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The pronunciation of motivation





那么motivation翻译为什么呢?其实就是“动机”、“激励”、“动力”。比如说,“What is your motivation for studying English?”(你学习英语的动力是什么?)或者“Her words were a great motivation for me to work harder.”(她的话是我更加努力工作的动力。)

Is motivation an idiom?

1. Motivation is a commonly used term in both everyday language and academic discourse. It is often described as the driving force behind our actions, thoughts, and behaviors. But is motivation just a simple term or does it hold a deeper meaning? Is it an idiom that we use without fully understanding its implications?

2. The word "motivation" comes from the Latin word "movere," which means to move or to set in motion. In its simplest form, motivation can be defined as the reason why we do something or the desire to achieve a certain goal. It is what pushes us to take action and keep going despite obstacles or challenges.

3. However, when we delve deeper into the concept of motivation, we realize that it is not just a simple explanation for our behavior. It is a complex process that involves various psychological, biological, and social factors. This brings us to the question: Is motivation an idiom?

4. An idiom can be defined as a group of words with a figurative meaning that cannot be understood by looking at each individual word. For example, the phrase "to kick the bucket" does not literally mean kicking a bucket but refers to someone dying. Similarly, some argue that motivation has become an overused term and has lost its true meaning.

5. In this sense, motivation can be seen as an idiom because it has taken on different meanings depending on context and individual interpretation. For some people, motivation may mean having a strong desire to achieve success or reaching personal goals. For others, it may mean having the drive to overcome challenges or obstacles.

6. Moreover, there are different types of motivation such as intrinsic (internal) and extrinsic (external) motivation, each with its own nuances and complexities. This further supports the argument that motivation cannot simply be defined as one thing but rather encompasses various aspects.

7. Another aspect to consider is cultural differences. What may be motivating for one person may not be the same for another due to cultural beliefs and values. This adds another layer of complexity to the concept of motivation, making it difficult to define as a simple term or phrase.

8. In conclusion, while motivation is commonly used and understood in everyday language, it is not a straightforward concept. It holds different meanings and interpretations for different individuals and contexts. Therefore, it can be argued that motivation can be seen as an idiom, as it is a complex term that cannot be fully understood by looking at its literal definition

Usage and examples of motivation

Motivation is a term that is commonly used in the field of psychology, but it also has relevance in other areas such as business, education, and sports. It refers to the driving force or reason behind a person's actions, desires, and goals. In simpler terms, motivation can be defined as the inner state that energizes and directs behavior towards achieving a certain goal.

There are various theories and models that attempt to explain motivation, but ultimately it is a complex concept that can differ from person to person. Some people may be motivated by external factors such as rewards or praise, while others may be driven by internal factors such as personal satisfaction or a sense of purpose.

In order to better understand motivation and its impact on individuals and organizations, let us explore some examples of how motivation can manifest in different contexts.

1. Workplace Motivation

In a work setting, employees' motivation plays a crucial role in their performance and productivity. Employers can use various strategies to motivate their employees, such as offering incentives or recognition for good work, providing opportunities for growth and development, or creating a positive work culture.

For example, Google is known for its unique approach to employee motivation by offering perks like free meals and on-site amenities. This not only helps attract top talent but also keeps employees motivated to perform at their best.

2. Academic Motivation

Motivation also plays an important role in education. Students who are motivated are more likely to engage in learning activities and achieve academic success. Teachers can use various techniques to motivate their students such as setting achievable goals, providing positive feedback, and creating an engaging learning environment.

For instance, a teacher may use gamification techniques like awarding points or badges for completing tasks to keep students motivated and interested in the subject matter.

3. Sports Motivation

In sports, motivation is often seen as the key factor that separates winners from losers. Athletes who are highly motivated have the drive and determination to push themselves to their limits and achieve their goals. Coaches and trainers often use motivational techniques such as setting clear objectives, providing positive reinforcement, and fostering a competitive spirit to help athletes perform at their best.

For example, Michael Jordan was known for his relentless drive and motivation on the basketball court, which helped him become one of the greatest players in NBA history.

4. Personal Motivation

Motivation also plays a crucial role in our personal lives. It is what drives us to pursue our passions, achieve our dreams, and overcome obstacles. Personal motivation can come from various sources such as a desire for success, a sense of purpose or fulfillment, or even external factors like the support of friends and family.

For instance, someone who is motivated by a desire for success may work tirelessly towards achieving their goals despite facing setbacks or challenges along the way.

