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1. 发音:mouse的发音为/mɑʊs/,读作“maus”,类似于英文单词“house”的发音。


2. 拼写:mouse的拼写为m-o-u-s-e,共有5个字母,其中o和u是重复出现的元音字母。拼写上也可以简写为mice(复数形式),但在口语中更常用的是mouses这个非正式的变体形式。

3. 有趣的发现:你可能会好奇为什么一个小小的老鼠会被称为“mouse”,其实这个词最初是来自于古英语中的mus,意思是“老鼠”。随着时间的推移,它逐渐演变成了现在我们所熟知的单词“mouse”。

4. 幽默一下:虽然老鼠在现实生活中可能不受人们欢迎,但在英语中却有很多与之相关的幽默用法。比如,“to smell a rat”(嗅到老鼠气味)表示察觉到某种欺诈或不正当行为,“to play cat and mouse with someone”(和某人玩猫捉老鼠)表示故意与某人玩弄或耍花招,“to get the lion's share of something”(获得最大份额)也是源自于一则关于猫和老鼠的寓言故事。所以,虽然老鼠可能不受欢迎,但它们在英语中却扮演着重要的角色哦!




那么为什么要叫它“mouse”呢?据说是因为它的形状和尾巴有点像老鼠,所以就被取了这个名字。其实还有一个更有趣的说法,就是当时发明这种设备的人叫道格拉斯·恩格尔巴特(Douglas Engelbart),他的办公桌上正好有一只老鼠跑来跑去,于是他就把这个设备命名为“mouse”,也算是一种幽默吧。




1. mouse是什么意思?

- Mouse是英语中的一个名词,意为“老鼠”,通常用来指小型啮齿类动物。

- 在计算机领域,mouse也有“鼠标”的意思,用来指一种用于控制光标移动的设备。

2. mouse在句子中的用法

- 作为名词,mouse可以作为主语、宾语或定语出现,如:The mouse ran across the room.(老鼠跑过了房间。)

- 作为动词,mouse可以表示“捕捉老鼠”的意思,如:We need to mouse-proof our house.(我们需要给房子做防老鼠处理。)

3. 双语例句

- I saw a mouse in the kitchen last night.(昨晚我在厨房看到一只老鼠。)

- She's so afraid of mice that she screams whenever she sees one.(她非常害怕老鼠,每次看到都会尖叫。)

- The computer comes with a wireless mouse for easy navigation.(这台电脑配有一只无线鼠标,方便操作。)

- Please don't mouse around with my things, you might break something.(请不要乱动我的东西,你可能会弄坏什么东西。)


1. Quiet as a mouse: 静如处子,形容非常安静或沉默的状态。

例句:The baby was sleeping quietly as a mouse.

2. Play cat and mouse with: 玩猫捉老鼠游戏,比喻玩弄对方或耍手段。

例句:The detective played cat and mouse with the suspect during the interrogation.

3. Mouse potato: 鼠标土豆,指喜欢在电脑前长时间使用鼠标的人。

例句:My brother is such a mouse potato, he spends hours playing video games on his computer.

4. The early bird catches the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese: 早起的鸟儿有虫吃,但第二只老鼠才能得到奶酪。意为先来后到也有好处。

例句:I missed out on buying tickets for the concert, but I managed to get some from a friend. The early bird catches the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

5. When the cat's away, the mice will play: 猫儿不在家,老鼠放肆。意为当领导不在时下属会故意偷懒或放任自己。

例句:The boss is on vacation this week, so everyone in the office is taking it easy. When the cat's away, the mice will play.

6. As poor as a church mouse: 贫穷如教堂老鼠,形容非常贫困。

例句:After losing his job, John was as poor as a church mouse and struggled to make ends meet.

7. Squeak like a mouse: 像老鼠一样吱吱叫,形容声音细小或柔弱。

例句:The tiny puppy squeaked like a mouse when it saw its reflection in the mirror.

8. To smell a rat: 闻到老鼠的味道,意为察觉到不对劲或有阴谋。

例句:I smell a rat, something doesn't seem right about this deal.

9. Blind as a bat/mouse: 瞎如蝙蝠/老鼠,形容视力非常差。

例句:Without my glasses, I'm as blind as a bat/mouse.

10. Catch the mouse by its tail: 抓住老鼠的尾巴,意为抓住问题的关键或解决方法。

例句:After hours of brainstorming, we finally caught the mouse by its tail and came up with a solution to our project


1. Rodent - 鼠类动物,mouse也是一种鼠类动物,因此可以将其视为mouse的同义词。

2. Mice - mouse的复数形式,指的是多只小老鼠。

3. Vermin - 一般指害虫或害兽,mouse有时也会被归类为害兽中的一种。

4. Rodentia - 鼠目动物,包括老鼠、松鼠等,mouse也属于这一类别。

5. Vole - 田鼠,与老鼠相似但体型较大。

6. Rat - 老鼠的近亲,但体型较大且常被视为害虫。

7. Shrew - 鼩鼱,与老鼠相似但体型更小且嗅觉更敏锐。

8. Squeaker - 指发出尖叫声的小动物,可以用来形容小老鼠发出的叫声。

9. Furry friend - 毛茸茸的朋友,可以用来指代家养的小老鼠。

10. Critter - 小动物,可以用来泛指各种小型生物中的老鼠
