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The pronunciation of "misfits"

1. The meaning of "misfits"

Misfits is a noun that refers to a person or group of people who do not fit in with the rest of society due to their unconventional behavior, beliefs or appearance. They are often seen as outsiders or rebels who challenge the norms and values of mainstream society.


2. How to pronounce "misfits"

The word "misfits" is pronounced as /ˈmɪsfɪts/ with the stress on the first syllable. The first syllable "mis" is pronounced with a short "i" sound, similar to the word "miss". The second syllable "fits" is pronounced with a long "i" sound, like in the word "feet".

3. Synonyms for "misfits"

- Outcasts: This word refers to people who have been rejected or excluded by society.

- Nonconformists: This term describes individuals who do not conform to societal norms and expectations.

- Eccentrics: An eccentric person is someone who has unconventional habits or behaviors that may seem strange to others.

- Rebels: A rebel is someone who resists authority and goes against established rules and norms.

4. Examples of using "misfits" in a sentence

- The group of misfits stood out from the crowd with their colorful hair and piercings.

- Despite being labeled as misfits, they found solace in each other's company.

- The misfits' rebellious spirit sparked change within their community.

- She felt like a misfit in her small town, so she moved to the city where she could be herself.

5. Conclusion

In conclusion, misfits are individuals who do not fit into society's expectations and may be seen as outsiders or rebels. The word is pronounced as /ˈmɪsfɪts/ and has synonyms such as outcasts, nonconformists, eccentrics, and rebels. It is often used to describe people who challenge societal norms and values

Is "misfits" an idiom?

1. Introduction to Idioms

Idioms are expressions or phrases that have a figurative meaning different from its literal meaning. They are commonly used in everyday language and are unique to a specific language or culture. Idioms add color and depth to the language, making it more interesting and expressive.

2. Definition of "misfits"

The word "misfits" is not considered an idiom in the traditional sense, as it does not have a figurative meaning that is different from its literal meaning. The term "misfit" refers to someone who does not fit in with a particular group or society due to their unconventional behavior, beliefs, or appearance.

3. Pronunciation of "misfits"

The word "misfits" is pronounced as /ˈmɪsfɪts/ with the stress on the first syllable. The letter "s" at the end is pronounced as /z/ in American English and /s/ in British English.

4. Synonyms for "misfits"

Some synonyms for "misfits" include outcasts, oddballs, nonconformists, rebels, and miscreants. These words also describe individuals who do not conform to societal norms.

5. Examples of Usage

- The new student was seen as a misfit by his classmates because of his unique style and interests.

- The company's strict dress code made John feel like a misfit among his colleagues who preferred more casual attire.

- The group of artists were considered misfits by society due to their unconventional lifestyle and beliefs.

6. Conclusion

In conclusion, while the word "misfits" is not an idiom per se, it is often used to describe individuals who do not fit into societal norms or expectations. Its usage may vary depending on context and can be seen as both positive or negative depending on one's perspective

Usage and examples of "misfits"

1. "Misfits"的含义


2. 如何发音"misfits"


3. "Misfits"的同义词


4. "Misfits"的例句

- She always felt like a misfit in her conservative family.


- The group of misfits formed their own community where they could be themselves.


- The misfit artist refused to conform to society's expectations and created his own unique style.


Antonyms and synonyms of "misfits"

1. Antonyms of "misfits"

- Conformists: people who fit in and follow societal norms and expectations.

Example: She was tired of being labeled as a misfit, so she decided to conform and dress like everyone else.

- Fitting: suitable or appropriate for a particular situation or purpose.

Example: The new employee was a perfect fit for the company culture, unlike the misfits who had been hired before.

- Adjusted: able to adapt and conform to a new environment or situation.

Example: After years of feeling like a misfit in her hometown, she finally found a place where she felt adjusted and accepted.

2. Synonyms of "misfits"

- Outcasts: people who are rejected or excluded from society due to their differences.

Example: The group of misfits formed their own community, away from the judgmental eyes of society.

- Nonconformists: individuals who do not conform to societal norms and values.

Example: The misfits were proud nonconformists, refusing to change themselves just to fit in with others.

- Eccentrics: unconventional and peculiar individuals who stand out from the crowd.

Example: The town's local artist was known as an eccentric misfit, but his unique perspective brought life to his paintings.

3. Example sentences with "misfits"

- She always felt like a misfit in her family, as she was the only one with different interests and beliefs.

- The school's drama club welcomed all the misfits who didn't fit into any other social group.

- Despite being labeled as a misfit by her classmates, she embraced her uniqueness and stood up for what she believed in.

In conclusion, "misfits" refers to individuals who do not fit into mainstream society due to their differences. Antonyms for this term include conformists, fitting individuals, and those who have adjusted to societal expectations. Synonyms include outcasts, nonconformists, and eccentrics. These individuals may face challenges in fitting in, but they often bring a unique perspective and add diversity to society

Explanation of "misfits"

1. What does "misfits" mean?

2. How to pronounce "misfits"?

3. Synonyms of "misfits"

4. Examples of "misfits"

1. What does "misfits" mean?

"Misfits" is a noun that refers to a person or a group of people who do not fit in with the norm or the expectations of society. They are often considered different or strange, and may feel like they don't belong in their environment.

2. How to pronounce "misfits"?

The word "misfits" is pronounced as /mɪsˈfɪts/. The stress is on the first syllable, and the second syllable is pronounced with a short vowel sound.

3. Synonyms of "misfits"

Some synonyms for "misfits" include outsiders, outcasts, oddballs, nonconformists, and miscreants. These words all carry a similar meaning of someone who doesn't fit in with society's expectations.

4. Examples of "misfits"

- The misfit students in the school were often bullied by their peers for being different.

- The group of misfits found solace in each other's company as they all shared similar experiences.

- Despite being labeled as misfits, they were actually quite successful in their own unique ways.

- The misfit toys in the classic Christmas movie, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, eventually find acceptance and love from Santa Claus.

- The band Misfits gained popularity for their punk rock music and rebellious attitude towards societal norms.

In conclusion, "misfits" refers to individuals who do not conform to society's expectations and may feel like outcasts. It can also be used to describe a group of people who share this common trait. With its unique pronunciation and various synonyms, this word captures the essence of being different and standing out from the crowd
