1. 拼音:mò tài wéi shén me yì si
2. “motivate”一词来自拉丁语“motivus”,意为“动力、激励”。在英语中,它的发音为[məʊtɪveɪt],重读在第二个音节上。
3. 在汉语中,它的拼音为“mò tài wéi”,其中,“mò”读作[mò],意为“动力、推动”;“tài”读作[tài],意为“太多、过多”;“wéi”读作[wéi],意为“为了、以及”。最后,“shén me yì si”的拼音为[shén me yì si],直译即为“什么意思”。
4. 综上所述,“motivate”的拼音可以理解为汉语中的“激励、推动的意思”。它常用来表示激发某人的内在动力或增强某人的积极性。例如:“His words really motivated me to work harder.”(他的话真的激励我更加努力工作。)
5. 此外,“motivate”的名词形式是“motivation”,也可以表示激励或推动的含义。例如:“She has a strong motivation to succeed.”(她有强烈的成功欲望。)
6. 在商业领域,“motivate”也常用来指激发员工的工作动力,提高团队的工作效率。例如:“The company has introduced a new incentive program to motivate its employees.”(公司推出了一个新的激励计划,以激励员工。)
7. 总的来说,“motivate”的拼音部分可以简单理解为“激励、推动”的意思,在不同语境中有着广泛的应用。它是一个非常常用且重要的单词,对于学习英语和理解英语文化都有着重要意义
1. 意思解释:motivate是一个动词,意为“激励、促使、鼓舞”。它的名词形式是motivation,意为“动机、动力、激励”。
2. 发音指南:motivate的发音为[moh-tuh-veyt]。重音在第二个音节上,读起来比较顺口。
3. 用法示例:你可以用motivate来表达对某人的鼓励或激励,比如说:“我相信你有能力完成这项任务,我会尽力motivate你的。”或者“我的老师总是能够很好地motivate我学习英语。”
4. 源自拉丁语:这个词源自拉丁语的mōtīvus,意为“引导、激发”。它也可以追溯到拉丁语的mōtus,意为“动作、运动”。
5. 与其他单词的关联:与motivate相关联的单词还有motive(动机)、emotion(情绪)、motion(运动)等。它们都源自相同的拉丁语词根。
6. 幽默一下:如果你想要在英文中使用一个更加幽默风趣的同义词来代替motivate,那么你可以使用“pump up”这个短语。比如说:“我需要一些好的音乐来pump up我,让我更有动力完成这项任务!”
1. 词性解释:动词
2. 词源:来自拉丁语motivus,意为“激励、运动的”。
3. 意思解释:指通过外部或内部因素来激发人们的行动、思想或情感,使其产生积极的动力和目标。
4. 例句:The coach's speech really motivated the team to work harder and win the game.
5. 幽默元素:如果你还在犹豫要不要去健身房,那就让我来motivate你吧!(如果你还在犹豫要不要去健身房,那就让我来激励你吧!)
1. 概念解释
2. 用法示例
- Motivate sb. to do sth.
She always motivates her students to work hard and achieve their goals.(她总是激励学生们努力学习,实现自己的目标。)
- Be motivated by sth.
He was motivated by the desire to prove himself to his parents.(他受到了向父母证明自己的欲望的激励。)
- Be motivated to do sth.
She was motivated to start her own business after seeing the success of her friends.(她看到朋友们取得成功后,被激励去创业。)
3. 相关词汇
- Motivation:名词形式,意为“动机、积极性、动力”。例如:
The promise of a promotion was his motivation to work harder.(晋升的承诺是他更加努力工作的动机。)
- Motivational:形容词形式,意为“激励的、鼓舞人心的”。例如:
The speaker gave a motivational speech to inspire the audience.(演讲者发表了一场激励性的演讲,来激励听众。)
4. 注意事项
- Motivate通常用于人或者人类活动,而不用于物体。
- 它强调的是通过外部因素来影响某人,而不是内在因素。
- 使用时需要注意语境,确保表达清楚所要激励的对象和目
1. "Motivate" means to inspire or encourage someone to do something.
2. Some common phrases using "motivate" are:
- "He always knows how to motivate his team to achieve their goals."
- "I need some motivation to finish this project."
- "Her passion for the cause motivated others to join the movement."
3. Other examples of using "motivate" in a sentence are:
- "What motivates you to wake up every morning?"
- "The coach's motivational speech before the game pumped up the players."
- "A little motivation can go a long way in reaching your dreams."
4. Some synonyms for "motivate" include: inspire, encourage, drive, spur, and energize.
5. On the other hand, some antonyms for "motivate" are: discourage, demotivate, hinder, and deter.
6. A popular quote related to motivation is: "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts." - Winston Churchill
1. 同义词:inspire,encourage,stimulate,energize
- 例子:His speech really inspired me to work harder.
- 例子:She encouraged me to chase my dreams.
- 例子:The competition stimulated me to improve my skills.
- 例子:The music energized the crowd.
2. 反义词:demotivate,discourage,deter,dishearten
- 例子:His negative comments demotivated me from pursuing my goals.
- 例子:Her lack of support discouraged me from taking risks.
- 例子:The challenges ahead deterred me from trying again.
- 例子:The constant failures disheartened me and made me want to give up