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1. 同义词:tilt, incline, rely on


例句:She leaned against the wall, exhausted from the long hike. (她倚靠在墙上,因为长途徒步而筋疲力尽。)

2. 同义词:skinny, slim, thin

例句:He is very lean and muscular from all the exercise he does. (他因为经常锻炼而非常瘦且肌肉发达。)

3. 同义词:efficient, streamlined, productive

例句:Our company has implemented lean production methods to increase efficiency and reduce waste. (我们公司采用精益生产方法来提高效率和减少浪费。)


1. “lean”是一个英语单词,读作 [liːn],发音类似于“林”(lin)中的“i”发长音。

2. 它的基本意思是“倾斜”的意思,可以用来形容物体或者人的姿势。

3. 同义词包括:tilt、slant、incline等。

4. 例如:“He leaned against the wall.”(他靠在墙上)

5. 在商业领域,lean也有另外一种含义,即“精益生产”,指的是一种管理方法论,旨在通过消除浪费来提高生产效率和质量。

6. 在这种情况下,“lean”可以作为名词使用,读作 [liːn] 或者 [lɛn]。

7. 例如:“Our company has adopted lean production methods to improve efficiency.”(我们公司采用了精益生产方法来提高效率)

8. 同样地,“lean”也可以作为动词使用,读作 [liːn] 或者 [lɛn]。

9. 例如:“We need to lean our processes to eliminate unnecessary steps.”(我们需要优化流程,消除不必要的步骤)

10. 总的来说,“lean”这个单词有多种含义和用法,具体取决于上下文。但它最常见的意思是“倾斜”,并且发音为 [liːn]


1. Lean的含义:Lean一词可以作为动词,形容词或名词使用。作为动词时,它的意思是“倾斜”、“靠在”、或“依赖于”。作为形容词时,它可以表示“瘦的”、“精瘦的”、“无脂肪的”,也可以用来形容某个物体或人体部位缺乏脂肪。作为名词时,Lean可以指某种健康饮食法,也可以指某种生产管理方法。

2. Lean的发音:Lean读作/liːn/,与英文单词“mean”的发音相似。

3. Lean的同义词:在不同语境下,Lean有着不同的近义词。例如,在健康饮食领域中,Lean的同义词包括healthy、low-fat、clean等;而在生产管理领域中,其同义词可能是efficient、productive、streamlined等。

4. 双语例句:

- He leaned against the wall, trying to catch his breath after running for so long.


- She has a lean figure, thanks to her strict diet and regular exercise.


- Our company has implemented the Lean production method, which has greatly improved our efficiency.



1. Slim down - 减肥

例句:She started to eat healthier and exercise regularly in order to slim down.

2. Cut back - 缩减

例句:The company had to cut back on expenses in order to survive the economic downturn.

3. Streamline - 精简

例句:The new software was designed to streamline the process and make it more efficient.

4. Trim - 瘦身

例句:He has been hitting the gym regularly in order to trim down and get in shape.

5. Pare down - 削减

例句:The government is trying to pare down its spending in order to reduce the budget deficit.

6. Scale back - 缩小规模

例句:Due to low demand, the company had to scale back production and lay off some employees.

7. Whittle away - 逐渐减少

例句:His savings were slowly whittled away by his extravagant lifestyle.

8. Shrink - 收缩

例句:The company's profits continued to shrink due to increased competition in the market.

9. Slenderize - 让更苗条

例句:She wanted a dress that would slenderize her figure and make her look more elegant.

10. Minimize - 最小化

例句:In order to minimize costs, we need to find more affordable suppliers for our materials


1. Slim - 瘦弱的

例句:She has a slim figure, she must have been eating lean meals.

2. Thin - 瘦削的

例句:The dog's ribs were visible through its thin coat, indicating that it was not well-fed.

3. Skinny - 骨瘦如柴的

例句:He used to be a skinny kid, but now he has gained some muscle mass from working out.

4. Slender - 苗条的

例句:The model had a slender frame that made her look taller than she actually was.

5. Sleek - 苗条而有光泽的

例句:The sleek race car was designed to be aerodynamic and fast on the track.

6. Trim - 苗条的,修剪整齐的

例句:She kept herself trim by going to the gym regularly and watching what she ate.

7. Svelte - 高挑苗条的

例句:The actress has a svelte figure that is often praised by the media.

8. Lithe - 轻盈柔软的

例句:The dancer's lithe movements were mesmerizing to watch on stage.

9. Lanky - 瘦长而笨拙的

例句:He was always self-conscious about his lanky frame and tried to avoid sports that required physical strength.

10. Gaunt - 憔悴消瘦的

例句:After months of illness, she looked gaunt and weak when she finally recovered.

11. Emaciated - 消瘦至极的

例句:The famine victims were emaciated and in desperate need of food and medical attention.

12. Bony - 骨瘦如柴的

例句:The old man's bony hands shook as he tried to hold the cup of tea.

13. Spare - 纤细的,精瘦的

例句:She had a spare frame that made her look delicate and fragile.

14. Scrawny - 皮包骨头的

例句:The stray dog was scrawny and weak, but it was still wagging its tail happily.

15. Slouchy - 懒散的,不挺直的

例句:He always wore slouchy clothes that made him look even skinnier than he actually was.

16. Angular - 尖锐而消瘦的

例句:Her angular features and sharp cheekbones gave her a striking appearance.

17. Spare tire - 肚腩

例句:He used to have a lean body, but now he has developed a spare tire from his sedentary lifestyle.

18. Lean cuisine - 低卡路里餐

例句:She has been trying to lose weight, so she switched to eating lean cuisine meals for lunch.

19. Lean meat - 瘦肉

例句:In order to maintain a lean physique, bodybuilders often consume a lot of lean meat for protein.

20. Lean and mean - 苗条而有力量的,精干利落的

例句:The new CEO is known for his lean and mean management style, which has helped the company become more efficient
