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1. moulds的发音是[məʊldz],其中moulds的读音与单词“molds”的读音相同,都是以[əʊ]结尾。

2. 该单词的发音在英式英语和美式英语中略有不同,英式英语中更加强调[əʊ]的发音,而美式英语中则更加平缓地发音。

3. 发音时需要注意的是,moulds中的“l”并不发音,而是与下一个字母“d”连读,在口语中可以简化为[məʊdz]的发音。

4. moulds一词在英文中也有其他变体如mold、moulding等,在这些变体中,“l”都不发音。

5. 该单词在口语中也可以简化为[məʊz]的发音,但正式场合建议使用完整的发音形式。

6. moulds一词在英文中还有另外一个意思,即指模具或模型的复数形式,在这种情况下其发音与上述相同。

7. 如果想要更准确地学习和掌握该单词的发音,可以通过在线字典或者听力练习软件来进行练习



1. 名词:moulds作为名词时,指的是模具或者模型,在制造业中常常用于制作产品的形状。例如,“这个零件需要一个特殊的moulds来制作”。

2. 动词:moulds作为动词时,意思是塑造或者改变某物的形状。例如,“她成功地moulded自己成为了一位优秀的演员”。

3. 形容词:moulds作为形容词时,意思是具有塑造能力的或者可以被塑造的。例如,“这位老师具有很强的影响力,可以moulds学生们成为更好的人”。



1. moulds的意思


2. moulds的用法

a. 用作名词时,moulds可以表示“模具”或“发霉”的意思。例如:“The potter used different moulds to shape the clay into different forms.”(陶工使用不同的模具将黏土塑造成不同的形状。)“The bread was covered in moulds after being left out for too long.”(面包放置太久后,表面长满了霉菌。)

b. 用作动词时,moulds可以表示“塑造”或“使发霉”的意思。例如:“The artist carefully moulded the clay into a beautiful sculpture.”(艺术家精心地将黏土塑造成一件美丽的雕塑。) “The damp environment easily moulded the bread.”(潮湿的环境很容易让面包发霉。)

3. moulds的例句

a. The company produces various plastic products using different types of moulds.


b. The old books in the library were covered in moulds due to poor ventilation.


c. The chef used a mould to shape the mashed potatoes into a heart shape.


d. It took months for the artist to mould the clay into a lifelike sculpture.


e. The damp and dark basement easily moulded the old clothes left in storage.



1. "Moulds for success": 这个搭配指的是成功的模式或方法,比如说"Follow these moulds for success and you'll be on your way to achieving your goals!"

2. "Breaking the moulds": 这个搭配意为打破常规,突破传统的做法。例如:"She's not afraid to break the moulds and try new things."

3. "Moulding minds": 这个搭配指的是塑造思想,影响人们的想法。比如说:"Teachers play a crucial role in moulding young minds."

4. "Fit the moulds": 这个搭配意为符合某种标准或期望。例如:"She fits the moulds of a perfect student - hardworking, dedicated, and always eager to learn."

5. "In the moulds of": 这个搭配指的是受到某种影响或受到某人/事物的启发。比如说:"Her writing style is in the moulds of her favorite author."

6. "Moulding relationships": 这个搭配指的是建立关系,培养友谊。例如:"Team building activities are great for moulding relationships among coworkers."

7. "Cast in the same mould": 这个搭配意为具有相同特征或性格。比如说:"The siblings are cast in the same mould - both have a love for adventure and travel."

8. "Moulded by experience": 这个搭配指的是经历塑造了某人的性格或行为。例如:"His difficult childhood has moulded him into a resilient and determined individual."

9. "Moulding the future": 这个搭配指的是塑造未来,影响未来发展。比如说:"Investing in education is crucial for moulding the future of our society."

10. "Out of the moulds": 这个搭配意为超越常规,突破传统。例如:"Her unique fashion sense is out of the moulds and always catches people's attention."


1. Molds

2. Casts

3. Templates

4. Forms

5. Shapes

6. Patterns

7. Models

8. Frameworks

9. Blueprints

10. Impressions
