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1. "misery"的拼写



2. "misery"的发音


3. 重读规则


4. 元音变化规则


5. "misery"与其他类似单词的比较


6. "misery"在句子中的用法

作为一个名词,"misery"通常用来指代极度痛苦、悲惨或不幸的状态。例如:"The refugees are living in misery."(难民们生活在痛苦中。)此外,它也可以用来形容某种令人厌烦或令人沮丧的事情。例如:"I hate my job, it's just pure misery."(我讨厌我的工作,简直就是一种纯粹的痛苦。)

7. "misery"在文学作品中的使用

在文学作品中,"misery"经常被用来表达主人公所遭遇到的极端困境和悲惨命运。例如,在查尔斯·狄更斯(Charles Dickens)的小说《雾都孤儿》(Oliver Twist)中,主角奥利弗(Oliver)经历了许多苦难和不幸,被迫生活在贫民窟中


1. "misery"的定义


2. "misery"的起源


3. "misery"与其他相关单词的区别


4. "misery"在文学作品中的应用


5. "misery"在日常用语中的使用

除了文学作品,"misery"也是我们日常生活中经常使用的词汇。例如,“I'm in misery.”(我很痛苦。)或者“Don't make me suffer in misery.”(不要让我受苦受难。)

6. 其他含有"misery"的短语

除了单独使用之外,"misery"还可以和其他词组合成一些常用短语,例如:“in misery”(处于痛苦状态)、“share the misery”(共同承担痛苦)、“a life of misery”(艰难的生活)等等。



1. "misery"的基本含义


2. "misery"的同义词

- agony:极度痛苦,比"misery"更强烈的表达。

- distress:悲伤和焦虑,通常指因为某种困难而感到不安。

- sorrow:悲伤和忧伤,特别是因为某种损失或遭遇而感到难过。

3. "misery"的用法

- in misery:处于极度痛苦或不幸的状态。

例句:She lived alone and died in misery, with no one to take care of her.


- bring misery to someone:给某人带来痛苦。

例句:His addiction to drugs brought misery to his family and friends.


4. 幽默例句

- My boss is a walking misery, always complaining about everything.


- I can't stand being around my aunt, she's a real misery-guts.


5. 反问式例句

- Do you want to live a life of misery?


- Are you going to let this one mistake bring you a lifetime of misery?



1. 苦难 (misery)

- 英文解释:a state or feeling of great physical or mental suffering.

- 同义词:suffering, pain, agony, distress, torment, hardship, adversity

- 例句:The people living in poverty are facing great misery every day.

2. 痛苦 (pain)

- 英文解释:physical suffering or discomfort caused by illness or injury.

- 同义词:ache, soreness, discomfort, agony

- 例句:Her face contorted in pain as she tried to stand up.

3. 悲惨 (wretchedness)

- 英文解释:a state of being characterized by extreme misery or unhappiness.

- 同义词:misfortune, adversity, sorrow

- 例句:The wretchedness of her life was evident in her tired eyes and hunched posture.

4. 绝望 (despair)

- 英文解释:the complete loss or absence of hope.

- 同义词:hopelessness, desperation, misery

- 例句:After losing everything in the fire, she felt a sense of despair that consumed her.

5. 不幸 (unhappiness)

- 英文解释:a state of being unhappy; feeling sad or discontented.

- 同义词:misfortune, sorrow, despair

- 例句:Despite his wealth and success, he couldn't shake off the feeling of unhappiness that plagued him.

6. 痛楚 (anguish)

- 英文解释:severe mental or physical pain or suffering.

- 同义词:torment, agony, distress

- 例句: She could see the anguish in his eyes as he received the terrible news.

7. 苦恼 (distress)

- 英文解释:extreme anxiety, sorrow, or pain.

- 同义词:suffering, misery, anguish

- 例句: The distress of losing her loved one was too much for her to bear.

8. 悲伤 (sorrow)

- 英文解释:a feeling of deep distress caused by loss, disappointment, or other misfortune suffered by oneself or others.

- 同义词:grief, sadness, heartache

- 例句: The whole community shared in the sorrow of the family who lost their home in the flood.

9. 忧郁 (melancholy)

- 英文解释:a feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause.

- 同义词:depression, gloominess, despondency

- 例句: She couldn't shake off the melancholy that had settled over her since her breakup.

10. 悲哀 (grief)

- 英文解释:deep sorrow, especially caused by someone's death.

- 同义词:mourning, bereavement, heartache

- 例句: The grief of losing a loved one can be overwhelming and all-consuming.

11. 不幸 (misfortune)

- 英文解释:bad luck; an unfortunate condition or event.

- 同义词:adversity, hardship, suffering

- 例句: Despite all the misfortunes she faced in life, she remained strong and resilient.

12. 痛苦的回忆 (painful memories)

- 英文解释:unpleasant recollections that bring back feelings of suffering or distress.

- 同义词:traumatic experiences, distressing recollections

- 例句: She couldn't escape the painful memories of her childhood abuse.

13. 悲伤的过去 (sad past)

- 英文解释:a history or series of events that are marked by sorrow or sadness.

- 同义词:tragic past, sorrowful experiences

- 例句: Despite her sad past, she was determined to create a better future for herself.

14. 绝望的处境 (hopeless situation)

- 英文解释:a situation that seems impossible to improve or escape from.

- 同义词:desperate circumstances, bleak outlook

- 例句: The refugees were stuck in a hopeless situation with no end in sight.

15. 痛苦的抉择 (agonizing decision)

- 英文解释:a difficult choice that causes great mental or emotional suffering.

- 同义词:torturous dilemma, excruciating choice

- 例句: Making the agonizing decision to put her dog to sleep was one of the hardest things she ever had to do.

16. 忧伤的心情 (sorrowful mood)

- 英文解释:a feeling of sadness or grief.

- 同义词:gloomy disposition, mournful state

- 例句: She couldn't shake off the sorrowful mood that had been lingering since her breakup.

17. 痛苦的挣扎 (painful struggle)

- 英文解释:a difficult and distressing effort to achieve something.

- 同义词:agonizing battle, tormenting fight

- 例句: Her journey to recovery was a painful struggle, but she never gave up.

18. 悲惨的命运 (wretched fate)

- 英文解释:a destiny or outcome that is marked by misery and misfortune.

- 同义词:unfortunate circumstances, tragic lot

- 例句: Despite her wretched fate, she refused to give up and fought for a better life.

19. 痛苦的回忆 (painful reminiscence)

- 英文解释:unpleasant memories that bring back feelings of suffering or distress.

- 同义词:agonizing recollections, distressing reflections

- 例句: The painful reminiscences of her abusive childhood still haunted her.

20. 悲伤的经历 (sad experience)

- 英文解释:an event or series of events that are marked by sorrow or sadness.

- 同义词:tragic events, sorrowful occurrences

- 例句: Despite all the sad experiences she had been through, she remained hopeful for a brighter future


1. Suffering - 苦难,痛苦

2. Distress - 苦恼,悲痛

3. Torment - 折磨,痛苦

4. Agony - 极度痛苦,苦恼

5. Despair - 绝望,绝望的境地

6. Anguish - 痛苦,苦恼

7. Misfortune - 不幸,灾难

8. Woe - 悲哀,悲伤

9. Tribulation - 苦难,困苦

10. Affliction - 痛苦,折磨
