1. movement的定义
2. movement的含义
在不同的语境下,movement可能有不同的含义。一般来说,它可以指人类或物体的运动、行为或活动。例如,我们可以说:“The movement of the car was smooth and steady.”(汽车行驶得平稳);“The dance movements were graceful and elegant.”(舞蹈的动作优雅而优美)。
此外,movement还可以指社会、政治、文化等方面的变革和发展。例如,“the feminist movement”(女权运动)、“the civil rights movement”(民权运动)、“the environmental movement”(环保运动)等。
3. 同义词及例句
- The motion of the ocean was causing the boat to rock back and forth. (海洋的波浪使船摇摆不定)
- The action taken by the government has sparked controversy among the citizens. (政府采取的行动引发了公众的争议)
- The activity level in the park increases during the summer months. (夏天公园里的活动水平会增加)
1. movement的发音:[ˈmuːvmənt]
2. movement的读法:moo-v-muhnt
3. 同义词:motion, action, activity
4. 例句:
- The dancer's movements were graceful and fluid.
- The feminist movement fought for women's rights.
- The car's engine made a loud movement as it started.
1. movement的意思
2. movement的发音
3. movement的同义词
1) motion:指物体或人的移动或变化。
例句:The slow motion of the turtle fascinated the children.
2) action:指有目的的行为或活动。
例句:The government took immediate action to address the crisis.
3) activity:指具体的做某事。
例句:We organized a lot of outdoor activities for the students.
4. movement的例句
1) The dancer's graceful movements captured the audience's attention.
2) The political movement aimed to bring about social change.
3) The baby's movements in the womb can be felt by the mother.
4) The movement of the train was smooth and comfortable.
5) The artist used different colors to create a sense of movement in the painting.
1. Action:行动,活动,运动。例如:The environmental movement is gaining momentum.(环保运动正在蓬勃发展。)
2. Progress:进步,前进,进展。例如:The feminist movement has made significant progress in the past decade.(女权运动在过去十年取得了重大进展。)
3. Campaign:运动,战役,活动。例如:The anti-smoking campaign has been successful in reducing the number of smokers.(反烟运动在减少吸烟人数方面取得了成功。)
4. Revolution:革命,变革,改革。例如:The civil rights movement brought about a revolution in American society.(民权运动在美国社会引发了一场革命。)
5. Protest:抗议,反对,抵制。例如:Students organized a protest movement against tuition hikes.(学生们组织了一场反对学费上涨的抗议运动。)
6. Uprising:起义,暴动,反叛。例如:The workers' uprising was brutally suppressed by the government.(工人起义遭到政府的残酷镇压。)
7. Revolt:反叛,叛乱,起义。例如:The peasants' revolt was a turning point in the country's history.(农民起义是该国历史上的一个转折点。)
8. Struggle:斗争,奋斗,挣扎。例如:The independence movement was marked by years of struggle and sacrifice.(独立运动经历了多年的斗争和牺牲。)
9. Resistance:抵抗,反抗,阻力。例如:The resistance movement fought against the occupation of their country.(抵抗运动与占领他们国家的势力作战。)
10. Crusade:十字军东征,运动,斗争。例如:The animal rights crusade has gained widespread support in recent years.(动物权利运动近年来获得了广泛的支持。)
1. Social movement - 社会运动
2. Dance movement - 舞蹈动作
3. Political movement - 政治运动
4. Artistic movement - 艺术运动
5. Environmental movement - 环保运动
6. Women's rights movement - 女权运动
7. Youth movement - 青年运动
8. Human rights movement - 人权运动
9. Religious movement - 宗教运动
10. Fitness movement - 健身运动