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1. mould的拼音是“móu lǐ”。

2. “mould”一词在英语中既可以作为名词,表示“模具”、“模型”,也可以作为动词,表示“塑造”、“使成形”。它的发音与汉语中的“模理”相似,但有轻微差别。


3. 在英式英语中,有时也会将“mould”拼写为“mold”,但发音仍然相同。

4. “mould”的第一个音节“móu”的发音与汉语中的“摸”相似,但要注意不要把舌头卷起来。第二个音节“lǐ”的发音与汉语中的“李”相似,但要注意不要把舌头上抬。

5. 有些人可能会将第二个音节发成类似于汉语中的“力”的声音,这是因为在英语中,“i”的发音比较特殊,它既可以读成类似于汉语中的“爱”的声音,也可以读成类似于汉语中的“衣”的声音。而在这个单词中,“i”的发音更接近于后者。

6. 如果你想更准确地掌握这个单词的发音,在网上可以找到很多相关视频和教程来帮助你练习。

7. “mould”的拼音在英语中并不算难,但要注意的是,它的发音与汉语中的“模理”并不完全相同,所以在练习时要多加注意。另外,也要注意与其他单词如“mole”、“moral”等发音的区别。

8. 在翻译解释行业中,“mould”的拼音也经常被用到。比如,“模具制造”可以翻译为“mould manufacturing”,“塑造形象”可以翻译为“mould an image”。因此,掌握好这个单词的拼音对于从事这个行业的人来说是非常重要的。

9. 总结一下,“mould”的拼音是“móu lǐ”,第一个音节发成类似于汉语中的“摸”,第二个音节发成类似于汉语中的“李”,但不要把舌头卷起来。如果你想更准确地掌握它的发音,可以寻找相关视频和教程来练习


1. "摸"还是"穆"?——揭秘mould的正确发音


2. "模"字头的mould——从英文单词到中文意思


3. "霉"字头的mould——从生物学角度解释

除了作为名词表示一种物质外,mould还可以作为动词使用,意为"生长、形成、塑造"等。而这个意义则更接近于中文中的"霉"(尤其是指食物变质时产生的霉菌)。所以如果你想表达某样东西被霉菌覆盖或变质了,可以说"This bread has moulded." (这块面包发霉了。)

4. 模具也有多种读音——mould的其他发音


5. "模"还是"霉"?——取决于你想表达什么意思


6. 总结:摸、穆、莫都可以——自由选择适合自己的发音


1. mould的基本含义


2. mould作为名词的用法

a. 指物体的形状或模板

例句:The chocolate was poured into a heart-shaped mould.


b. 指某种材料被塑造成特定形状

例句:The potter used a mould to shape the clay into a vase.


c. 指某种事物产生影响或塑造影响力

例句:His parents were the main moulds of his character.


3. mould作为动词的用法

a. 指通过塑造来改变某物形状

例句:He carefully moulded the clay into a perfect sphere.


b. 指通过影响来塑造某人的思想或行为

例句:The teacher moulded her students into responsible citizens.


c. 指发展或形成某种特性或特征

例句:His experiences in the army moulded him into a brave man.


4. 双语例句

a. The artist used a mould to create the perfect shape for his sculpture.


b. The politician's upbringing moulded his beliefs and values.


c. The company has a variety of moulds for different product designs.


d. It takes skill and patience to mould clay into intricate shapes.


e. The teacher's words had a lasting impact, moulding the students' future decisions.



1. Mould growth: 霉菌生长

2. Mould remediation: 霉菌治理

3. Mould spores: 霉菌孢子

4. Mould contamination: 霉菌污染

5. Mould removal: 霉菌清除

6. Mould inspection: 霉菌检测

7. Mould prevention: 霉菌预防

8. Black mould: 黑霉菌

9. Toxic mould: 有毒霉菌

10. Household mould: 家庭霉菌

11. Bread mould: 面包霉菌

12. Bathroom mould: 浴室霉菌

13. Window moulding: 窗框装饰板

14. Plastic moulding: 塑料成型

15. Rubber moulding: 橡胶成型

16. Injection moulding: 注塑成型

17. Brick moulding machine : 砖坯成型机

18. Steel moulds : 钢模具

19. Silicone moulds : 硅胶模具

20.Mould design : 模具设计


1. Mold: This is the most common synonym for "mould". It refers to a hollow container used for shaping something liquid or pliable into a specific form.

2. Cast: Similar to "mold", this word also refers to a hollow container used for shaping something, but it can also be used as a verb meaning to shape or form something.

3. Pattern: This word can be used as a synonym for "mold" when referring to the form or shape that something is being shaped into.

4. Template: Similar to "pattern", this word can also be used as a synonym for "mold" when referring to the form or shape that something is being shaped into.

5. Frame: This word can be used as a synonym for "mold" when referring to the structure or framework that holds something in place while it is being shaped.

6. Matrix: This word can be used as a synonym for "mold" when referring to a mold or pattern that gives shape to something.

7. Cavity: This word can be used as a synonym for "mold" when referring to the space within a mold that gives shape to something.

8. Form: Similar to "pattern", this word can also be used as a synonym for "mold" when referring to the form or shape of something being created.

9. Shape: This word can be used as a synonym for both "mold" and "form", emphasizing the physical appearance of something being created.

10. Model: This word can be used as a synonym for both "pattern" and "mold", emphasizing the specific design or example that is being followed in creating something.

11. Prototype: Similar to "model", this word refers to an original or first version of something, often used in manufacturing and design industries.

12. Framework: Similar to "frame", this word refers to the structure or skeleton that supports something while it is being created.

13. Die: This word can be used as a synonym for "mold" when referring to a tool used for shaping or cutting materials into a specific form.

14. Matrix: Similar to "matrix", this word refers to a mold or pattern that gives shape to something, often used in the context of printing and manufacturing.

15. Stamp: This word can be used as a synonym for "mold" when referring to a device used for impressing or shaping something, often seen in the context of pottery and metalworking
