你是否曾经遇到过“move out”这个词,但却不知道它的意思?或许你已经猜测出它的大致含义,但仍然对它的读音和用法感到困惑。别担心,本文将为你揭开这个行业标题的神秘面纱。接下来,让我们一起来探索“move out”的拼音、读法、用法和双语例句,以及相关的词组和同义词示例。相信阅读完本文后,你会对“move out”有更深入的了解,并能在日常生活中更加自如地运用它。敬请期待!
move out的拼音是 "mū áu tào"。
嗨,亲爱的小伙伴们!你们有没有听说过“move out”这个词?它是什么意思呢?今天我就来给大家详细解释一下吧!
首先,让我们来看看这个词的拼音是什么。它的拼音是 "mū áu tào"。虽然有点复杂,但只要多练习几次,相信大家很快就能掌握啦!
那么,“move out”的意思到底是什么呢?其实,它有两种不同的含义。第一种意思是“搬出去”,通常用于指一个人或物体从某个地方搬出去。比如,“我今天要把所有东西都搬出去”就可以说成“I'm moving everything out today”。
除了指物体搬出去,还有一种常见的用法是指人离开某个地方。“他决定离开这个城市”可以说成“He decided to move out of this city”。所以,如果你听到有人说“我打算明天就搬出去”,就知道他们打算离开某个地方啦。
另外,“move out”的第二种意思是“结束关系”。比如,“他们分手了”可以说成“They moved out of their relationship”。这里的“move out”指的是两个人结束了他们之间的关系。
好啦,今天就给大家介绍到这里。希望大家能够通过本次介绍更加深入地了解“move out”的含义。记得多加练习哦!"mū áu tào",一定要记住呀!
1. 什么是move out
Move out是一个英语短语,由动词move和副词out组成,意为“搬出,离开”。它可以用作及物动词,也可以用作不及物动词。在日常生活中,我们经常会听到这个短语,特别是在租房、搬家或者退房的情况下。
2. move out的发音
move out的发音为/muːv aʊt/。其中,move的发音为/muːv/,读作“muuv”,out的发音为/aʊt/,读作“aut”。
3. move out的用法
a) 作及物动词时,后面通常跟着表示地点的介词短语或者名词短语。例如:He moved out of the city last month.(他上个月搬出了城市。)She is planning to move out of her parents' house next year.(她计划明年搬出父母的家。)
b) 作不及物动词时,则表示主语本身离开原来所在的地方。例如:They have decided to move out of the country for a better life.(他们决定离开这个国家过上更好的生活。)I'm tired of living in this noisy neighborhood, I want to move out as soon as possible.(我受够了住在这个嘈杂的社区,我想尽快搬出去。)
4. move out的同义词
a) move away:意为“搬走,离开”,与move out的意思相同。例如:They're planning to move away from the city next month.(他们计划下个月从这个城市搬走。)
b) leave:意为“离开,出发”,也可以表示“搬出”。例如:I'm leaving this apartment and moving to a new one next week.(我下周就要离开这套公寓,搬到一间新的。)
5. move out的反义词
a) move in:意为“搬进,入住”,与move out相反。例如:They moved in last week and are still unpacking.(他们上周搬进来了,现在还在收拾东西。)
b) stay:意为“留下,停留”,与move out的意思相反。例如:I decided to stay in my current apartment instead of moving out.(我决定留在现在的公寓,不搬出去了。)
1. 什么是move out?
Move out是英语中的一个短语,意为“搬出去”、“离开”或“迁出”。它通常用于描述某人从一个地方搬走或离开的行为。
2. move out的用法
- 作为动词短语,move out可以单独使用,也可以与其他词组合使用,例如:
- I'm going to move out of my apartment next month. (我打算下个月搬出我的公寓。)
- The tenants are moving out of the rental house this weekend. (租客们本周末将从出租房搬走。)
- We need to move out all the furniture before the new tenants move in. (在新租客搬进来之前,我们需要把所有家具都搬走。)
- move out也可以作为名词短语,表示“迁出”或“搬迁”的意思。
- The family's move-out date is set for next week. (这个家庭的迁出日期定在下周。)
- The company's move-out plan is causing a lot of controversy among employees. (公司的迁出计划在员工中引起了很多争议。)
3. 双语例句
- I can't wait to move out of my parents' house and have my own place.
