As a language model AI, I am here to help you understand the pronunciation of the word "mouths". This word is commonly used in everyday conversations and has multiple meanings. But before we dive into its meaning and synonyms, let's first focus on how to pronounce it correctly.
The word "mouths" is pronounced as /maʊθs/ with the "th" sound being pronounced as in the word "the". The "ou" in "mouths" is pronounced as in the word "out". To make it easier, you can break down the word into two parts - "mou" and "ths", and then combine them together. Practice saying it a few times to get the hang of it.
Now that we have mastered the pronunciation, let's move on to its meaning. The word "mouths" can be used as both a noun and a verb. As a noun, it refers to the opening of an animal's body through which food is taken in or words are spoken. For example, "He opened his mouth wide to eat the burger." As a verb, it means to speak or utter something. For instance, "He mouths off every time he gets angry."
Some synonyms for this versatile word are lips, oral cavity, speak, utter, and articulate. Here are a few examples of how you can use these synonyms interchangeably with "mouths":
1. She pursed her lips in disapproval.
2. He had a sore inside his oral cavity.
3. He was too shy to speak up during the meeting.
4. She uttered some words of encouragement before leaving.
5. The actor struggled to articulate his lines on stage.
In conclusion, now you know how to pronounce and use the word "mouths" correctly in your daily conversations. Keep practicing and expand your vocabulary by using its synonyms too. Happy learning!
1. “mouths”的意思是什么?
首先,让我们来看一下“mouths”的字面意思。它是名词“mouth”的复数形式,意思是“嘴巴”。但在一些特定的语境下,它也可以指代某些事物的形状或数量,比如“山谷中有数百个水口”(There are hundreds of mouths in the valley)。
2. “mouths”怎么读?
3. “mouths”的同义词及例句
除了常用的名词“口”,还有一些其他近义词可以用来表示“嘴巴”,比如lip、chops、mug等。例如,“他嘴唇紧抿着”可以说成“He pursed his lips”。
4. “mouths”是否是一个习语?
现在回到最初的问题:is "mouths" an idiom?答案是否定的。因为它的意思是字面的,没有任何隐喻或象征性的含义。但是,当我们说到某人“张开嘴巴”(open your mouth)时,这个短语就可以被视为一个习语,因为它并不是字面意思,而是指某人应该说话或表达自己
1. What does "mouths" mean?
"Mouths" is a plural noun that refers to the opening in the face through which food and drink are taken in and through which speech is produced. It can also refer to the cavity behind this opening, including the lips, tongue, and teeth.
2. How do you pronounce "mouths"?
The word "mouths" is pronounced as /maʊθz/, with a long "o" sound and a soft "th" sound at the end.
3. Synonyms for "mouths"
Some synonyms for "mouths" include:
- Lips: This refers specifically to the two fleshy parts that form the opening of the mouth.
- Maws: This is an informal term that also means mouth, but it can have a negative connotation.
- Oral cavity: This refers to the entire space inside the mouth.
- Chops: This is a slang term for mouth, often used in British English.
- Trap: Another slang term for mouth, often used in American English.
4. Examples of usage
Here are some examples of how "mouths" can be used in sentences:
- My dog always drools when he sees food because his mouth starts watering.
- The teacher asked us to open our mouths wider when we were practicing our pronunciation.
- The baby's first tooth finally appeared in her mouth after months of teething.
- The politician's lies were exposed when he couldn't keep his big mouth shut during an interview.
- I couldn't believe my ears when I heard my boss badmouthing me behind my back
1. Antonyms of "mouths":
- Silence
- Quiet
- Mute
- Hush
- Stillness
2. Synonyms of "mouths":
- Lips
- Oral cavity
- Oral orifice
- Oral aperture
3. Example sentences:
a) "She kept her mouth shut during the entire meeting."
b) "The baby's mouth was wide open in surprise."
c) "He couldn't help but let out a small laugh from his mouth."
d) "The doctor examined the patient's mouth for any signs of infection."
4. Antonyms and synonyms in context:
In the context of communication, the antonyms of "mouths" would be words that represent silence or lack of verbal expression, while synonyms would refer to parts of the body involved in speaking or conveying messages.
For example, in a situation where someone is being quiet and not saying anything, we could say "He kept his mouth shut" or "He remained silent." On the other hand, if we want to describe someone who is talking a lot, we could say "She has a big mouth" or "She can't keep her mouth closed."
In terms of synonyms, instead of using the word "mouths," we could say things like "He spoke with his lips" or "She communicated through her oral cavity." These phrases are more formal and specific than just using the word "mouths."
5. Conclusion:
In conclusion, the word "mouths" can have various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. In terms of antonyms, it can represent silence and lack of verbal expression, while synonyms refer to parts of the body involved in speaking. By understanding these different connotations and using them appropriately, we can effectively communicate our ideas and thoughts without any confusion
1. "mouths"的意思是指嘴巴,也可以用来表示说话的行为。
2. 它的发音为[mawths],注意发音时要将舌头放平,不要挤压。
3. 同义词包括:口腔、嘴唇、口语等。
4. 例如:“She opened her mouth to speak but no words came out.”(她张开嘴想说话,但没有说出任何话。)
5. 在英语中,还有一些与“mouths”相关的习语表达:
- to have a big mouth:指说话多而且八卦;
- to put one's foot in one's mouth:指无意中说错话;
- to keep one's mouth shut:指保持沉默;
- to have a foul mouth:指爱说粗话。
6. 总之,“mouths”是一个常用的单词,在日常生活中经常会遇到。希望这些解释能够帮助你更好地理解它
In summary, "mouths" is a commonly used word that refers to the opening in the face through which we speak, eat, and breathe. Its pronunciation is "mowths" and it is not an idiom. This word can be used in various contexts and has both antonyms and synonyms that can be used to add variety to your language. As a website editor, I hope this article has helped you understand the meaning of "mouths" better. If you enjoyed reading this article, don't forget to follow me for more interesting language-related content. Thank you for reading and happy learning!