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lean back是什么意思

你是否曾经听说过“lean back”这个词汇?它的发音是怎样的呢?或许你会想到一位悠闲地靠在椅子上的人,但是它真正的含义又是什么呢?在本文中,我们将带你一起探究“lean back”的意

你是否曾经听说过“lean back”这个词汇?它的发音是怎样的呢?或许你会想到一位悠闲地靠在椅子上的人,但是它真正的含义又是什么呢?在本文中,我们将带你一起探究“lean back”的意思,并且了解它在日常生活中的用法和例句。此外,还会介绍一些相关短语和同义词示例,让你对这个词汇有更深入的了解。现在就让我们一起来揭开“lean back”的神秘面纱吧!

lean back是什么意思

"lean back"的发音

首先,让我们来解释一下“lean back”的意思。这个短语通常被用来形容一个人坐在椅子上时,身体向后倾斜的姿势。它也可以表示放松或者不紧张的状态。现在,让我们来看看如何正确地发音这个短语。

1. “lean”发音为[liːn],注意重音在第一个音节上。

2. “back”发音为[bæk],重点是气息从喉部出来的时候要把舌头放平。

3. 把两个音连起来发音时,要注意把“n”和“b”连读,即[nb]的发音。

如果你仍然感到困惑,可以想象自己坐在一把舒适的椅子上,身体向后倾斜,轻松地说出“lean back”。这样就能更容易地掌握正确的发音啦!

现在你已经学会了如何正确发音“lean back”,快去和朋友们分享吧!记住,在学习新词汇和短语时保持轻松愉快的心态是非常重要的。希望你能享受学习英语的过程!

"lean back"是什么意思

1. "Lean back"一词的含义

"Lean back"是一个英语短语,指的是身体向后倾斜或靠在椅子上放松。它可以用来形容一个人坐在椅子上,背部贴着椅子靠背,放松身体。这个短语也可以用来比喻某人放松、不紧张或不积极地参与某件事情。

2. "Lean back"的发音和用法

"Lean back"的发音为/lin bæk/,其中第一个单词"lean"发音为/lin/,意为“倾斜”,第二个单词"back"发音为/bæk/,意为“背部”。这个短语通常作为动词短语使用,可以用来描述某人的姿势或态度。例如:"She leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes."(她靠在椅子上闭上了眼睛。)

3. "Lean back"与其他类似表达的区别

与其他类似表达相比,"lean back"更强调身体向后倾斜、放松的姿势。例如,“sit back”也可以指身体向后倾斜,但它更多地强调坐下来或放松而不是特定的姿势。“Relax”则更多地指心理状态上的放松,而不是身体姿势。

4. "Lean back"的用法示例

a. She leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes.(她靠在椅子上闭上了眼睛。)

b. He leaned back on the couch and watched TV all day.(他靠在沙发上整天看电视。)

c. The teacher asked the students to lean back in their chairs and take a deep breath before the exam.(老师要求学生们在考试前靠在椅子上深呼吸。)

d. After a long day at work, I like to just lean back and relax for a while before starting dinner.(工作了一整天后,我喜欢先靠在椅子上放松一会儿再开始做晚饭。)

5. "Lean back"的相关习语

a. Lean back and relax: 放松、不紧张地参与某件事情。

b. Lean back on one's laurels: 满足于过去的成就,不再努力进步。

c. Lean back on something/someone: 依赖、依靠某物或某人。

d. Lean (too) far back: 向后倾斜得太远,可能会摔倒或失去平衡

"lean back"的用法和例句

1. "lean back"的用法

"lean back"是一个常用的短语,意思是向后倾斜,放松身体。它可以用作及物动词,也可以作为不及物动词使用。通常用于描述一个人坐在椅子上或者靠在墙上时的姿势。

2. 例句

- He leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes, enjoying the warm sunshine on his face.


- She leaned back against the wall, exhausted after a long day at work.


- When the music started, everyone leaned back in their seats and relaxed.


3. 意义延伸

除了字面意思外,“lean back”还可以引申为放松、休息或者退缩的意思。例如:

- After a busy week at work, I just want to lean back and do nothing this weekend.


- Don't be afraid to take risks, sometimes you need to lean back and trust yourself.