- We decided to move out of the city and live in the countryside for a more peaceful life.
- The landlord gave us a notice to move out within 30 days because he wants to sell the apartment.
- My parents were sad when I moved out, but they were also happy to see me start my own life.
1. 搬出去 (move out)
例句:I'm planning to move out of my parents' house next month.
2. 搬家 (move house)
例句:We moved house three times last year.
3. 迁往 (move to)
例句:They are moving to a new city for better job opportunities.
4. 搬进去 (move in)
例句:We moved into our new apartment last week.
5. 搭伙 (move in with)
例句:I'm moving in with my best friend next month.
6. 转换房间 (move rooms)
例句:I'm moving rooms because the current one is too small for me.
7. 搬迁 (relocate)
例句:The company relocated its headquarters to a bigger city.
8. 搬家公司 (moving company)
例句:I hired a moving company to help me move out of my old apartment.
9. 打包 (pack up)
例句:We spent the whole weekend packing up our belongings.
10. 卸货 (unload)
例句:We unloaded all the boxes and furniture from the truck and started unpacking
1. Leave - 离开
2. Depart - 出发
3. Vacate - 搬离
4. Evacuate - 疏散
5. Abandon - 放弃
6. Relocate - 搬迁
7. Withdraw - 撤退
8. Exit - 退出
9. Remove - 移走
10. Clear out - 清空
1. Leave: move out指的是离开某个地方,而leave也有相同的含义,可以用来替换move out。例如:“We need to move out of this apartment by the end of the month”可以改为“We need to leave this apartment by the end of the month”。
2. Depart: 这个词通常用来表示离开某个地点或者开始旅行。因此,它也可以作为move out的同义词。例如:“They will depart for their new home next week”可以改为“They will move out to their new home next week”。
3. Vacate: 这个词的意思是“搬离”,通常用来指搬出租房或者公寓。因此,它也可以作为move out的同义词。例如:“We have to vacate our apartment by the end of the month”可以改为“We have to move out of our apartment by the end of the month”。
4. Evacuate: 这个词通常用来描述被迫离开某个地方,可能是因为自然灾害或者其他紧急情况。因此,它也可以作为move out的同义词。例如:“The residents were forced to evacuate their homes due to the flood”可以改为“The residents were forced to move out of their homes due to the flood”。
5. Abandon: 这个词的意思是“放弃”,通常用来指永久性地离开某个地方。因此,它也可以作为move out的同义词。例如:“They abandoned their old house and moved to a new city”可以改为“They moved out of their old house and relocated to a new city”。
6. Relocate: 这个词的意思是“搬迁”,通常用来指搬到一个新的地方居住。因此,它也可以作为move out的同义词。例如:“They decided to relocate to a bigger house in the suburbs”可以改为“They decided to move out of the city and relocate to a bigger house in the suburbs”。
7. Withdraw: 这个词通常用来表示撤退或者退出某个地方。因此,它也可以作为move out的同义词。例如:“The troops were ordered to withdraw from the war zone”可以改为“The troops were ordered to move out of the war zone”。
8. Exit: 这个词的意思是“退出”,通常用来描述离开某个场所或者结束某项活动。因此,它也可以作为move out的同义词。例如:“Please make sure you exit the building before 6pm”可以改为“Please make sure you move out of the building before 6pm”。
9. Remove: 这个词的意思是“移走”,通常用来指把某物从某个地方搬走。因此,它也可以作为move out的同义词。例如:“They removed all their belongings from the old house”可以改为“They moved out of the old house and removed all their belongings”。
10. Clear out: 这个短语的意思是“清空”,通常用来指把某物全部搬走或者清除。因此,它也可以作为move out的同义词。例如:“We need to clear out the apartment before we move to our new home”可以改为“We need to move out of the apartment and clear it out before we move to our new home”
move out是一个非常常用的短语,它可以用来表示搬出、离开、退出等意思。它的发音也非常简单,读起来也很顺口。通过本文的介绍,相信大家已经对move out有了更深入的了解,并且能够正确地运用到日常生活中。如果你喜欢这篇文章,就请关注我吧!我是网站编辑,将会为大家带来更多有趣、实用的知识和信息。谢谢大家的阅读,祝愿大家学习进步!