1. "Moved"是一个英语单词,通常作为动词使用,意为“移动”,“搬迁”,“感动”等。它也可以作为形容词,意为“感动的”,“受感动的”。
2. 作为动词时,"moved"的基本含义是指物体或人从一个地方移动到另一个地方。比如,“I moved the chair from the living room to the bedroom.”(我把椅子从客厅移到了卧室。)此外,它也可以表示某个物体或人被移动到另一个位置。“The vase was moved to a safer place.”(花瓶被移到了一个更安全的地方。)
3. "Moved"还可以表示搬家或迁居。“We moved to a new city last year.”(我们去年搬到了一个新城市。)此外,它也可以用来指某个机构或公司迁址。“The company has moved to a bigger office.”(公司已经搬到了一间更大的办公室。)
4. 除了表示物理上的移动,"moved"还可以用来描述情感上的变化和影响。“I was deeply moved by his speech.”(他的演讲让我深受感动。)此外,它也可以表示某人被某种情绪所影响。“She was moved to tears by the sad movie.”(她被那部悲伤的电影感动得流下了眼泪。)
5. "Moved"也可以用来表示某人或某物受到外界的影响而改变了状态。“The audience was moved by the singer's performance.”(观众被歌手的表演所感动。)此外,它还可以表示某人受到某种行为或事件的影响而产生了反应。“Her words moved me to action.”(她的话让我有了行动的冲动。)
6. 作为形容词,"moved"意为“感动的”,“受感动的”。它通常用来描述某人因为某件事情而产生强烈的情绪。“I was deeply moved by her kindness.”(她的善良让我深受感动。)此外,它也可以用来表示某人因为看到或听到某件事情而被打动。“The movie was so moving that I couldn't stop crying.”(这部电影太感人了,我忍不住哭了。)
7. "Moved"的同义词包括:transferred, relocated, touched, affected, stirred等。
8. 以下是一些例句:
- She was deeply moved by the beauty of the sunset.
- The family decided to move to a bigger house.
- The statue was moved from the park to the museum.
- His words moved me and I couldn't help but cry.
- We were all moved by her courageous story.
- The company has moved to a new location.
- The audience was moved to tears by the singer's emotional performance.
- She was so moved by the movie that she couldn't stop talking about it for days.
- The charity event really touched her and she decided to donate all her savings.
- The students were deeply moved by the teacher's dedication and hard work
1. 同义词:touched, affected, stirred
例句:The movie was so touching that it moved me to tears.
2. 同义词:relocated, transferred, shifted
例句:We have moved our office to a new location.
3. 同义词:excited, thrilled, elated
例句:I was moved by the news of my promotion.
4. 同义词:changed, altered, modified
例句:His speech moved the audience's perspective on the issue.
5. 同义词:transported, carried, conveyed
例句:The music moved me to a different world
1. moved的含义和发音
- 含义:moved一词可以作为动词或形容词使用,动词时意为“移动”、“感动”、“搬迁”等,形容词时意为“感动的”、“激动的”、“被搬迁的”等。
- 发音:[muːvd],读作/moovd/。
2. moved的同义词及例句
- 同义词:affected, touched, stirred, relocated, transferred
- 例句:
- Her speech really moved me to tears. (她的演讲真的让我感动到落泪。)
- The audience was deeply moved by the singer's performance. (观众被歌手的表演深深感动。)
- The family decided to move to a new city for better job opportunities. (这家人决定搬到一个新城市寻找更好的工作机会。)
- The company has been relocated to a bigger office building. (公司已经被迁移到了一座更大的办公楼。)
3. 如何正确使用moved
- 当作动词使用时,常用于表示对某事物有强烈情感或影响力,例如:“I was deeply moved by her generosity.”(她的慷慨令我深受感动。)
- 当作形容词使用时,常用于描述某人或某事物具有感动他人的特质,例如:“Her moved performance left the audience in awe.”(她感动人心的表演让观众惊叹不已。)
4. moved在双语环境中的用法
- 中文:moved
- 法语:émouvant(e)
- 德语:bewegt
- 西班牙语:conmovido/a
- 日语:感動した (kandoushita)
1. be deeply moved
- 感动至深
- He was deeply moved by the touching story.
2. emotionally moved
- 情绪激动的
- The audience was emotionally moved by the powerful performance.
3. profoundly moved
- 深受感动的
- The speech left a profound impact on the audience, and many were profoundly moved.
4. touched and moved
- 被感动和打动的
- The children's innocence and kindness touched and moved everyone in the room.
5. greatly moved
- 非常感动的
- She was greatly moved by her friend's selfless act of kindness.
6. powerfully moving
- 强烈打动人心的
- The film's message about love and forgiveness was powerfully moving.
7. deeply touched
- 深受触动的
- The charity work deeply touched the hearts of many people and inspired them to do more for those in need.
8. moved to tears
- 感动得落泪
- The emotional reunion between the long-lost siblings moved them to tears.
9. deeply affected
- 深受影响的
- The tragic news of the earthquake deeply affected people all over the world.
10. stirred up emotions
- 引起情绪波动
- The powerful music stirred up emotions and memories in the audience.
1. Touched - 被感动的
例句:The movie's ending was so touching, it left me moved to tears.
2. Stirred - 激动的
例句:Her speech stirred the audience and left them moved by her words.
3. Affected - 受感染的
例句:The charity event affected everyone who attended, leaving them moved to make a difference in the world.
4. Touched by - 受到感动
例句:I was deeply touched by their kindness and generosity.
5. Moved to tears - 感动得流泪
例句:The heartfelt tribute to her late husband moved her to tears.
6. Emotionally affected - 情绪受到影响
例句:His performance in the play was so powerful that it emotionally affected the entire audience.