4. 反义词

"lean back"的反义词是"lean forward",意思是向前倾斜。它可以用来表示专注、兴奋或者前进的意思。例如:

- She leaned forward in her seat, eager to hear the rest of the story.


- The team is constantly leaning forward, looking for new opportunities to grow.


"lean back"的相关短语

1. "Lean back and relax":意为“靠在后面放松一下”,形容一个人放松地坐在椅子上,享受休息的时刻。

2. "Lean back against":意为“靠在……后面”,形容一个人站立或坐着时,把身体倚靠在某物上。

3. "Lean back in your chair":意为“向后倾斜坐椅子”,形容一个人坐在椅子上时,把身体向后倾斜,享受舒适的姿势。

4. "Lean back and take a deep breath":意为“向后仰头深呼吸”,形容一个人感到压力或紧张时,通过深呼吸来放松身心。

5. "Lean back and enjoy the ride":意为“放松享受旅程”,形容一个人乘坐交通工具或参加活动时,放下心情,尽情享受旅程或活动带来的乐趣。

6. "Lean back in the saddle":意为“向后仰头骑马”,形容骑马时,把身体向后仰头,保持平衡和稳定的姿势。

7. "Lean back and let someone else take control":意为“放松让别人掌控局面”,形容一个人不再担负责任,让其他人来掌控局面。

8. "Lean back against the wall":意为“靠在墙上”,形容一个人站立时,把身体靠在墙上,保持平衡或休息。

9. "Lean back and take it easy":意为“放松轻松一下”,形容一个人感到疲惫或压力时,通过放松来缓解身心的疲惫。

10. "Lean back and enjoy the view":意为“向后仰头欣赏景色”,形容一个人站在高处或坐在舒适的位置时,向后仰头欣赏周围的美景

"lean back"的同义词示例

1. Relax: "Lean back" can be used as a synonym for "relax." It suggests a state of being at ease and taking a break from any physical or mental effort. For example, after a long day at work, I like to just lean back on my couch and watch TV.

2. Recline: Another word that can be used interchangeably with "lean back" is "recline." It means to lie or lean back in a comfortable position. This word is often associated with sitting in a chair or on a couch, as in "She reclined on the sofa and read her book."

3. Unwind: To "unwind" means to relax and let go of stress or tension. It can also be used as a synonym for "lean back," as in "I like to unwind by leaning back in my favorite chair and listening to music."

4. Lounge: When you are lounging, you are sitting or lying in a relaxed position. This word can also be used as an alternative for "lean back," especially when referring to sitting on a comfortable piece of furniture, such as a couch or recliner.

5. Take it easy: This phrase means to relax and not exert too much effort. It can also be used as another way of saying "lean back" when someone is telling you to calm down or take a break.

6. Chill out: Similar to "take it easy," this phrase is often used when someone wants you to relax and not worry about anything. For example, if you're feeling stressed out, your friend might say, "Just chill out and lean back for a bit."

7. Rest: To rest means to take time off from any physical activity or work. It can also be used as an alternative for "lean back," especially when talking about taking a break from standing or walking.

8. Decompress: This word means to relax and release any built-up pressure or tension. It can also be used as a synonym for "lean back," as in "I like to decompress by leaning back and closing my eyes for a few minutes."

9. Loosen up: When you loosen up, you become more relaxed and less tense. This phrase can also be used as another way of saying "lean back" when someone wants you to relax and take it easy.

10. Take a breather: This phrase means to take a short break from whatever you are doing. It can also be used as an alternative for "lean back," especially when someone wants you to pause and rest for a moment.

In conclusion, "lean back" has various synonyms that convey the idea of relaxing, taking a break, or being at ease. These words can be used interchangeably depending on the context and tone of the conversation

“lean back”是一个常用的英语短语,它的意思是放松或者靠在某物上。它可以用于日常生活中,也可以用于各种场景和语境中。希望通过本文的介绍,读者们能够更加准确地理解和使用这一短语。如果你喜欢本文的内容,请关注我,我将会为大家带来更多有趣、实用的英语知识。最后,祝愿大家在学习英语的道路上能够取得更好的成绩!我是网站编辑,感谢大家的阅读和支持!