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1. moulded的发音是/məʊldɪd/,读作“mould-id”。

2. 该单词的发音中,“mould”一词的读音为/məʊld/,读作“mould”,其中字母“o”的发音为长母音,类似于英语单词“go”中的发音。


3. 字母“e”的发音为短母音,类似于英语单词“bed”中的发音。

4. 重点注意字母“l”的发音,它在英语中有两种不同的发音方式。在这个单词中,字母“l”的发音为清腭塞擦音/l/,类似于英语单词“love”中的发音。

5. 最后一个字母“d”的发音为浊辅音/d/,类似于英语单词“dog”中的发音。

6. 总结来说,“moulded”的正确发音就是将每个字母的读法拼接起来,即/məʊldɪd/。

7. “moulded”一词是动词“mould”的过去分词形式,在英语中有多种含义。它可以表示被塑造、被制作、被形成等意思。例如:“The clay was moulded into a beautiful vase.”(这块黏土被塑造成了一只漂亮的花瓶。)

8. 除了动词的过去分词形式外, “moulded”也可以作为形容词,表示“被塑造的、成型的、深受影响的”等意思。例如:“Her personality was moulded by her strict upbringing.”(她的性格受到了严格的教养的影响。)

9. “moulded”的同义词包括shaped、formed、sculpted等,都是指通过塑造或制作来产生某种形状或特征。

10. 该单词常用于描述物体或概念被塑造或形成的过程,因此在科技领域也有广泛应用。例如:“The new material can be moulded into any shape.”(这种新材料可以被塑造成任何形状。)

11. 在医学领域,“moulded”也可用来描述人体部位被压迫或变形的情况。例如:“His foot was badly moulded after the accident.”(他在事故后脚部严重变形。)

12. 总结一下,“moulded”的发音是/məʊldɪd/,读作“mould-id”,意为“被塑造/制作/形成”的过去分词形式,在英语中有多种含义,并常用于科技和医学领域。希望本小节能帮助您更好地理解和使用这个单词


1. 定义


2. 词性


3. 同义词


4. 例句

a) The pot was moulded into a beautiful shape by the skilled craftsman.


b) His personality was moulded by his strict upbringing.


c) The artist moulded the clay into a lifelike sculpture.



1. 意思:moulded是动词“mould”的过去式和过去分词形式,意为“塑造、塑造成型”。

2. 读音:[ˈməʊldɪd]

3. 同义词:shaped, formed, sculpted

4. 例句:

- The clay was moulded into a beautiful vase by the skilled potter.


- The artist moulded the clay into a lifelike sculpture of a human figure.


- Her childhood experiences have moulded her into a strong and independent woman.



1. Shaped: "Moulded" is a synonym for "shaped," meaning to form or create something into a particular shape or form. For example, the clay was moulded into a vase by the potter's skilled hands.

2. Sculpted: Another synonym for "moulded" is "sculpted," which also refers to shaping or forming something with skill and precision. The artist moulded the clay into a beautiful sculpture that captured the essence of the human form.

3. Fashioned: To fashion something is to create or shape it, making it another suitable synonym for "moulded." The carpenter moulded the wood into a finely crafted table using traditional techniques.

4. Molded: This word can be used interchangeably with "moulded" and has the same meaning of shaping or forming something into a specific shape or form. The chocolate was molded into intricate designs before being packaged and sold.

5. Contoured: When something is contoured, it means that it has been shaped to fit a particular form or outline. The dress was carefully moulded to her body, accentuating her curves in all the right places.

6. Cast: To cast something means to shape it by pouring liquid material into a mold and allowing it to harden and take on its desired form. The metal was cast into various shapes before being assembled into a beautiful piece of jewelry.

7. Carved: This synonym for "moulded" specifically refers to shaping or forming something by cutting away material from a larger piece, often with intricate details and designs. The sculptor carved the marble block into an exquisite statue of an angel.

8. Modeled: To model something means to shape or form it using a particular technique or method, making it another suitable synonym for "moulded." The potter meticulously modelled each piece of pottery on his wheel, creating unique and beautiful designs.

9. Constructed: This word can be used as a synonym for "moulded" when referring to the process of building or creating something, often with careful planning and attention to detail. The architect constructed a model of the building using moulded pieces to showcase its design.

10. Formed: Finally, "formed" is another suitable synonym for "moulded," simply meaning to shape or create something into a particular form or structure. The artist formed the wire into a sculpture that resembled a tree, complete with intricate branches and leaves


1. moulded plastic - 压制塑料

2. moulded glass - 成型玻璃

3. moulded furniture - 塑料家具

4. moulded products - 成型产品

5. injection-moulded - 注塑的

6. blow-moulded - 吹塑的

7. compression-moulded - 压缩成型的

8. thermoformed - 热成型的

9. moulding process - 成型过程

10. moulding machine - 成型机器
