当moulded作为形容词时,其发音为/məʊldɪd/或者/məʊldt/。这取决于它所修饰的名词是否以辅音结尾。如果名词以辅音结尾,则读作/məʊldɪd/;如果名词以元音结尾,则读作/məʊldt/。例如,“a moulded vase”(一个成型的花瓶)中,“vase”以辅音[s]结尾,因此读作“莫尔-d”。而“a moulded dress”(一件成型的连衣裙)中,“dress”以元音[e]结尾,因此读作“莫尔-t”。
1. 精准详细:moulded是一个动词,意为“塑造”、“塑造成形”。它通常用于描述物体的形状或者人的性格、思想等方面被塑造成某种样子。比如,“这个雕像是由大师精心moulded而成的。”、“他的童年经历moulded了他的性格。”
2. 非正式语气:嗨,小伙伴们!你们知道吗,其实“moulded”就是我们平时说的“塑造”的意思。没想到吧?这个单词听起来有点高大上,但其实很简单啦!
3. 结构清晰:
(1) 什么是“moulded”?
(2) 如何使用“moulded”?
(3) “Moulded”的例句。
4. 感情真挚:你是否曾经被别人塑造过?或者你曾经塑造过自己的形象?无论是物体还是人,都会被不同因素所影响,最终被塑造成某种样子。所以,“moulded”这个词也带有一种深刻的情感,它让我们思考自己的成长历程和被塑造的过程。
5. 幽默感:嘿,你知道吗?其实我们每个人都是独一无二的,就像是被大师精心“moulded”出来的艺术品。所以无论外界如何影响我们,我们都要保持自己独特的魅力哦!
1. moulded的含义
2. moulded的用法
a. 形容词:moulded可以作为形容词,表示某物具有特定的形状或被塑造而成。例如:“这个花瓶是由陶土moulded而成的。”
b. 动词:moulded也可以作为动词使用,表示通过加工或处理使某物具有特定的形状。例如:“这件衣服是根据我的身材moulded而成的。”
c. 名词:moulded还可以作为名词,指代经过加工或处理后所得到的形状。例如:“这个模具可以制作出不同尺寸和形状的mouldeds。”
3. 双语例句
a. The plastic parts are moulded to fit perfectly with each other.
b. The clay was moulded into a beautiful vase by the skilled potter.
c. The company offers customised mouldeds for different industries.
1. Moulded into shape: 这个词组指的是将物体塑造成特定的形状。例如:The clay was moulded into the shape of a vase.
2. Moulded plastic: 这个词组指的是塑料制品,通常是通过注塑成型来生产。例如:The company specializes in producing moulded plastic products.
3. Moulded by experience: 这个词组指的是通过经验塑造出来的,表达一个人或事物受到经历影响而变得某种方式。例如:The artist's style was moulded by her experiences traveling around the world.
4. Hand-moulded: 这个词组指的是手工制作的,通常用于描述陶器或雕像等艺术品。例如:Each piece is hand-moulded and unique in its own way.
5. Moulded bread: 这个词组指的是面包被压制成特定形状,通常用于制作三明治。例如:I prefer my sandwiches with moulded bread instead of regular sliced bread.
6. Moulded from clay: 这个词组指的是从黏土中塑造出来的,通常用于描述陶器或雕像等艺术品。例如:The statue was moulded from clay and then fired in a kiln.
7. Custom-moulded: 这个词组指的是定制的,根据特定需求进行塑造。例如:The orthodontist created a custom-moulded retainer for the patient's teeth.
8. Pressure-moulded: 这个词组指的是通过压力塑造出来的,通常用于描述塑料制品。例如:These pressure-moulded parts are stronger and more durable than the ones made by traditional methods.
9. Moulded by society: 这个词组指的是受到社会影响而塑造出来的,表达一个人或事物受到社会环境的影响。例如:Her beliefs and values were moulded by society and its expectations.
10. Moulded chocolate: 这个词组指的是巧克力被塑造成特定形状,通常用于制作装饰性巧克力。例如:The pastry chef used moulded chocolate to create beautiful decorations for the cake
1. Shaped - moulded is often used to describe something that has been shaped or formed into a specific shape. For example, "The clay was moulded into a vase by the potter."
2. Formed - similar to shaped, formed is another synonym for moulded. It can also refer to something that has been given a specific form or structure. For instance, "The plastic was formed into a toy car."
3. Cast - this word can be used as a synonym for moulded when referring to creating an object by pouring liquid material into a mold and allowing it to harden. For example, "The statue was cast in bronze using a mould."
4. Fashioned - this word can also be used to describe something that has been made or created in a specific way, similar to moulded. It can also imply skill and craftsmanship in the creation process. For instance, "The dress was fashioned from silk and lace by the designer."
5. Sculpted - while this word is typically associated with creating art pieces, it can also be used as a synonym for moulded when referring to shaping or forming something with hands or tools. For example, "The cake was sculpted into the shape of a castle for the princess's birthday party."
6. Modeled - similar to sculpting, modeling involves shaping or forming something with hands or tools but can also refer to creating a representation of an object or idea. For instance, "The architect modeled the building out of clay before constructing it in real life."
7. Carved - this word is often used when referring to shaping or forming wood or stone with tools such as knives or chisels, but it can also be used as a synonym for moulded in a broader sense of shaping something into a desired form. For example, "The pumpkin was carved into a spooky jack-o-lantern for Halloween."
8. Constructed - this word can be used as a synonym for moulded when referring to building or creating something, especially with various parts or materials. For instance, "The house was constructed using bricks and cement."
9. Designed - while this word can also refer to the planning or intention behind something, it can also be used as a synonym for moulded when referring to creating something with a specific purpose or function in mind. For example, "The car was designed with aerodynamics in mind for better performance."
10. Crafted - similar to fashioned, this word implies skill and artistry in the creation process and can be used as a synonym for moulded when referring to shaping or forming something with care and attention to detail. For instance, "The necklace was crafted by hand using precious gems and metals."
moulded是一个多义词,它可以表示“塑造、模制”等含义,也可以指“发霉、生长”等意思。无论是在英式英语还是美式英语中,moulded都有着相似的发音。它的用法广泛,常见于各种场合,如塑料制品、建筑材料、艺术作品等。通过阅读双语例句,我们可以更加深入地理解moulded的含义和用法。此外,moulded还有一些常用的词组,如well-moulded(精心雕琢的)、moulded into(塑造成)、moulded from(由...塑造)等。如果想要增加词汇量和提高表达能力,不妨多注意和使用这些词组。最后想对大家说的是,我是网站编辑,在这里与大家分享有趣的单词知识和学习方法是我的乐趣所在。希望本文能够帮助到你,并且如果喜欢我的文章,请关注我获取更多精彩内容吧!