1. 猴子的意思
2. 怎么读monkey
3. monkey同义词
4. monkey例句
- The monkey is swinging from branch to branch in the zoo.
- My little brother is such a monkey, he never sits still.
- Don't be a silly monkey, you know that's not allowed.
1. Monkey的意思是什么?
2. Monkey怎么读?
Monkey的发音为 /ˈmʌŋki/,其中“o”发音为/ʌ/,而“ey”发音为/i/。重音在第一个音节上。
3. Monkey的同义词有哪些?
Monkey的同义词包括:ape, primate, simian。
4. Monkey的例句有哪些?
- The zoo has a new exhibit featuring monkeys from different parts of the world.
- Stop monkeying around and focus on your studies.
- He's always monkeying with his phone, even during important meetings.
5. 如何正确发音monkey?
- “o”和“ey”的发音要清晰准确。
- 重音在第一个音节上。
- 注意不要把“o”读成长音,也不要把“ey”读成短音。
- 在发音时,嘴唇要稍微向前突出,舌头放松自然。
6. 如何练习发音monkey?
- 可以通过听力练习来熟悉正确的发音。可以找一些英语学习网站或者视频,听母语为英语的人朗读这个单词,跟着模仿。
- 也可以通过录制自己的发音来进行比对。先听一遍正确的发音,再录制自己的发音,最后比较两者是否相似。
- 可以和朋友一起练习,互相纠正发音错误
1. What does monkey mean?
- Monkey is a noun that refers to a small to medium-sized primate with a long tail and agile hands, found in tropical regions.
- In slang, monkey can also refer to a mischievous or playful person.
2. How do you pronounce monkey?
- The word "monkey" is pronounced as "muhn-kee".
3. Synonyms for monkey
- Some synonyms for monkey include ape, primate, chimp, and simian.
4. Examples of using monkey in a sentence
- I saw a group of monkeys swinging from tree to tree in the jungle.
- My little brother is such a monkey, always getting into trouble.
- The scientist studied the behavior of monkeys in their natural habitat.
- Don't be such a cheeky little monkey!
- The zoo has a new exhibit featuring different species of monkeys
1. Monkey around - to play and act silly or foolishly.
Example: The children love to monkey around in the playground.
2. Monkey business - dishonest or mischievous behavior.
Example: I don't trust him, he's always up to some monkey business.
3. Make a monkey out of someone - to make someone look foolish or ridiculous.
Example: The pranksters made a monkey out of the new teacher on their first day.
4. Go bananas - to become extremely angry or excited.
Example: The fans went bananas when their team scored the winning goal.
5. Monkey see, monkey do - imitating others without understanding why.
Example: Children often learn by monkey see, monkey do.
6. Barrel of monkeys - a lot of fun and laughter.
Example: The party was a barrel of monkeys thanks to the lively music and games.
7. Like a monkey on one's back - an addiction or burden that is difficult to get rid of.
Example: His gambling habit has become like a monkey on his back, he just can't stop.
8. Brass monkey weather - extremely cold weather.
Example: It's so cold outside, it must be brass monkey weather!
9. Throw a spanner in the works/monkey wrench in the gears - to cause problems or disrupt plans.
Example: His sudden absence threw a spanner in the works for our project deadline.
10. More fun than a barrel of monkeys - extremely enjoyable and entertaining.
Example: Going on vacation with my friends was more fun than a barrel of monkeys!
1. Primate
- Definition: a mammal of the order Primates, including monkeys, apes, and humans.
- Example: The primate exhibit at the zoo featured a wide variety of monkeys.
2. Simian
- Definition: relating to or resembling an ape or monkey.
- Example: The scientist studied the simian behavior of the monkeys in their natural habitat.
3. Ape
- Definition: a large primate that lacks a tail, including gorillas, chimpanzees, orangutans, and gibbons.
- Example: The zookeeper carefully observed the ape's movements as it swung from branch to branch.
4. Prankster
- Definition: someone who plays tricks or practical jokes.
- Example: The monkey in the circus was known for being a prankster and often caused mischief during performances.
5. Mischievous
- Definition: causing trouble in a playful way.
- Example: The mischievous monkey stole a banana from the vendor's cart and ran away with it.
6. Rascal
- Definition: a mischievous or cheeky person.
- Example: The little boy laughed as he watched the rascal monkey steal food from unsuspecting tourists at the park.
7. Impish
- Definition: inclined to do slightly naughty things for fun; mischievous.
- Example: The impish monkey delighted visitors at the zoo with its playful antics.
8. Curious
- Definition: eager to know or learn something.
- Example: The curious monkey explored every corner of its enclosure, always looking for new things to discover.
9. Inquisitive
- Definition: curious or inquiring.
- Example: The inquisitive monkey watched intently as the zookeeper fed its fellow primates.
10. Playful
enjoying games and having fun; full of energy and enthusiasm.
The playful monkeys entertained visitors by swinging from ropes and chasing each other around their habitat.
11. Cheeky
- Definition: impudent or disrespectful, typically in an amusing way.
- Example: The cheeky monkey stuck its tongue out at the zookeeper when he tried to take away its toy.
12. Wily
- Definition: skilled at gaining an advantage, especially deceitfully.
- Example: The wily monkey managed to escape from its enclosure by using tools to pick the lock.
13. Agile
- Definition: able to move quickly and easily.
- Example: The agile monkey leaped from tree to tree with ease, showing off its impressive acrobatic skills.
14. Clever
- Definition: quick to understand or learn; mentally sharp.
- Example: The clever monkey was able to solve puzzles and complete tasks given by researchers in exchange for treats.
15. Resourceful
- Definition: having the ability to find quick and clever ways to overcome difficulties.
- Example: The resourceful monkey used a stick as a tool to reach food that was out of its grasp.
16. Intelligent
- Definition: having or showing intelligence, especially of a high level.
- Example: The intelligent monkeys were able to communicate with each other using a complex system of vocalizations and gestures.
17. Astute
- Definition: having or showing an ability to accurately assess situations or people and turn this to one's advantage.
- Example: The astute monkey observed the tourists at the zoo and knew exactly which ones were carrying food.
18. Shrewd
- Definition: having sharp powers of judgment; astute.
- Example: The shrewd monkey was able to outsmart its fellow primates during playtime, always coming out on top.
19. Cunning
having or showing skill in achieving one's ends by deceit or evasion.
The cunning monkey tricked the other animals in the jungle to get the best fruits for itself.
20. Crafty
- Definition: clever at achieving one's aims by indirect or deceitful methods.
- Example: The crafty monkey used its intelligence and agility to escape from traps set by hunters in the forest
monkey是指猴子这一类动物。发音为/'mʌŋki/。它可以用于形容人的行为或特征,比如naughty monkey(顽皮的孩子)和cheeky monkey(调皮的人)。此外,还有一些与monkey相关的常用短语,比如make a monkey out of someone(嘲笑某人)和monkey business(胡闹)。如果你想要替换掉重复使用的单词,可以尝试使用以下同义词:ape、primate、chimpanzee等。例如:The zoo is home to various primates, including monkeys and apes. 最后,我是网站编辑小明,希望我的文章能够帮助你更好地了解monkey,并且让你在学习英语的过程中更加轻松愉快。如果你喜欢我的文章,请关注我获取更多英语学习资料。谢谢阅读!