerund

Example: He was motivated with the prospect of winning a scholarship for his academic achievements.

- Be motivated by + noun/gerund

Example: She was motivated by her passion for helping others.

3. Examples of "motivate" in sentences

- What motivates you to wake up early every morning?

- The company offers bonuses as a way to motivate their employees.

- His determination and hard work are what motivate me every day.

- She is always looking for ways to motivate her team and keep them engaged.

In conclusion, "motivate" is a versatile word that can be used in various contexts, but it all comes down to inspiring or encouraging someone. By using synonyms and different sentence structures, you can effectively convey your message and motivate others towards success

Antonyms and synonyms of "motivate"

1. Antonyms of "motivate":

- Demotivate

- Discourage

- Dishearten

- Deter

- Suppress

2. Synonyms of "motivate":

- Inspire

- Encourage

- Stimulate

- Spur on

- Galvanize

3. Example sentences:

a) She was demotivated by her boss's constant criticism.

b) The coach's words discouraged the team from giving up.

c) The failure of their first attempt disheartened them, but they did not give up.

d) The fear of failure deterred her from taking risks.

e) The strict rules and regulations suppressed their creativity.

f) His success story inspired many young entrepreneurs.

g) Her words encouraged me to pursue my dreams.

h) The promise of a reward stimulated the employees to work harder.

i) The motivational speech spurred on the students to achieve their goals.

j) The urgent situation galvanized the team into action

Explanation of the meaning of "motivate"




除了这个基本含义和发音外,我们还可以通过一些同义词来更深入地理解“motivate”的意思。比如,“inspire”(启发)、 “encourage”(鼓励)、 “stimulate”(刺激)、 “influence”(影响)等,都可以用来表达“motivate”的含义。这些词都有一个共同点,就是通过某种方式来激发他人的积极性和行动力。


