1. 拼音:moulding
2. moulding的意思是什么?
3. moulding怎么读?
4. moulding的同义词有哪些?
5. moulding的例句有哪些?
① The artist was skilled in moulding clay into beautiful sculptures.
② The new machine has greatly improved the efficiency of moulding plastic products.
③ The house is decorated with intricate wood mouldings.
1. 读音:/'məʊldɪŋ/,音标:[moh-ling]
2. moulding的意思是指“模制,塑造”,也可以指“装饰性的线条或形状”。
3. moulding的同义词包括:shaping、forming、casting等。
4. 以下是一些关于moulding的例句:
- The artist used clay to create a moulding of the sculpture.
- The interior designer added decorative mouldings to the ceiling.
- The company specializes in plastic injection moulding.
5. 总结:moulding是一个常用于制造和装饰领域的词汇,它可以指物体被塑造成特定形状或添加装饰性线条。其读音为/'məʊldɪŋ/,可以简单记忆为“摸零”,这样就能更容易地理解和使用该词汇了
1. 模塑,指的是通过模具将材料塑造成特定形状的过程。这种技术广泛应用于塑料制品、陶瓷制品、橡胶制品等行业。
2. 成型,也是指将材料加工成特定形状的过程,但与模塑不同的是,它可以包括多种加工方式,如挤压、冲压、铸造等。
3. 塑造,指的是通过各种手段对物体进行改变和塑造,使其具有特定的形态和性质。除了材料加工领域,这个词也常用于描述人物的成长和发展过程。
4. 同义词:molding, shaping, forming, sculpting
5. 例句:
- The plastic toy was made through moulding.
- The metal parts were shaped using a moulding machine.
- The artist spent hours sculpting the clay into a beautiful sculpture.
- Her experiences have moulded her into a strong and independent woman
1. moulding的意思是什么?
2. moulding的正确读音是什么?
3. moulding的同义词有哪些?
moulding的同义词包括:molding、trim、edging、border、decorative border等。
4. 以下是几个关于moulding的例句:
- The carpenter used a special tool to create the intricate mouldings on the door frame.
- The artist used clay to create a moulding of his hand.
- The room was decorated with elaborate mouldings and intricate patterns on the walls.
- She added a touch of elegance to her dress by sewing a delicate lace moulding along the hemline.
5. 如何正确使用moulding?
Moulding可以用来描述物体被塑造、成型或装饰的过程,也可以用来指代具有装饰性的线条。在句子中,它通常作为名词出现,表示物体的特征或装饰。例如:“The room was adorned with beautiful mouldings on the ceiling.”(房间的天花板上装饰着漂亮的线条。)此外,moulding也可以作为动词使用,表示塑造或改变物体的形状。例如:“The potter moulded the clay into a vase.”(陶工把黏土塑造成一个花瓶。)
1. molding的意思是什么?
- molding的意思是“塑造,形成”,在翻译解释行业中,通常指根据客户需求来定制翻译服务。
2. 如何读molding?
- molding的发音为/məʊldɪŋ/,读作“moh-ling”。
3. molding的同义词有哪些?
- shaping、forming、sculpting、modelling等。
4. 例句1:Our company specializes in the molding of high-quality translations to meet our clients' needs.
- 我们公司专门为客户定制高质量的翻译服务。
5. 例句2:The molding of a successful translation requires attention to detail and a deep understanding of the target language.
- 成功的翻译需要注重细节和对目标语言的深刻理解