1. “motive”的意思是什么?
2. 如何正确发音“motive”?
现在我们来谈谈如何发音这个单词。它的读音是 [ˈmoʊtɪv],重音在第一个音节上。你可以把它分解成两个部分:[moh-tiv]。记住第二个音节的读音和单词“give”中的“-ive”相同。
3. 为什么要学习如何发音“motive”?
4. 怎样练习发音?
Are you feeling confused about the word "motive"? Don't worry, you're not alone. As an AI writer, I'm here to help you understand this word better. So let's dive into the question: Is "motive" a noun or a verb?
1. Understanding the meaning of "motive"
Before we determine whether "motive" is a noun or a verb, let's first understand what it means. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, "motive" is defined as "something (such as a need or desire) that causes a person to act." In simpler terms, it refers to the reason behind someone's actions.
2. Noun or Verb?
Now that we know the meaning of "motive", let's see if it's a noun or a verb. Well, the answer is both! As a noun, "motive" refers to the reason or motivation for doing something. For example, "What was his motive for committing such a crime?" On the other hand, as a verb, it means to motivate or drive someone to do something. For instance, "Her passion for music motivated her to pursue a career in singing."
3. Examples for better understanding
To further illustrate this point, let me give you some examples of how "motive" can be used as both a noun and a verb.
- Noun: His motive for donating all his money was purely altruistic.
- Verb: The coach's pep talk motivated the team to win the game.
4. Conclusion
In conclusion, "motive" can be used as both a noun and a verb depending on its context in a sentence. So next time someone asks you if it's one or the other, you can confidently say that it's both! Keep expanding your vocabulary and stay curious about words like this one.
I hope this helps clear your confusion about the word "motive". Remember, language is constantly evolving and it's okay to have doubts. Just keep learning and exploring, and you'll become a pro in no time!
1. Definition of "motive"
According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, "motive" can be defined as a reason for doing something or a specific goal or purpose that drives one's actions. It can also refer to the inner drive or desire that prompts someone to act in a certain way.
2. Examples of "motive"
- In a murder case, detectives often look for the motive behind the crime in order to understand why the perpetrator committed the act.
- The motive behind her decision to quit her job was her desire to pursue her passion for painting full-time.
- The company's main motive is to provide high-quality products at affordable prices.
- His actions were driven by selfish motives rather than genuine concern for others.
- The government's motive for implementing the new policy was to boost economic growth.
3. Usage of "motive"
- In literature and film, characters' motives are often explored in order to understand their actions and decisions.
- In psychology, understanding one's motives can help in self-reflection and personal growth.
- In business, companies often have motives such as increasing profits or expanding their market share.
- When writing an argumentative essay, it is important to clearly state your motives and reasons for taking a certain stance on an issue.
- When making decisions, it is important to consider both your own motives and those of others involved.
4. Common phrases using "motive"
- Hidden motive: Refers to a reason or intention that is not openly stated or obvious.
Example: The politician's hidden motive for supporting the new law was revealed when it benefited his personal business interests.
- Motive power: Refers to the source of energy or force that drives something forward.
Example: The steam engine was once a popular form of motive power in transportation.
- Motiveless crime: Refers to a crime committed without any apparent reason or motivation.
Example: The murder of the wealthy businessman seemed to be a motiveless crime until the police uncovered a hidden motive for his death.
In conclusion, "motive" can refer to various aspects such as reasons, goals, and inner drives that influence our actions. It is an important concept in understanding human behavior and decision-making
1. What's Your Motive?: 用于询问某人的动机或目的,通常带有质疑的语气。
2. Motive Behind the Action: 指行为背后的动机,可以用来探究某人为什么做出某个决定或行为。
3. Hidden Motives: 指隐藏的动机,暗指某人有不可告人的目的或动机。
4. The True Motive: 指真正的动机,强调寻找真相和深层原因。
5. The Driving Force: 指驱使某人做出行动或决定的力量,也可以引申为激励或推动力。
6. Personal Motivations: 指个人的动机或内在驱使力,可以用来解释某人行为背后的原因。
7. Financial Motives: 指金钱上的动机,通常指某人为了获利而做出决定或行为。
8. Hidden Agenda: 指隐藏的目的或秘密计划,暗示某人可能有不可告人的动机。
9. Motive for Success: 指追求成功和成就感作为主要驱动力。
10. The Ultimate Motive: 指最终目标或最终愿望,强调追求更高层次的目
1. Drive: 指驱使或推动某人做某事的原因,通常是内在的动力。
例如:“What is your drive for success?” (你成功的动力是什么?)
2. Incentive: 指激励或鼓励某人做某事的原因,通常是外部的奖励或回报。
例如:“The company offers a great incentive package to motivate employees.” (公司提供了优厚的激励计划来激励员工。)
3. Intention: 指有意识地想要做某事的原因,通常是为了达到特定的目标或结果。
例如:“Her intention behind the charity event was to raise awareness for the cause.” (她举办慈善活动的初衷是为了提高人们对这一事业的认识。)
4. Purpose: 指做某事的目的或意图,通常是为了实现特定的目标。
例如:“What is the purpose of this meeting?” (这次会议的目的是什么?)
5. Reason: 指促使某人做出决定或行动的原因,可以是理性思考也可以是感情驱使。
例如:“I can't understand the reason behind his sudden resignation.” (我无法理解他突然辞职背后的原因。)
6. Motivation: 指影响一个人行为或思维的力量,可以是内在的欲望或外部的激励。
例如:“What motivates you to keep going when things get tough?” (当事情变得艰难时,是什么激励你继续前进?)