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The meaning of crews





如果你想要表达类似的意思,但又不想重复使用crews这个词,还可以用其他同义词来替换。比如,team、group、squad等都可以表示团队或小组。如果想要强调团队的紧密合作,可以用“crew members”或“teammates”来指代。


How to pronounce crews


1. 同义词:team, staff, group

例句:Our crew worked together to finish the project on time.


2. 同义词:squad, gang, posse

例句:The crew of friends went on a road trip together.


3. 同义词:cast, ensemble, troupe

例句:The film's crew included some of the most talented actors in Hollywood.



Usage and examples of crews

1. What does "crews" mean?

"Crews" is a plural noun that refers to a group of people who work together as a team, especially on a ship or in an aircraft.

2. How do you pronounce "crews"?

The word "crews" is pronounced as /kruːz/, with the "oo" sound in "food".

3. Synonyms for crews

Other words that can be used to describe crews include team, squad, group, staff, and personnel.

4. Examples of usage

- The film crew worked tirelessly to capture every detail of the action-packed scene.

- The flight crew was able to safely land the plane despite the engine failure.

- The cleaning crew did an excellent job of tidying up the office after the party.

- The construction crew is making great progress on the new building.

- The rescue crew arrived just in time to save the stranded hikers.

5. Why are crews important?

Crews play a crucial role in ensuring smooth operations and achieving goals. They rely on each other's skills and expertise to complete tasks efficiently and effectively.

6. Fun fact about crews

Did you know that the term "crew" originated from the medieval Latin word "crucis", which means cross? This was because sailors would often paint a cross on their sails as a symbol of protection while at sea.

In conclusion, crews are essential in various industries and have been around for centuries. They represent teamwork, cooperation, and dedication towards a common goal. So next time you see a group of people working together, remember that they are more than just a "crew"

Phrases with crews

1. Crews refer to a group of people who work together as a team, typically on a ship, airplane, or film set.

2. Other words with similar meanings include team, squad, and staff.

3. For example: "The film crew worked tirelessly to bring the director's vision to life."

4. Another phrase commonly used is "crew members," which refers to individual members of the crew.

5. In slang terms, crews can also refer to groups of friends or associates who hang out together.

6. Synonyms for this usage include squad, gang, and posse.

7. For example: "I'm meeting up with my crew tonight for some drinks."

8. The word "crews" is pronounced as [krooz] and can also be spelled as "crües" in some cases.

9. It can also be used as a verb in phrases such as "crewing up," which means to gather a group of people for a specific task or job.

10. Similar phrases include "staffing up" and "assembling a team."

11. For example: "We need to crew up quickly if we want to finish this project on time."

12. In nautical terms, the phrase "all hands on deck" is often used when referring to all members of the crew being needed for an important task or emergency situation.

13. This phrase can also be used figuratively in everyday situations when everyone's help is needed.

14. For example: "We have a big event coming up and we need all hands on deck to make it a success."

15. Finally, another common phrase associated with crews is "crew cut," which refers to a short haircut typically worn by military personnel or athletes.

16. This term has also been adopted by the fashion industry and can refer to any short hairstyle with closely cropped sides and back.

17. For example: "I'm thinking of getting a crew cut for the summer to beat the heat."

Synonyms for crews with examples

1. Team

- Definition: a group of people who work together to achieve a common goal

- Example: The film crew worked tirelessly to finish the movie on time.

2. Staff

- Definition: a group of employees who work for an organization or business

- Example: The flight crew consisted of a pilot, co-pilot, and flight attendants.

3. Squad

- Definition: a small group of people working together as a unit, often in a military or sports context

- Example: The rescue squad quickly responded to the emergency call.

4. Gang

- Definition: a group of people who associate closely and often engage in criminal activities together

- Example: The street gang was responsible for multiple burglaries in the neighborhood.

5. Band

- Definition: a group of musicians playing together, often with a specific leader or genre

- Example: The jazz band performed at the local music festival.

6. Crewmates

- Definition: individuals who work together as part of a team, especially on board a ship or aircraft

- Example: The crewmates on the cruise ship were responsible for maintaining the ship's operations.

7. Teammates

- Definition: members of the same team, especially in sports

- Example: The basketball teammates worked together to win the championship game.

8. Associates

- Definition: colleagues or partners working together on a project or task

- Example: The associates at the law firm collaborated on an important case.

9. Collaborators

- Definition: individuals who work jointly with others to achieve a common goal

- Example: The artists were collaborators on the mural project in the city center.

10. Co-workers

- Definition: colleagues who work together in the same organization or company

- Example: The co-workers at the advertising agency had different roles but worked towards the same campaign goals
