同义词:除了mouthful之外,还有几个与之意思相近的表达。比如,“a mouthful of words”和“a handful of words”都可以用来描述某个单词或短语很长或很复杂。
1. “Can you say that again? It’s such a mouthful, I couldn’t catch it.”(你能再说一遍吗?这个单词太长了,我没听清楚。)
2. “I can’t believe you memorized the entire dictionary. That’s quite a mouthful!”(我不敢相信你把整本字典都背下来了。真是个大挑战!)
Are you struggling with the pronunciation of the word "mouthful"? Don't worry, you're not alone. This word can be a bit tricky to say, but with a few tips and tricks, you'll be able to master it in no time.
1. What does mouthful mean?
Let's start with the basics. Mouthful is a noun that refers to the amount of food or drink that can fit into your mouth at one time. It can also be used figuratively to describe something that is difficult to say or pronounce.
2. How do you pronounce mouthful?
The correct pronunciation of mouthful is "MOWTH-fool". Remember to emphasize the "th" sound and not pronounce it as "mow-foo". You can also listen to audio recordings or ask a native speaker for help if you're still unsure.
3. Synonyms for mouthful
If you're looking for other ways to say mouthful, here are some synonyms you can use: bite, morsel, gulp, portion, serving, chunk. These words all have similar meanings and can be used interchangeably with mouthful in certain contexts.
4. Example sentences
To further understand how to use this word in context, here are some example sentences:
- That burger was such a big mouthful, I could barely finish it.
- She took a big mouthful of water after her morning run.
- Can you repeat that? It's quite a mouthful and I didn't catch it all.
5. Practice makes perfect
Now that you know what mouthful means and how to pronounce it correctly, all that's left is practice! Try saying the word out loud a few times until it feels natural. You can also challenge yourself by using it in conversations with friends or family.
In conclusion, don't let the word "mouthful" intimidate you. With these tips and some practice, you'll be able to use it confidently and impress your friends with your pronunciation skills. So go ahead, take a big mouthful of air and say it loud and proud!
1. What does "mouthful" mean?
- "Mouthful" is a noun that refers to the amount of food or liquid that can be held in one's mouth at one time. It can also be used to describe something that is difficult to pronounce or say.
2. How do you pronounce "mouthful"?
- The correct pronunciation of "mouthful" is /ˈmaʊθfʊl/ (MOUTH-ful).
3. Synonyms for "mouthful":
- Some synonyms for "mouthful" include bite, morsel, gulp, and sip.
4. Example sentences:
- "That sandwich was such a big mouthful, I could barely fit it in my mouth!"
- "She took a big mouthful of water after running for an hour."
- "The name of that town is a real mouthful, I don't think I can say it correctly."
- "I only took a small mouthful of the soup because it was piping hot."
- "He always speaks with such confidence, even when the words are a mouthful."
1. Definition of mouthful
- Meaning: A large or difficult-to-pronounce word or phrase.
- Example sentence: "The scientific name for a giraffe is quite a mouthful to say."
2. How to pronounce mouthful
- Pronunciation: /ˈmaʊθfʊl/
- Phonetic spelling: MOWTH-fool
3. Synonyms for mouthful
a) Tongue-twister
Meaning: A phrase that is difficult to say, especially quickly or repeatedly.
Example sentence: "She loves to challenge herself with tongue-twisters like 'Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers'."
b) Verbose
Meaning: Using more words than necessary; wordy.
Example sentence: "The lawyer's verbose speech made it difficult for the jury to understand his argument."
c) Elaborate
Meaning: Detailed and complicated; intricate.
Example sentence: "The recipe may seem elaborate, but it's actually quite easy to make."
4. Common phrases with mouthful:
a) Bite off more than one can chew
Meaning: To take on more responsibility or work than one can handle.
Example sentence: "I think I bit off more than I can chew by agreeing to plan this entire event by myself."
b) Spit it out!
Meaning: To encourage someone to speak quickly and directly about something.
Example sentence: "Come on, just spit it out! What do you want to say?"
c) Mouthful of lies
Meaning: A statement that is completely untrue.
Example sentence: "Don't believe anything he says, he's just giving you a mouthful of lies."
d) Say it with your mouth full
Meaning: To speak while eating or having food in one's mouth.
Example sentence: "Please don't talk with your mouth full, it's impolite."
e) A mouthful of a name
Meaning: A name that is long or difficult to pronounce.
Example sentence: "I can never remember her full name, it's such a mouthful."
5. Fun phrases with mouthful:
a) Have a mouthful of marbles
Meaning: To speak with a heavy accent or speech impediment.
Example sentence: "I couldn't understand what he was saying, it sounded like he had a mouthful of marbles."
b) Mouthful of air
Meaning: To have nothing to say; to be speechless.
Example sentence: "When the teacher asked him why he didn't do his homework, he just stood there with a mouthful of air."
c) Mouthful of teeth
Meaning: To smile widely, showing all one's teeth.
Example sentence: "Every time she sees her crush, she can't help but have a big mouthful of teeth."
d) Mouthful of food for thought
Meaning: Something that makes one think deeply or consider different perspectives.
Example sentence: "His speech on climate change was definitely a mouthful of food for thought."
1. Definition of mouthful
A mouthful is a large or full amount of something that can be held or taken into the mouth at one time. It can also refer to a word, phrase, or sentence that is difficult to pronounce or say.
2. How to pronounce mouthful
3. Synonyms for mouthful
- Bite: A small amount of food that can be eaten at one time.
Example: The sandwich was too big to eat in one bite, so I had to take small bites.
- Morsel: A small piece of food that is tasty and easy to eat.
Example: The cookies were so delicious that I couldn't resist taking another morsel.
- Chunk: A large and solid piece of something.
Example: She took a chunk of cake and savored every bite.
- Mouthful (figurative): A word, phrase, or sentence that is difficult to say or understand.
Example: The professor's lecture was a real mouthful, I had trouble following along.
4. Examples using synonyms for mouthful
- He took a big bite out of the burger and chewed it slowly.
- She popped a morsel of chocolate into her mouth and closed her eyes in delight.
- The little girl tried to put the whole apple in her mouth but could only manage a chunk at a time.
- The legal document was such a mouthful that I had to read it several times to understand it fully.
5. Other words related to 'mouthful'
- Mouthwatering: Something that looks or smells delicious enough to make your mouth water.
Example: The chef's special dish was so mouthwatering that everyone wanted seconds.
- Mouthpiece (figurative): Someone who speaks on behalf of others or defends their interests.
Example: The lawyer acted as the company's mouthpiece during the trial.
- Mouth off (informal): To speak in a rude or disrespectful manner.
Example: He always mouths off to his parents, which gets him into trouble.
- Mouthwash: A liquid used to clean the mouth and freshen breath.
Example: After brushing your teeth, use mouthwash for a complete clean feeling.
6. Conclusion
In conclusion, mouthful has various synonyms that can be used depending on the context. Whether it refers to a large amount of food or a difficult word, there are many words that can be used instead of 'mouthful'. It is important to choose the right synonym to convey the intended meaning accurately