In conclusion, motivation is a complex and multifaceted concept that influences our thoughts, behaviors, and actions in various aspects of our lives. Whether it is in the workplace, education, sports or our personal lives, understanding motivation can help us better understand ourselves and others around us. By harnessing motivation effectively, we can achieve great things and reach our full potential

Antonyms and synonyms of motivation

1. Antonyms of motivation

1.1. Apathy - lack of motivation or enthusiasm; indifference.

Example: The team's apathy towards the game showed their lack of motivation.

1.2. Laziness - unwillingness to work or use energy; idleness.

Example: His laziness was a major obstacle in achieving his goals and motivation.

1.3. Disinterest - lack of interest; indifference.

Example: The students' disinterest in the subject was evident from their low motivation to learn.

1.4. Demotivation - loss of motivation or enthusiasm; discouragement.

Example: The constant criticism from his boss led to his demotivation at work.

1.5. Indolence - avoidance of activity; laziness.

Example: His indolence hindered his progress and motivation to succeed in life.

2. Synonyms of motivation

2.1. Drive - strong desire or determination to achieve something.

Example: Her drive and determination helped her overcome all obstacles and achieve her goals.

2.2. Inspiration - something that motivates or encourages one to do something.

Example: The success stories of entrepreneurs were an inspiration for him to start his own business with great motivation.

2.3. Enthusiasm - intense excitement or interest in something; passion.

Example: Her enthusiasm for the project was contagious and motivated the whole team to work harder towards its success.

2.4. Ambition - strong desire or determination to achieve success, power, or wealth.

Example: His ambition drove him to work hard and achieve great success in his career with high levels of motivation.

2.5. Zeal - great energy, enthusiasm, or passion for a cause or goal.

Example: The speaker's zeal and passion for the topic motivated the audience to take action towards making a positive change.

3.Similar Terms for Motivation

3.1.Incentive - something that motivates or encourages one to do something.

Example: The company offered a bonus as an incentive to motivate its employees to meet their targets.

3.2. Urge - a strong desire or impulse to do something.

Example: The urge to succeed motivated him to work hard and achieve his goals.

3.3. Determination - firmness of purpose; resoluteness.

Example: Her determination and motivation helped her overcome all obstacles and achieve her dreams.

3.4. Willpower - control exerted over one's own impulses, emotions, or desires; self-control.

Example: With strong willpower and motivation, he was able to quit smoking and lead a healthier lifestyle.

3.5. Inspiration - something that motivates or encourages one to do something.

Example: The success stories of entrepreneurs were an inspiration for him to start his own business with great motivation.

In conclusion, motivation can be defined as the driving force that compels individuals to take action towards achieving their goals and desires. It is the inner desire or enthusiasm that gives individuals the energy and determination to overcome obstacles and work towards success. While antonyms of motivation include apathy, laziness, disinterest, demotivation, and indolence; synonyms for motivation include drive, inspiration, enthusiasm, ambition, zeal, incentive, urge, determination, willpower, and inspiration. These terms all reflect the importance of having a strong motivation in order to achieve success in various aspects of life

Explanation of motivation

1. Motivation的定义


2. Motivation的发音


3. Motivation的翻译


- 动机:指人们做某件事情时所追求的目标或原因。

- 动力:指驱使人们行动或做出决定的力量。

- 激励:指通过奖励、赞扬等方式来促使人们行动或改变行为。

- 动机论:指一种心理学理论,探讨人类行为背后的动机和驱动力。

4. Motivation在生活中的应用


- 工作动机:指人们工作的原因或目标,通常与薪水、职业发展等相关。

- 学习动机:指学生学习的原因或目标,可能包括对知识的渴望、成绩提高等。

- 运动动机:指人们进行运动的原因,可能是为了保持健康、减肥等。

- 创业动机:指创业者创立企业的原因或目标,可能包括追求财富、实现梦想等。

5. Motivation与心理学


6. 怎样提高自己的motivation


- 设定明确的目标:设定具体、可量化的目标可以帮助我们更容易地找到动力去实现它们。

- 寻求激励:可以通过奖励自己、寻求他人的支持和鼓励等方式来激励自己。

- 找到内在动机:寻找做某件事情的内在原因,而不是仅仅追求外在奖励,可以让我们更持久地保持动力。

- 培养积极的态度:保持乐观、积极的态度可以帮助我们克服困难,保持动力
